I have tried an example on the forum of NWC 1 about high range pitch bend worked when I played it before msb in NWC. But when I saved it as a MIDI file. It didn't and it did. Statistics show it worked %50 and didn't work %50. Each time it was done and I played it back it randomly rotated in working and not working. When I say not working I mean normal NWC pitch bend range of a 1/2 step.
An example of this is here..
|MPC|Controller:datamsb|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Quarter|SweepRes:1|Pt1:0,64|Pos:-5|Wide:Y
|MPC|Controller:pitch|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Quarter|SweepRes:32|Pt1:0,8362|Pt2:1,10666|Pt3:1,8192|Pos:-5|Wide:Y