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Topic: Scriptorium Update (Read 1043638 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #850

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Bertrand Vanbrabant Rosen aus dem Süden - Walzer, Op. 388   (strauss JII)
Richard Woodroffe   Ruckweg (The way back) (Schubert)
John Hooper   Cantata No: 30 (Freue dich, erloste Schar)   (Bach)
Mike Gibson   Chanson 3 - Chanson 3 - Y-ver vous n'estes qu'un villain    (Debussy)
Neil Cook   Fingal’s Cove   (Mendelssohn)
Richard Woodroffe   The Masochism Tango   (Lehrer)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #851

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Bertrand Vanbrabant Benedek-Marsch   (strauss Joseph)
John Hooper   Vidi Speciosam   (Victoria)
Richard Woodroffe   Hochzeitlied (Wedding song) (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Coronation Ode 1 - Crown the King    (Elgar)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #852

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Bertrand Vanbrabant Dithyrambe - Polka mazur   (Strauss Joseph)
John Hooper   MAss in E flat   (Beach)
Mike Gibson   Coronation Ode 5 - Peace, Gentle Peace    (Elgar)
Richard Woodroffe   Die frühe Liebe (Early love) (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #853

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Bertrand Vanbrabant  Wiener Bonbons - Walzer   (Strauss Johann II)
Richard Woodroffe   Stimme der Liebe (Voice of love) (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Coronation Ode 7 -Land of Hope and Glory     (Elgar)
John Hooper   "Utrecht" Jubilate   (Handel)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #854
All very nice this updates but when NWC is not working you get no support.

is NWC composer and NWC software support DEAD?

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #855
All very nice this updates but when NWC is not working you get no support.
is NWC composer and NWC software support DEAD?
Yes, it's dead, but we love it and continue to use it. So what?

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #856

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Bertrand Vanbrabant  Österreichischer Kronprinzen-Marsch, Op. 59   (Strauss Josef)
Richard Woodroffe   Geist der Liebe (Spirit of love) (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Die Wasserrose     (Gade)
John Hooper   Evening Canticles in G (Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis)   (Blow)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #857

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Bertrand Vanbrabant  Schatz-Walzer, Op. 418   (Strauss Johann II)
Richard Woodroffe   Morgenlied (Morning Song) (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   O Clap your hands     (Gibbons)
John Hooper   Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in Bb   (Purcell)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #858

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Bertrand Vanbrabant  Herz An Herz - Polka Mazur, Op. 27   (Strauss Eduard)
Richard Woodroffe   Seufzer (Sighs) (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   O Lord in thy Wrath     (Gibbons)
John Hooper   Missa in C major  (KV 167) - in honorem Santissimae Trinitatis   (Mozart)
Warren Porter G minor, 2nd movement   (Vivaldi)  Updated

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #859

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Bertrand Vanbrabant  Morgenblätter - Walzer   (Strauss Johann II)
Richard Woodroffe   Die Knabenzeit (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Duo Seraphim     (Guerrero)
John Hooper   Salve Regina   (Victoria)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #860

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Warren Porter   Wiegenlied (Cradle Song)   (Brahms)
Bertrand Vanbrabant  Stadt und Land - Polka Mazur, Op. 322   (Strauss Johann II)
John Hooper   Nabal   (Handel and Smith)
Richard Woodroffe   Lied Ferne von der grossen Stadt (Song ‘Far from the great city’)(Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Hosanna to the son of David     (Gibbons)
Klaas Lamminga    Napadly písně op. 63,1  (op. 63)   (Dvorak)
If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #861

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   D551 Pax Vobiscum (Peace be with you.)(Schubert)
Bertrand Vanbrabant  Was sich liebt, neckt sich - Polka-française, Op. 399   (Strauss Johann II)
John Hooper   Ascribe unto the Lord   (Wesley)    
Mike Gibson   Mass No 14 in C  (KV 337), Missa Solemnis     (Mozart)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #862
There must be something wrong:
Was sich liebt, neckt sich - Polka-française, Op. 399
Schubert, Franz (1797-1828), Austrian    Woodroffe, Richard

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #864

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   D525 Opus 21 No 3 Wie Ulfru fischt (Ulfru fishing)(Schubert)
John Hooper   Venite Exultemus   (Gibbons)    
Mike Gibson   Fürchte dich nicht BWV 228     (Bach)
Richard Woodroffe   The Hunting Song   (Lehrer)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #865

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Bertrand Vanbrabant  Opern Maskenball-Quadrille, Op. 384   (Strauss Johann II)
Bertrand Vanbrabant  Die Gazelle - Polka Mazur, Op. 155   (Strauss Josef)
Richard Woodroffe   D595 Opus 88 No 2 Thekla "Eine Geisterstimme" (Thekla ‘A phantom voice’)(Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Coronation Ode 2 Queen     (Elgar)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #866

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   Licht und Liebe (Light and love)(Schubert)
Bertrand Vanbrabant  Die Wahrsagerin - Polka Mazur, Op. 420   (Strauss Johann II)
Mike Gibson   Coronation Ode 3 Daughter of ancient kings     (Elgar)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #867
The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   Totenkranz für ein Kind (Wreath for a dead child)(Schubert)
Bertrand Vanbrabant  Minerva - Polka Mazur, Op. 67   (Strauss, Josef)
John Hooper   Confirma hoc Deus   (Salieri)
Mike Gibson    Abschied vom Walde    (Mendelssohn)
Richard Woodroffe   Scottish Fantasy - for violin and Piano, Opus 46   (Bruch)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #868
The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   Prometheus (Prometheus)(Schubert)
Mike Gibson    Jesu, wahrer Gottessohn    (Mozart)
Bertrand Vanbrabant Groß-Wien Walzer   (Strauss, Johann II)
John Hooper   Deutsches Magnificat   (Schütz)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #869
The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

John Hooper   Sancta Maria, Succurre Miseris   (Victoria)
Richard Woodroffe   D119 Nachtgesang (Night song)(Schubert)
Bertrand Vanbrabant Elisen   (Strauss, Johann II)
Mike Gibson    Sancta Maria, mater Dei  K 273    (Mozart)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #870
The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   Die Perle (The pearl) (Schubert)
Bertrand Vanbrabant Vaterländischer Marsch   (Strauss, Johann II, Strauss Josef)
John Hooper   Abendfeier in Venedig   (Schumann Clara)
Maurizio Spagni   La villanella   (Traditional Italian)
Mike Gibson    Litaniae de venerabili altaris sacramento  K 243    (Mozart)
Stuart Moffatt   Miserere Mei, Deus   (Allegri

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #871
The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Stuart Moffatt   We're going home to glory (Auld Lang Syne)   (Trad Scottish)
Stuart Moffatt   Gröningen (Version A)   (Neander)
Stuart Moffatt   Gröningen (Version B)   (Neander)
Stuart Moffatt   Bullinger    (Bullinger)
Stuart Moffatt   Bullinger modified    (Bullinger)
Stuart Moffatt   Huddesfield   (Newton)
Stuart Moffatt   Bryniau Casia   (Alaw)
Stuart Moffatt   Bryniau Casia 2   (Alaw)   
Stuart Moffatt   Huddesfield   (Anonymous)Who is on the Lord's side
Stuart Moffatt   Huntingdon   (Wellens)Siehe Gottes Lamm
Stuart Moffatt   Huntingdon (Dorian mode) (Wellens)
Stuart Moffatt   Old 100th (Sing the dear Saviour)   (Bourgeois, Louis)
Stuart Moffatt   Old 100th (Once more dear brethren)   (Bourgeois, Louis)
Stuart Moffatt   Palmyra   (Summers)
Stuart Moffatt   Siehe Gottes Lamm   (Moffatt)
Stuart Moffatt   Sinner is   (Moffatt)
Stuart Moffatt   Who is on the Lord's side   (Moffatt)
Stuart Moffatt   The one who made   (Moffatt)
Stuart Moffatt   Saruva logathibha   (Grace)
Stuart Moffatt   Silent Night   (Gruber)
Stuart Moffatt   Who is on the Lord's side   (Goss)
Stuart Moffatt   Who is on the Lord's side (Roberts)
Stuart Moffatt   St Thomas   (Anonymous)
Stuart Moffatt   Maesycwmmer   (Anonymous)
Stuart Moffatt   Surrey   (Carey)
Stuart Moffatt   Zacchaeus   (Leumane)
Stuart Moffatt   Supremacy   (Tomblin)
Stuart Moffatt   Great is thy faithfulness   (Runyan)
Stuart Moffatt   Âðm I - ciphered   (Traditional)
Richard Woodroffe   Die verfehlte Stunde (Die verfehlte Stunde)(Schubert)
Bertrand Vanbrabant Krönungs-Walzer   (Strauss, Johann Snr)
Mike Gibson    Litaniae Lauretanae  K 195    (Mozart)
John Hooper   Missa Octava   (Hassler)
If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #872
The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Bertrand Vanbrabant   Mit Chic, Polka schnell, Op. 221   (Strauss E)
Richard Woodroffe   D541 Opus 6 No.1 Memnon   (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Missa Longa kv262   (Mozart)
John Hooper   Celebrate this festival   (Purcell)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #873
The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   Luisens Antwort D319   (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe   The WildWest               (Lehrer)
Warren Porter   Melodie (Op. 16 nr 2)         (Paderewski)
Mike Gibson   Missa  kv259   (Mozart)

   If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
   notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

   Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #874
The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Bertrand Vanbrabant   Die Frühlingsstimmen Walzer, Op. 410 (Strauss, Johann II) Updated
John Hooper   Benedictus   (Gibbons)
Richard Woodroffe   Iphigenia  D573   (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   I Heard a Voice   (Tomkis)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #875
The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Maurizio Spagni   Bella ciao   (Traditional Italian)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Wilhelm Tell-Galopp, Op. 29b (Strauss, Johann Snr)
John Hooper   Hear My Words, ye people   (Parry)
Richard Woodroffe   Julius an Theone   (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Missa in C  (Credo Mass: K.257)   (Mozart)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #876
The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Lorenzo Prada   Kde domov muj (Czech Republic National Anthem)   (Skroup) 
Lorenzo Prada   Canto degli Italiani   (Italian National Anthem)   (Novaro)
Maurizio Spagni    La Monferrina   (Traditional Italian)
Maurizio Spagni    La vendemmia   (Traditional Italian)
Richard Woodroffe   Pflicht und Liebe (Duty and love)   (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Missa in C   (Spaur or Piccolomini Messe: K.258)   (Mozart)
John Hooper   Super Flumina Babylonis   (Victoria)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #877
The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Maurizio Spagni    Sciur padrun da li beli braghi bianchi   (Traditional Italian)
Maurizio Spagni    Montagnes valdôtaines   (Traditional Italian)
Maurizio Spagni   Celebre mazurca variata   (Migliavacca)
Dan Bordes   Undecim lumen neofugattas   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Triumphant Variations for solo piano   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   4 neofugues   (Bordes)
Richard Woodroffe   Der Hirt. (The shepherd)   (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   God is our Refuge   (Mozart)
Klaas Laminga   Befiehl dem Herrn deine Wege   (Rinck)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #878
The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Maurizio Spagni    Salve, furlana!   (Villoldo)
John Hooper   My beloved spake (Purcell)
John Hooper   My beloved spake arr. Hooper (Purcell)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Wiener-Gemüths Walzer, Op. 116 (Strauss J Snr)
Richard Woodroffe   D217 Kolmas Klage   (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Missa solemnis in C major KV66 "Dominicus"   (Mozart)
Dan Bordes   3 Praeludiums modernes   (Bordes)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #879
In sadness and sorrow on the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II. R.I.P. - Vivat Rex Charles III

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Dan Bordes   Praludia interva   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Dispersions equations   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Capricium in D Minor   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Brainwaves Phantasy   (Bordes)
Richard Woodroffe   D403 Ins stille Land   (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Dixit KV193    (Mozart)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Heiter auch in ernster Zeit, Op. 48 (Strauss Johann Snr)
John Hooper   Mass in D   (Smyth)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #880
In sadness and sorrow on the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II. R.I.P. - Vivat Rex Charles III

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   In der Mitternacht  D464   (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Mass for 4 Voices   Saint-Saens
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Tausend und eine Nacht, Op. 346 (Strauss Johann II)
Richard Woodroffe   When you are old and grey    (Lehrer)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #881
When you are old and grey you get the text description instead of the score...  :D

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #882
Thanks Maurizio,

Now fixed


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #883
The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Dan Bordes   Kristoval's Triumphuus   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Magnum protozoa    (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Myriads altars suspensions maelstrom    (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Reminuet in G major (2022)    (Bach)
Dan Bordes   The existencial labyrinth    (Bordes)
Dan Bordes      Triumphant partita for solo piano    (Bordes)
John Hooper My soul, there is a country   (Parry)
Richard Woodroffe   Pflügerlied  D464   (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Cantata No: 140-1 - Sleepers wake Choral in German   (Bach)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #884

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Mike Gibson   The Choral Fantasy in C minor, Op 80 Allegretto, ma non troppo   (Beethoven)
Dan Bordes   Divinum numerium 111   (Bach arr Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Reminuet in d minor 132   (Bach arr Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Re-Aria BWV 515   (Bach arr Bordes)
John Hooper The Light of Life   (Elgar)
Richard Woodroffe   Pflügerlied  D464   (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #885

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Maurizio Spagni   Il bel pecoraio   (Trad Italian)
Maurizio Spagni   Maremma amara      (Trad Italian)
Maurizio Spagni   Teidhir abhaile riú   (Trad Irish)
Maurizio Spagni   Axuri beltza   (Trad Basque)
Maurizio Spagni   Edi be thu, heven queene   (Trad Engish)
Maurizio Spagni   Tsakonikos   (Trad Greek)
Maurizio Spagni   Bonse Aba   (Trad Zambian)
John Hooper Libera me, Domine   (Lasso)
Richard Woodroffe   Abendlied   (Schubert)
Maurizio Spagni   An American in Paris   (Gershwin)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #886

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   D406 Abschied von der Harfe   (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe   The Wiener Schnitzel Waltz   (Lehrer)
Mike Gibson   Lord for they Tender Mercy's sake   (Farrant   )   

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #887

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   Die Einsiedelei   (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Hide not thou thy face from me   (Farrant)
John Hooper   In jejunio et fletu   (Tallis)
Dan Bordes   Like Diametricus Praelud   (Bordes)
Richard Woodroffe   The Elements   (Lehrer/Sullivan)
Richard Woodroffe   The Elements brought up to date   (Lehrer/Sullivan)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #888

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Dan Bordes   Aria Of Anatomy & the Stars (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Calel's Intellect (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Cantus continuum (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Dungeon Dance (2022)    (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Invention in D# minor " Maelstrom Malius " (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Kyriel's Praeludium (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Magnum Magick (2022)    (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Metrices Unorthodos (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Midival Minuet in A# Minor (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Minuet in f-flat minor " Appliedt Scale " (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Minuetta Undulatta (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Neo-Classique Minuet (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Phantasmic Dance (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Soli per il Klavier (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Sorrowfest Victorium (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   The Advent (2022)    (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   The Classique Minuet (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   The F-Minor Soul (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   The Godoicus Glory (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   The Lixiviatuus Estheticus (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   The Solemn Harvest (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   The Vertigon (2022)    (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   The War Music Box (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Victorion Utopia (2022)   (Bordes)
Dan Bordes   Werewolf in the moonlight (2022)   (Bordes)
Maurizio Spagni   Rondeau   (Mouret)
Maurizio Spagni   Port ui Mhuirgheasa (Morrison's jig)   (Trad. Irish)
Richard Woodroffe   Die Fröhlichkeit   (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Call to Remembrance   (Farrant)
John Hooper   Parce mihi, Domine   (Morales)
Maurizio Spagni   Drunken Sailor   (Trad. British)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #889

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   Fülle der Liebe   (Schubert)
John Hooper   Apres un reve   (Fauré)
Mike Gibson   Londonderry Air   (Traditional Irish)
Richard Woodroffe   Polution   (Lehrer)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #890

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Maurizio Spagni   Ach, du lieber Augustin   (Traditional Austrian)
Maurizio Spagni   Zu Lauterbach (Traditional German)
Maurizio Spagni   Ciurri, ciurri   (Frontini)
Maurizio Spagni   Fenesta che lucivi (Cottrau)
Maurizio Spagni   L'inverno se n'è andato (Traditional Italian)
Maurizio Spagni   Joli tambour (Traditional French)
John Hooper   Au bord de l'eau   (Fauré)
Richard Woodroffe   Abendlied Laura am Klavier   (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Oh Lord, I'm on my way   (Gershwin)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #891

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Mike Gibson   O how glorious is the Kingdom   (Harwood)
Richard Woodroffe   Phidile D500   (Schubert)
John Hooper    Le papillon et la fleur (1869) Op. 1 no.1   (Fauré)
Stuart Moffatt   New Hong Kong Anthem   (Dgx yhl)
Stuart Moffatt   March of the Volunteers   (Er) Chinese National Anthem

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #892

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   Abendlied der Fürstin   (Schubert)
Stuart Moffatt Impromptu Opus 29   (Chopin)
John Hooper     Les berceaux Op. 23, No. 1   (Fauré)
Dan Bordes   Four Story Little Fugues   (Bordes)
Mike Gibson   Magnificat   (Harwood)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #893

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   Vom mitleiden Mariä   (Schubert)
John Hooper     Les Djinns  Op.12   (Fauré)
Maurizio Spagni   Clarinet duets: 1) Canzonetta   (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Maurizio Spagni   Clarinet duets: 2) Tarantella   (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Maurizio Spagni   Alla fiera di mastr'Andrea   (Traditional Neopolitan)
Maurizio Spagni   Pagliaccio (Traditional Neopolitan)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #894

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   Adelaide   (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe   The Vatican Rag   (Lehrer)
John Hooper     Prison, Op. 83, No. 1, 1894   (Fauré)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #895

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe      D322 Hermann und Thusnelda   (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Nunc Dimittis   (Harwood)
John Hooper     Magnificat in D (ZWV 108) (1725)   (Zelenka)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #896

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

John Hooper    Haec Dies (ZWV 170)    (Zelenka)
Maurizio Spagni Symphonie fantastique Op. 14 - 2 Un bal   (Berlioz)
Mike Gibson   Good Wine   (Moeran)
Richard Woodroffe      Gretchens Bitte "Gretchen im Zwinger"   (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe   Dixie   (Lehrer)

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas.

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #897
The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe      Der Sanger am Helsen    (Schubert)
Klaas Lamminga   Jesu meines Lebens Leben   (Buxtehude)
Mike Gibson   O Praise the Lord   (Batten)
Lorenzo Prada   Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? (Churchill)

And the ones I forgot to notify last week (sorry)

Richard Woodroffe   D793 Das Geheimnis   (Schubert)
John Hooper   Magnificat RV 611   (Vivaldi)
Dan Bordes   Minuettium-Waltzludium (2023)   (Bordes)

Dan Bordes   Bach's Virtuosity Clockwork (Bordes)
Richard Woodroffe   D831 Opus 85 No 2 Gesang der Norna   (Schubert)
John Hooper   Magnificat in C (ZWV 107)   (Zelenka)
Happy New Year everyone

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #898

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe Lied der Liebe D109   (Schubert)
Lorenzo Prada   'O surdato 'nnamurato (The soldier in love)   (Cannio)
Richard Woodroffe    Beside the ungathered rice, he lay. (Coleridge-Taylor)
Dan Bordes   The Mighty Englishman   (Bordes)
John Hooper   Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis   (Tallis)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe



Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #899

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Maurizio Spagni Sérénade - Valse espagnole   (Métra)
Richard Woodroffe Leiden der Trennung.D509   (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe She Dwells by great Kenhawa's side    (Coleridge-Taylor)
John Hooper   Missa Solemnis in D Major   (Süssmayr)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Stay safe
