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Topic: Narrow 16th note spacing (Read 12725 times) previous topic - next topic

Narrow 16th note spacing

I sometimes want to narrow successive 16th (or 8th, 32nd) note spacings in order to increase measures that can be put in a system, or just improve the appearance of the staff.
But current NWC doesn't have the function to narrow the note spacing unlike the extension.

This is a way to perform this.
In short, notate four 16th notes in two different staves two by two, give a little offset to one staff avoiding the pileup, and then layer these two.

This is the example of one staff;


And this is another staff.

|Text|Text:"    "|Font:PageSmallText|Pos:-6|Wide:Y|Placement:AtNextNote

Measure 2 is written in ordinary way.
Measure 3 is written in the way told above. A little offset is given by invisible 16th and 32nd rests.
Stem length should be properly adjusted.
In measure 4, the note spacings are slightly streched  by using "Extra note spacing 1".
In this case one more space adjustment is needed. A small diamond is that. An inserted text of
four space characters with "Page Small Text", "Preserve Width".

Layer these two staves.

Re: Narrow 16th note spacing

Reply #1
Your's seems to be a solution to an old problem.-

In the present BETA Version is very much easier,
just to insert a spacer of 0.4 to 0.6 between each pair of notes
which need to be closer together.

Re: Narrow 16th note spacing

Reply #2
Hi Haymo

I didn't know the BETA version.
How can I get it?