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Topic: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato (Read 17914 times) previous topic - next topic

MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

When I play the following clip:

|MPC|Controller:vol|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Quarter|SweepRes:1|Pt1:0,127|Pt2:2,45|Pos:15|Wide:Y
|Instrument|Name:"Pizzicato strings 1 (solo)"|Patch:51|Bank:127,0|Trans:0|DynVel:10,30,45,60,75,92,108,127|Pos:6

I get a phantom pizzicato note, forte, at the beginning of the 2nd measure. It's not there if I play the second measure by itself. If I remove the MPC, it also disappears. Some kind of a bug in the MPC? Do others get this behavior, or is it unique to my sound card?

Feedback welcome....


Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #1
This happens with my SB16 synth (old, cheap) but not my AWE32 synth (old, not so cheap).
Seems that the E is still producing sound at the bar when the volume is jacked from 45 to 127.
If I make the E staccato, the problem goes away. Oddly, just removing the slur still results in a slight pop.

I'll check what the Yamaha soft synth does when I boot XP.
Registered user since 1996

Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #2
You're right, Rick - it sounds like a pizzicato attack (at least, on my system), but it appears to be the E held until after the staff volume is normalized by the p at the beginning of the following measure. If I take the slur off, it disappears. If I add a legato command, it reappears. Tenuto, same thing.

It could be a result of the way SB cards handle legato: I'm running an SB Audigy II in the PCMCIA slot of my laptop. Whatever the cause, I think it classifies as a bug. I'm not sure that there's an easy way to get rid of it, though. To get the legato, the E has to be held until the following B begins. As a kludge, I can enter the p as text and adjust the staff volume in conjunction with the rest later in that measure. But that workaround won't be available if something like this comes at the beginning of a long legato passage. I dunno.

- Bill

Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #3
Whatever the cause, I think it classifies as a bug.
I don't. The cause is in the synth, not NoteWorthy. NoteWorthy is doing exactly what you are telling it to do. If that is not to your liking, you need to tell it to do something else, or use a different synth.

As I said, your clip sounds fine with my AWE32 synth.
Registered user since 1996

Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #4

NoteWorthy is doing exactly what you are telling it to do.

Ain't true. I'm not telling it to hold the previous note until the staff volume changes - I'm telling it to change the staff volume on the next note. It's academic, in a sense, because there's an easy workaround. But it is unexpected and unwanted behavior, which is the definition of a bug.

Oh, my. Let's not get into this again. ;-)



Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #5
Hmm, I have 2 hardware and 3 software synths in my system - they ALL behave the same - I get the "tick" on the B. 

However, the MPC should really be in effect for the duration of the minim PLUS the crotchet - I.E. "3" in the MPC Setting 2 Time Offset.

Fix this and no more "tick"

Code: [Select · Download]
|MPC|Controller:vol|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Quarter|SweepRes:1|Pt1:0,127|Pt2:3,45|Pos:15|Wide:Y
|Instrument|Name:"Pizzicato strings 1 (solo)"|Patch:51|Bank:127,0|Trans:0|DynVel:10,30,45,60,75,92,108,127|Pos:6

BTW, the Instrument Patch for pizz strings gives me percussion on my Yammy synth. - there is a 127 in the MSB which isn't correct for that synth.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #6
Here's the event stream as reported by MF2T at the bar:
0:2:0 On ch=1 note=e5 vol=0
0:2:0 Param ch=1 con=7 val=45
0:2:0 Param ch=1 con=7 val=127
0:2:0 On ch=1 note=b4 vol=45
E gets released (note=e5 vol=0), then the volume (con=7) gets raised. It is your synth that is doing what you don't want. And it is simply going into the release phase for the "E". You are the one that is raising the volume to the max on a note that was struck with maximum velocity. It doesn't surprise me that you get some ringing.

I really don't know what NWC can do about it.

Everything you don't expect or want is not a bug in NWC.  I don't want NWC to use a full size clef when I change it mid-bar, but I wouldn't call it a bug.

If you really want one note to decay @ vol=45 while another sounds @ vol=127, you could put them on separate channels:
Quote from: Clips for 2 staves
|MPC|Controller:vol|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Quarter|SweepRes:1|Pt1:0,127|Pt2:2,45|Pos:6

|Instrument|Name:"Pizzicato strings 1 (solo)"|Patch:51|Bank:0,0|Trans:0|DynVel:10,30,45,60,75,92,108,127|Pos:6
this sounds fine no matter what synth I use.

Your clip still clicks with my cheap synth. With the better one, the "B" after the bar is much softer than I think Bill wants.

Edit: fixed Bank select in 2nd part of clip
Registered user since 1996

Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #7
Your clip still clicks with my cheap synth. With the better one, the "B" after the bar is much softer than I think Bill wants.

Just checked this - 3 softsynths are fine - the 2 hardware ones - A and B of an Audigy II ZS - different soundfonts - both still tick so I stand corrected.  However in this case I don't think they should be ticking...  :(
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #8
Thanks for the input, Lawrie. I'm using the same hardware you describe (Audigy II ZS) and the results are - well, interesting. Playing the clip as you modified it, sometimes I get a tick, sometimes not. So the problem is probably hardware-dependent, or possibly an interaction between the hardware and the OS, which may send commands from the program to the hardware in a different order at different times depending on the clock state and the activity of other programs.

So, in a sense, you're right, Rick: it isn't the program. Except that the program should send signals that the hardware and the OS cannot misinterpret. How many million computers out there are running Audigy II soundcards on XP? Is it really the best solution to say, "well, tough, buddy, you should have bought a different soundcard"....?

You and I and Lawrie can do what we've been doing here - analyze the problem, discover the cause, and find a workaround. But we represent a small minority of computer users. The vast majority buy a computer, a soundcard, and software that they have heard is dependable and expect them to work well together. If they don't, they haven't a clue how to fix it, except to call one of us. For them, this is a bug, no matter how it looks to you. And no matter how strident and brusque your voice is when you describe it that way. So can you dial it down a little?

I don't know if this is something NWC can do something about. Eric hasn't weighed in (and isn't likely to), so none of us know if he'll try. There are some possibilities. One idea that comes to mind quickly is to wait a tick between instructions at some point in the program, to allow the OS and the sound card to catch up: properly done, this would be unnoticable to the user. Would it solve the problem? I dunno. The point is that there are some possible fixes from the programmer's end. Most of them classify as kludges, but honestly, isn't it better for the programmer to use a kludge than to force the user to make one up himself? Or herself?

Anyway, that's the view from here. Using a text dynamic and kicking the staff volume up later works, so the original problem has become moot. The questions that remain are (1) is this a bug? and (2) should it be fixed (no matter what it's called)? I think the answers are yes and yes. You are certainly free to disagree, as long as you do so pleasantly.

All best of the season,


Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #9
...For them, this is a bug, no matter how it looks to you. And no matter how strident and brusque your voice is when you describe it that way. So can you dial it down a little?

Umm, huh?!?  What'd I say?
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #10
I think Bill is writing about me. Users tend not to like being told that what they think are bugs are actually user errors. If they are paying for your services, it usually best just to nod and smile instead.

I keep forgetting that when folks write: "Feedback welcome...." they usually don't mean it.
Registered user since 1996

Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #11
Yeah - I remember a particular user ending his post with "Conclusion: bug. Meaning: NWC Company, Fix It - It's Your Fault.
When you then tell the user: it's not all that bad, it's a bit of both: your fault and mine, users like that are not a happy bunny.

Bug or not, I am still happy with the level of professionalism on the side of the NWC users, whether that is an oxymoron (or a conundrum) or not.

Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #12
Lawrie, Rick is right - I was writing about him. You have never been anything but the perfect gentleman.

Rick, when I said "feedback welcome" I meant reasonably polite feedback. Yours was beginning to sound like b*****y.

We should all feel free to contribute to this forum without fearing that someone is going to jump down our throats for saying something they disagree with. No one here has perfect knowledge; we've all got a little bit of the pie. Some (you and Lawrie and Rob come to mind) have more than others, and I understand and appreciate that. But that doesn't give you the right to treat everyone else as if they know nothing. Lawrie and Rob never do. You have a disconcerting habit of slipping that direction. Not always....but sometimes. Sometimes worse than others.  This one was bad enough that I felt you should be called on it.

The behavior I started this thread for is not a "user error." It may not be the program's fault either - it may indeed be the hardware and/or the OS - but it isn't something I did wrong. Not unless you count buying the same soundcard that Lawrie (and several hundred thousand other people) did as wrong. I wrote something musically correct which became incorrect someplace between my screen and my speakers. Maybe it can't be addressed by NWC, but I think that's Eric's job to decide, not yours or mine.

OK - truce. This thing has been blown way out of proportion. Let's just get back to work and wish each other Merry Christmas.

Cheers and feliciations,


Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #13
I should add, Rick - I do appreciate your input (and Lawrie's) in helping to pinpoint where the problem lay. Thanks for doing that. It's exactly what I value this forum so highly for.

Best (and Merry Christmas again),


Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #14
Ain't true. I'm not telling it to hold the previous note until the staff volume changes - I'm telling it to change the staff volume on the next note.
Sorry, but that is not what you are doing, your protestations notwithstanding.

You are telling it to increase the channel volume from 45 to 127. This affects all output on the channel from that moment onward. This is why the check box says Change Channel Volume.

To do what you say you want to do you need to use two channels as I outlined in Reply #6. There are some kluges that may work for your synth, but to isolate a volume change from prior notes needs a separate channel.

I can understand your confusion. A "note off" has been issued to the "E". It is easy to think that that means that the "E" should immediately stop producing output, but that is not reality. The "E" enters its release phase which for some instruments means that it still produces output.

It is a good thing that NWC does not (and IMO, generally cannot) apply volume changes only to subsequent notes.

I don't know if this is something NWC can do something about. Eric hasn't weighed in (and isn't likely to), so none of us know if he'll try. There are some possibilities. One idea that comes to mind quickly is to wait a tick between instructions at some point in the program, to allow the OS and the sound card to catch up: properly done, this would be unnoticable to the user. Would it solve the problem? I dunno.
I do. A MIDI tick or two does not solve the problem. The problem is not caused by 'the sound card being behind'. A dozen ticks (a 1/64th note) helps in this case, but could easily cause problems with shorter notes. But adding a dozen ticks would cause problems when importing NWC's MIDI into other programs since legato would no longer be legato.

A question. In your original clip you have:
|Instrument|Name:"Pizzicato strings 1 (solo)"|Patch:51|Bank:127,0
Is there some reason for "Bank:127,0"?
On the Yamaha SoftSynth this maps to a Drum Kit.

My conclusion: Mystery solved. A subtle User Error, not a bug. When the intent is for volume to affect only subsequent notes, put the notes on a different channel.
Registered user since 1996

Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #15
Much better, Rick. Thanks.

In answer to your question: the patch is specific to the sound bank that came bundled with my Audigy II. I should have corrected it to GM before I posted - sorry. It's just that the GM bank that came with my Dell laptop is so awful that I don't even think about using it any more.

I see your point about separate channels - saw it the first time around - but it seems like overkill, especially since there isn't a way to change channels mid-staff (or at least I don't know of a way). Layers would work, of course. But so does the method I chose (see reply #2), and it's a bit easier to apply.

As for the volume change affecting the entire channel....well, yeah. Of course. Can legato notes connect without overlapping? Not on the piano, or the harp or guitar or....but on the cello, yes (in fact, they have to, if they're on the same string). If I ask my synth to act differently for a cello font than it does for a piano font, am I asking too much? I think that's an even call. I also think that NWC could be taught to play a cello like a cello, but I agree that it's a lot to ask and is likely to lead to program bloat, which I certainly don't want to encourage. So I'll join you in telling Eric that he doesn't need to bother with this one, at least until more pressing things are taken care of - which may be never.

Anyway, thanks again. I'll accept your designation of the problem as "subtle user error" (emphasis added) and just say

Merry Christmas once more,


Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #16
Gee, we had nearly reached "total convergence" and then you had to go and write this:
Can legato notes connect without overlapping? Not on the piano, or the harp or guitar or....but on the cello, yes (in fact, they have to, if they're on the same string). If I ask my synth to act differently for a cello font than it does for a piano font, am I asking too much?
Of course a piano can connect without overlap. The player just has to keep his foot off the damper pedal. I know this is asking too much of most, but it can be done. Harpists and guitarists can stop one string before plucking the next and guitarists can use the same string. OTOH, on an instument such as the flute, true legato is not possible between certain notes. The air stream must be stopped as the keys are manipulated, else many strange sounds are heard.

Read "bowing" for "plucking" and you have a cello. Except that a cellist is not likely to stop a string with his finger whilst bowing. Yo Yo Ma might be able to do this, but it is probably too much too ask of mere mortals. (I'm out on a long limb here since all I know about a cello is what I hear).

Your synth is treating the cello differently than a piano. This is the problem. Except for the very highest strings (which decay rapidly), a piano dampens strings when the key is released. Not so on the cello. The string keeps vibrating long after the bowing stops. So when you tell the "sound engineer" (aka the MIDI volume controller) to "jack the mic to the max" as soon as the cellist stops bowing a note, you should not be surprised that a somewhat percussive sound results.

A good argument can be made that a different MIDI channel should always be used on a bowed instrument whenever the string changes. Of course the person doing the sequencing/notating is usually oblivious to what string is being used and doesn't want to own up to his ignorance (I know I don't), so the the blame must lie elsewhere: NWC, MIDI, soundfont, sound card, Windows, slow computer, bad speakers. The endearing thing about computers is that there are so many things to blame that one need never take responsibility for anything :)

Merry Christmas to all,

Rick G.

Registered user since 1996

Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #17

Except for the very highest strings (which decay rapidly), a piano dampens strings when the key is released.

It's those upper strings on the piano (the undamped ones) I'm talking about, when I say the piano can't play legato without overlapping. It can't even play staccato without overlapping. Those high strings are set ringing through sympathetic vibration, and on a good piano they will continue to sound for a while after the dampers drop on the strings that were actually struck. Back in grad school, when I was making part of my living as a piano tuner, this used to drive me nuts, but it's a characteristic of good piano sound. A really good MIDI (not that I have one, but they do exist) will emulate this; hence, will continue to make a faint sound after a piano note cuts off. So - yeah. Legato fingering is possible without using the damper pedal (for you - not for me). But the undamped strings at the top of the range will still sound.

On the harp and the guitar, both of which I play, the strings are rarely damped except for special effects, so they both ring in the same manner as a piano with the damper pedal down - in the case of the harp, for quite a while. Whereas the cello....oh.

When you play a different note on the same string on a cello, you can get a true legato with no overlap. On that string. What I just now realized is that there are three other strings on the cello, and sympathetic vibration affects them, too. So what I said earlier about the piano (and the harp and the guitar) goes for the cello, as well. Perhaps not as much; but sound will continue. So the same good MIDI that emulates the sympathetic vibration on a piano (or a harp or a guitar) should do the same for a cello, and kicking the channel volume up will get that blip of sound. It's actually unavoidable, except for winds, isn't it? And even there, if you start thinking about the hall....

I don't think the string sounding after the bow is lifted is particularly relevant, though, except on open strings. The bow and the finger will both damp the string just sounded as they are lifted to make the next note. Of these, the finger is the better damper, and if the string player is any good, the finger is lifted after the bow. That particular string isn't going to be making any significant sound after the bow stops. The other strings are perhaps a different matter, and I stand corrected.

Ain't music fun?



Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato- mentioned EMULATING-midi cable via pc

Reply #18
Dear Bill                                                                             Sept 27, 2008

        My Dell Demsion B1100 -Upgraded from XP to Vista emulates - the sound on pc- not the Concertmate990  should be playing.  Do I have to change the IO SETTINGS ??? 

  When I had the XP before I upgraded to Vista It WAS working even then. I disconnected the midi cables and it started to emulate on the pc.- No music from Concertmate990  with either XP OR VISTA- PART of the Midi Mystery; Phantom pizzicato

  Sincerely yours,




Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #19
Katy, I will paste below my reply to your help request on another thread.  It seems to me that you are really asking the same question in all your posts, worded slightly differently in each one.  As noted below, we need more info before any of us can even define the problem you are really having, let alone come up with a solution:

KatyAnnRose55, you mentioned a "decoder" on this and another thread.  Could possibly mean an audio "codec"?  That is short for coder-decoder.  Someone can certainly give you a better definition, but roughly codecs are applications that the computer uses to convert digital sound into different audio formats with different levels of depth of sound information, such as mp3, ogg vorbis, wma, etc.  Again, more info would be helpful - how are your keyboard's MIDI jacks connected to your computer (MIDI interface manufacturer and model, straight USB with no MIDI cables, etc.), are you on a laptop or a desktop, the text of error messages that pop up, whether you C-mate 990 manual says it is General MIDI compatible, any detail and any text from which you are getting what you write in your posts would be helpful.

This post on a forum pulled up on a Google search sound like the same problem you describe:
I have a Concertmate 990, I saw in the manual, if you accidently pull the MIDI ADAPTER-Turtle Beach- which I did accidently, it will lose it's Sensing mechanism for the In-port. I tried it with a regular Midi USB still the MIDI IN won't work. So I talked it over with a Rep. there and they told me to bring it in to their store. The Concertmate music is emulated on the tests of Midi tests of music programs I have for testing Mide in/out the Concertmate, Music is heard on the pc-Dell DEMSION B1100 and on the Concertmate keyboard. Also sound tested in the Dell Sound the music is emulated=the the software is doing the hardware- that is what the clerk said about the Midi usuage of the IN/OUT PORTS. I hope I got my message across and to the point. Only the IN-PORT is not working on the Midi adapters that I have. I have music programs that need a Midi adapter with my Concertmate 990. Has anyone else had that problem with their Concermate 990 and another pc besides Dell?

Here is a link to download the manual for the Concertmate 990, which apparently is Radio Shack's name for what is actually a Casio CTK-601:

I would suggest that you download the manual and go to the Troubleshooting section.  My guess is that a setting on your keyboard, not your computer, was changed and/or locked when you pulled the MIDI cables, possibly Local Control was turned off.  First try turning Local Control on according to the manual instructions and see if that doesn't solve the problem.

Also, I cannot tell from any of your posts exactly what your problem is.  Try posting again and describe, in plain words, not tech talk:
1. What you want the keyboard to do that it isn't doing.

2. What you wnt the computer to do that it isn't doing.

3. The manufacturer and model of the hardware device (caled a MIDI interface) that you are using to connect your keyboard to the computer, some sort of metal or plastic case with MIDI IN and MIDI OUT jacks into which are plugged the MIDI cables that connect to the keyboard.  Also, what sort of cable connects the MIDI interface to the computer and into which jack on the computer is it plugged?

4. Be sure that the keyboard's MIDI IN jack is connected to the interface's MIDI OUT jack and the
keyboards's MIDI OUT jack is connected to the interface's MIDI IN jack.  Counterintuitive, until you realize that MIDI data flow is one-way only, unlike computer cables.  So, data sent out of the MIDI OUT jack on one device is received in the MIDI IN jack on the device to which it is connected.  Sending data TO the MIDI OUT jack of a device is like trying to drive your car down a street that has "Wrong Way" and "Do Not Enter" signs posted on it.  Sooner or later, you will "run into" trouble!

5. Probably all that "emulation" means regarding your computer's sound is that is does not have a physical hardware sound card (dedicated circuit board) that plugs into a slot on the main circuit board (motherboard).  A chip on the motherboard and/or software "emulates" or acts in the same way and generating the same data messages as a certain type of physical hardware sound card,  so as far as Windows is concerned, there is a sound card present.  At least,  that's the idea!  Your mileage may vary...

6. Why, oh why, did you "upgrade" to Vista?  There is thread after thread on this and many other boards about the nightmare Vista presents when working with sound.  If you have the original System Restore CDs that came with the Dell, consider having someone who knows what they are doing "upgrade" your computer back to XP while keeping your files and applications intact, backing them up to CDs or DVDs first.  You'll be glad you did.

Do write back with info on the above and I'm confident someone here can untie this knot for you!

Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #20
William lets get way back to the beginning of this topic. You said you have a problem with the first note at the 2nd measure right? If so why not just remove the "piano" sign and replace it as in a "text"? Just type in "p" and Presto that strange sound is gone! Why talk about soundcards or bugs?

Sometimes the simpliest things can be the solution. Like I said: Replace the "Piano" sign with a text sign "p"!

Or is it a total different problem?

Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #21
G'day Kristopher,
umm, it is a different problem...  Perhaps you should re-read the first several posts.  Bill is trying to get the sound right.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #22
Okay, Very Sorry. Maybe I should be a little bit more careful...

Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #23
'S okay, Kristopher. As you'll find if you hang around here very long, we all make mistakes, and we depend on Lawrie to catch them. He always manages to do it gently, discreetly, and in a way that makes you happy to be corrected. That red glow you suddenly see coming from Australia is probably Lawrie blushing, but I think everyone here will agree that he is both the most accomplished user of NWC among us and the kindest, gentlest, and friendliest voice on the forum.

Cheers (and a tip of the hat to you, Lawrie) -


Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #24
G'day Bill,

...but I think everyone here will agree that he is both the most accomplished user of NWC among us...

umm, I think there are probably a few more worthy candidates - my skills are rather focussed on my particular preferences - but I thank you for the vote of confidence.

BTW, there is definitely a "red glow"...

Kristopher, I apologise if you thought I was being impatient - on rereading my post I can see how it may have seemed that way.  It was not my intent...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.


Re: MIDI mystery: phantom pizzicato

Reply #25
It's Okay Lawrie....