Hmm, I have 2 hardware and 3 software synths in my system - they ALL behave the same - I get the "tick" on the B.
However, the MPC should really be in effect for the duration of the minim PLUS the crotchet - I.E. "3" in the MPC Setting 2 Time Offset.
Fix this and no more "tick"
|MPC|Controller:vol|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Quarter|SweepRes:1|Pt1:0,127|Pt2:3,45|Pos:15|Wide:Y
|Instrument|Name:"Pizzicato strings 1 (solo)"|Patch:51|Bank:127,0|Trans:0|DynVel:10,30,45,60,75,92,108,127|Pos:6
BTW, the Instrument Patch for pizz strings gives me percussion on my Yammy synth. - there is a 127 in the MSB which isn't correct for that synth.