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Topic: Recommedation Requested (Read 3674 times) previous topic - next topic

Recommedation Requested

Dear NoteWorthy Composer Community,

I am looking for a little guidance on this software.
I belong to a small church congregation where I generally choose the hymns we sing each meeting. We have a hymnal but all agree that there are many great hymns we would like to sing as well from old hymnals where the music is often not included. I don't mind singing known tunes from memory, but this can be a challenge to some if the tune is not familiar to them.

I am thinking about using a software such as this to import music files (from a place like Cyber Hymnal) or type the music from hymnals having the familiar music and then type in the words. These pages would be printed and added to a binder. This way we don't need 8+ different hymnals.

Would this be the right software to aid in this endeavor? How difficult is it to to work with the software in this way? I am not a music composer, but for the right melody I would be willing to type up a few existing tunes if I couldn't import them if neccessary, but I would be most encouraged if I could also enjoy the benefit of importing a whole lot more and just typing in the words. And I could change the key, is that right?

Your guidance would be very much appreciated!

Re: Recommedation Requested

Reply #1
My own very ad hoc solution is to import the tune, and having corrected the size, using the standard Noteworthy techniques, produce a blank page with the music at the top. Print this and you have the first stage. Then you measure how  much space  - the distance below the music to the bottom of the printable area of the page - there is below the music to fit the words in.
Next the words are typed in on a blank document using a word processor program and again adjusted in font size and layout to fit the space as well as possible
I then take my sheet with the music on, and fold it across below the music, and put it in the printer, crease down and blank side up, and print the words. Hopefully, when the sheet is unfolded I have the page I want.
 It is then a matter of scannong this and producmg a master copy for photocopying further sheets.
And of course you can edit the music with Noteworthy, changing keys etc, before printing it out

There are probably far more sophisticated ways, but this only uses what knowlegde and software I already have

Tony  .


Re: Recommedation Requested

Reply #2
Importing a MIDI file is straightforward enough if you need to do that from places like Cyber Hymnal.
It is correct that you can change the key, and that is quite easy to do.
There's also a lot of NWC scores at the Scriptorium, including "The Messiah Project".

Anyway, I would advise you to just try the demo to decide whether it's for you.

Re: Recommedation Requested

Reply #3
The Cyber Hymnal already has a number of hymns in NWC format. If you find one that doesn't have lyrics in it that you need, copy to clipboard the first verse then do Cntl/L in NoteWorthy.  Change the count of the number of verses then click on "Lyric 1". Paste from the clipboard and then add hyphens as needed.  Repeat as needed for other verses.

If you have an unneeded note in a verse, just add an underline in the space between the syllables which are sung.

If you have other questions after importing a song, feel free to ask.

Since 1998

Re: Recommedation Requested

Reply #4
Thank you all for your responses. I will try the free download out and use your suggestions. I appreciate your help and responses.