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Topic: I need help with Pitch-bends (Read 6111 times) previous topic - next topic

I need help with Pitch-bends

I'm a long-time user of Noteworthy Composer, but one thing that has bothered me (pretty much the only thing, really) is that it cannot do pitch-bends that shift the pitch more than one tone (that I know of).

I recently downloaded Noteworthy Composer 2, with the great hopes that this one problem would be solved, but I still don't see how to do it in only one Multi-Point Controller command.

I wish it allowed me to go up three, four, or even all 12 semitones.  Is there a reason why this program still can't do this?  I want to make a trombone part or a synth part that does a big octave shift, and I don't want to have to circumvent this problem  by unnecessarily using extra channels, adding other commands like volume control, or mask it with layering Multi-point controllers.

I wish it would just have a ranger bigger than the 8192+ and 8192- it provides.

Am I missing something?  Do I just not know where the setting is?

Please help.


Re: I need help with Pitch-bends

Reply #1
You are not missing anything. NWC2 lacks the MPC controller options to extend the pitch bend range.

Some discussion here:

I can extend the pitch bend range with a little utility I wrote that works with MIDI-OX/Yoke but, it is far from finished.
Registered user since 1996

Re: I need help with Pitch-bends

Reply #2
You might want to check out Fred Nachbaur's example on Scriptorium.  Note how the hidden staves make this work.

Since 1998

Re: I need help with Pitch-bends

Reply #3
Hi guys!

So, it's been.... three years...
I was hoping that there would be more responses, but alas no.

@RickG:  That is interesting!  Has there been any progress with the wishlist and adding extra control to the channels as per that first thread, yet?  Those threads were written in 2005.  Things do not look good.
@Warren Porter:  That is, at best, a 'workaround'.
It's 2013.  Can a new version of Noteworthy Composer yet be able to accomplish this?

I just want to write a trombone part I can hear without having to use three hidden staves and other shenanigans to play with the octaves and the pitchbend values.  And the result requires a lot of work to only sound marginally good (as there is often a 'cut', which can be somewhat minimized by also adding a channel volume MPC but really, that's a lot of work for a slur).  The fact that Noteworthy Composer still doesn't do this is absolutely infuriating.

Re: I need help with Pitch-bends

Reply #4
@RickG:  That is interesting!  Has there been any progress with <snip> adding extra control to the channels as per that first thread, yet?
Registered user since 1996

Re: I need help with Pitch-bends

Reply #5
Hrmph, I guess I'll check back in 3 more years or something. >.>

Re: I need help with Pitch-bends

Reply #6
Easy to implement in a sequencer.
It only requires the addition of Controller 101 to the MPC controller list.
(and CC100 if that doesn't default to zero).
The discussions that Rick referred to were back in 2005/6.
One can only wonder why Noteworthy Support continues to ignore Pitch Bend range > 2 semitones.


Re: I need help with Pitch-bends

Reply #7
Probably simply implementing controller 65 in a similar way as the controller 64 could be enough in many cases.

Re: I need help with Pitch-bends

Reply #8
Few sound devices implement Portamento.
Pitch bend is more versatile - the rate can be varied in time with MPC sweeps.

Re: I need help with Pitch-bends

Reply #9
There's no easy way to implement a workaround for this as whatever method is used would still require pasting into two hidden staves.  Also, one of the hidden staves would have to be filled with rests when a slide isn't going on.
Since 1998