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Topic: Read-only bak files (Read 8267 times) previous topic - next topic

Read-only bak files

I offer this observation.

I often set my nwc files as read-only (using Windows Explorer).  I do this when I have completed a project, which may involve MS Word, jpg artwork and so on.  This way I can 'freeze' a project, and resist the temptation to start fiddling with a file that really I only meant to open and look at, or re-print.

NWC (great product), doesn't tell you the file you have open is read-only - until that is you try and save it.  After warning you that you are trying to save a read-only file, it will then let you do it.  It removes the read-only attribute!  Then NWC says that the backup file can't be created.  This is because NWC has set the associated .bak file as read-only.  So you need to find your .bak file (I keep mine somewhere handy, fortunately) and set the attribute off again.

I would imagine this is unintended behaviour.  Personally, I like to know the file is read-only while it is open; and to be forced to save changes under a new name (you'll tell me I can always make a rational choice to do this....but then you haven't seen me on a bad day).  This also avoids any funnies with backup files.



Re: Read-only bak files

Reply #2
Rick -

I read the old discussion thread with interest but without enlightenment.  What conclusion did you come to?  And what does your cryptic reply here mean?  Do you mean that nwc should not allow saving to read-only files?  So what then is stopping you from implementing it?

It would certainly seem to bring nwc into line with everyone else.


Re: Read-only bak files

Reply #3
I read the old discussion thread with interest but without enlightenment.  What conclusion did you come to?
I concluded that my input was subject to much misunderstanding :)

And what does your cryptic reply here mean?  Do you mean that nwc should not allow saving to read-only files?
Sorry, I did not intend to be cryptic. NWC should not modify files that have the attribute: Read-only 

So what then is stopping you from implementing it?
NWC's license, lack of the source code, a compiler, time ...
Registered user since 1996

Re: Read-only bak files

Reply #4
Oh, sorry, I assumed were an employee with access to all those things.

I have a rather dubious view of the internal politics of nwc, based on previous cryptic exchanges on this forum!

Your well-informed input to this forum is appreciated.

Re: Read-only bak files

Reply #5
I believe NWC is just a one-man organization with a couple of friends helping the owner Eric with programming on a casual basis.  The rest of us are just users of the program like you. A few of us tend to use the forum often, and others just when they need help.  When we offer suggestions, it's because we all want to be loved we're being neighbourly.