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Topic: Scriptorium Update (Read 1043331 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #600

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Radetzky March   (Strauss Snr)
John Hooper   Let mine eyes run down with tears   (Purcell)
John Hooper   O Lord in the=y Wrath   (Gibbons)
Richard Woodroffe  An den Frühling (To spring)    (Schubert)
NwcChorus   An Chloë   (Mozart)
Mike Gibson   Cantate Dominum canticum novum (Schütz)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #601

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Bertrand Vanbrabant   Thunder and Lightning Polka   (Strauss Jnr)
John Hooper   These are they which follow the Lamb   (Goss)
John Hooper   Ave Maria   (Parsons)
Richard Woodroffe  Tischlerlied (Carpenter’s song)     (Schubert)
NwcChorus   Als Luise die Briefe    (Mozart)
Mike Gibson   Lead Kindly Light (Stainer)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #602

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

John Hooper   Lord, let me know mine end   (Greene)
John Hooper   I heard a voice from heaven   (Stanford)
John Hooper   Magnificat in C (D.486)   (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe  Augenlied (Song of the eyes)     (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   God so loved the world (Stainer)
NwcChorus   Gesellenreisen    (Mozart)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #603

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   Domine Jesu   (Xavier)
Richard Woodroffe  Horch, horch die Lerch (Hark Hark the Lark)      (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   Hallelujah Chorus (from The Mount of Olives, Op. 85) (Beethoven)
NwcChorus   Warnung   (Mozart)
Bertrand Vanbrabant It's a Long Way to Tipperary   (Judge and Williams)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

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Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #604

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Mike Gibson   Flora gave me fairest flowers (Wilbye)
NwcChorus   Dans un bois solitaire   (Mozart)
Richard Woodroffe  Im Frühling (In spring)      (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe   Songs of the Fleet   (Stanford)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

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Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #605

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

John Hooper   Songs of the Fleet   (Stanford) Choral Rehearsal Version.
John Hooper   Ascendit Deus   (Philips)  Choral Rehearsal Version.
NwcChorus   Oiseaux, si tous les ans   (Mozart)
Mike Gibson   In Pride Of May (Weelkes)
Richard Woodroffe  Nacht und Träume (Night and Dreams)    (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

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Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #606

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Bertrand Vanbrabant   Voices of Spring   (Strauss)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Pizzicato Polka   (Strauss and Strauss)
John Hooper   O vos omnes   (Victoria)
Mike Gibson   The Lord is my Shepherd (SSAA)   (Schubert)
Mike Gibson   The Lord is my Shepherd (SSATB)   (Schubert)
NwcChorus   Ridente la calma   (Mozart)
Richard Woodroffe  Drei Gesänge - L’incanto degli occhi (The magic of eyes)    (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe  Drei Gesänge - Il traditor deluso (The traitor deceived)    (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe  Drei Gesänge - Il modo di prender moglie (How to choose a wife)    (Schubert)
Maurizio Spagni   Stücke für Flötenuhr (Pieces for Mechanical Clock)   (Haydn)   Updated

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

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Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #607

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Maurizio Spagni   The glass of beer Traditional Irish
Maurizio Spagni   Drowsy Maggy Traditional Irish
John Hooper   Jesu, dulcis memoria   (Victoria)
John Hooper   Selig sind die Toten   (Schutz)
NwcChorus   Vittoria, Vittoria ! (da une cantata)   (Carissimi)
Mike Gibson   Zigeunerleben   (Schumann)
Harald Müller   Veni Domine   (Mendelssohn)
Richard Woodroffe  Das Abendrot (Sunset)    (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

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Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #608

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka   (Strauss)
John Hooper   Ave Maria   (Victoria)
NwcChorus   Un Certo Non So Che   (Vivaldi)
Mike Gibson   Gloria Laus   (Tye)
Richard Woodroffe  Der Leidende "Klage" (The sufferer ‘Lament’)    (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

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Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #609

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Tina Billett (posthumous) Nimrod   (Elgar)
Mike Gibson   Behold, O God our defender   (Blow)
Mike Gibson   Let My Prayer   (Blow)
NwcChorus   Ogni pena più spietata   (Pergolesi)
NwcChorus   Missa Solemnis (No 14) (Mozart)
Mike Gibson   Mass No 5 - Missa Cellensis (St Cecilia)   (Haydn)
John Hooper   Crux fidelis   (King John IV of Portugal)
Richard Woodroffe   Pensa, che questo istante   (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

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Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #610

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Bart Van den Bosch   Stem van vuur   (Van den Bosch)
Joël Clement   L'île des morts   (Rachmaninoff)
Joël Clement   Concerto For 4 Pianos   (Bach)
Joël Clement   Adagio for pianoforte   (Bach)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Auf Der Jagd   (Strauss)
John Hooper   Psalm 13 - Lord how long wilt Thou forget me?   (Mendelssohn)
Mike Gibson   Mass in F minor (Mass No: 3)    (Bruckner)
NwcChorus   Già il sole dal gange   (Scarlatti A)
Richard Woodroffe   Der Kampf (The battle)   (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

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Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #611

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Maurizio Spagni   Andantino pour harpe ou piano-forte   (Ferrari)
Maurizio Spagni   Duetto op. 20 for two fortepiano or fortepiano and harp   (Ferrari)
Maurizio Spagni   12 Petites Pieces, pour clavecin ou piano-forte   (Ferrari)
Mike Gibson   Te Deum Opus 34 No 1      (Elgar)
Mike Gibson   Benedictus Opus 34 No 2   (Elgar)
NwcChorus   Benedicamus Domino   (Kraft)
Richard Woodroffe   Vier Canzonen - Non t’accostar all’ urna (Four Canzonets - Do not approach the urn)   (Schubert)
John Hooper   I saw the Lord   (Stainer)
Richard Woodroffe   Sortie (in G minor)   (Lefebure-Wely)
Richard Woodroffe   Sortie (in Bb major)   (Lefebure-Wely)
Richard Woodroffe   Sortie (in Eb Major)   (Lefebure-Wely)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

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Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #612

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
NwcChorus   Venus's Song   (Purcel)
Richard Woodroffe   Christmas Day   (Holst)
Mike Gibson   From the Bavarian Highlands - 1 The Dance Op 27 No 1      (Elgar)
Mike Gibson   From the Bavarian Highlands - 1 False Love Op 27 No 2   (Elgar)
Mike Gibson   Rest Sweet Nymphs   (Pilkington)
John Hooper   Nolo mortem peccatoris   (Morley)
Richard Woodroffe   Vier Canzonen - Guarda che bianca luna! (Four Canzonets - Look how bright the moon is)   (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

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Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #613

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Maurizio Spagni   Un jeune moine est sorti du couvent   (de Lassus)
John Hooper   April is in my mistress' face   (Morley)
Mike Gibson   From the Bavarian Highlands -  Lullaby Op 27 No 3      (Elgar)
Mike Gibson   From the Bavarian Highlands -  Aspiration Op 27 No 4   (Elgar)
NwcChorus   Nel cor piu non mi sento   (Paisiello)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Waltz Op. 64 n°1 (Minute Waltz)      (Chopin)
Richard Woodroffe   Vier Canzonen - Da quel sembiante appresi  (Four Canzonets - From that face I learnt)   (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

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Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #614

January 5th (I must have forgotten to post !)

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Maurizio Spagni   Étude impromptu op. 37   (Tedeschi)
Maurizio Spagni   Libiam ne' lieti calici (from "La Traviata") (Verdi)
Maurizio Spagni   La Vergine degli angeli (from "La forza del destino")   (Verdi)
Maurizio Spagni   Trois grandes sonates pour harpe avec violon et violoncelle   (Ferrari)
Bob Darby   String Quartet No3 in F Minor   (Darby)
Mike Gibson   From the Bavarian Highlands -  On the Alm Op 27 No 5      (Elgar)
Mike Gibson   From the Bavarian Highlands -  The Marksmen Op 27 No 6   (Elgar)
NwcChorus   Nel    (Fauré)
Richard Woodroffe   Vier Canzonen - Mio ben ricordati   (Four Canzonets - Remember, beloved)   (Schubert)


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #615

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Mike Gibson   The Shower Op71 No 1    (Elgar)
Mike Gibson   The Fountain Op 71 No 2
Mike Gibson   Death on the Hills Op72
Mike Gibson   Love's Tempest Op73 No 1
Mike Gibson   Serenade Op73 No 2
NwcChorus   Les pêcheurs de perles (Pearl fishers)    (Bizet)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Annen-Polka   (Strauss)
Richard Woodroffe   An mein Klavier (To my piano)   (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

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Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #616

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Maurizio Spagni   Al ruscello   (Tedeschi)
Maurizio Spagni   Anacreontica   (Tedeschi)
Maurizio Spagni   Pattuglia spagniuola   (Tedeschi)
Maurizio Spagni   Suite   (Tedeschi)
Mike Gibson   O Happy Eyes Op 18 No 1     (Elgar)
Mike Gibson   Love Op 18 No 2      (Elgar)
Mike Gibson   My love dwelt in a Northern land  Op 18 No 3     (Elgar)
NwcChorus   Selve amiche   (Caldara)   
NwcChorus   Come raggio di sol   (Caldara)   
Richard Woodroffe   Am See (By the lake)   (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe   Sous le dôme épais (The Flower duet)   (Delibes)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

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Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #617

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Joel Clement   Bolero   (Ravel)
Mike Gibson   Cantique de Jean Racine, Op.11     (Fauré)
Mike Gibson   Panis Angelicus   (Franck)
Richard Woodroffe   Spanish Serenade   (Elgar)
NwcChorus   Portrait de Socrate   (Satie)   
Richard Woodroffe   Eine altschottische Ballade (An old Scottish ballad)    (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #618

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Maurizio Spagni   Tableaux d'une exposition (Pictures at an Exhibition)   (Ravel)
Mike Gibson   Psaume 150   (Franck)
Mike Gibson   Ave Regina   (Gabrielli A)
NwcChorus   Bords de l'Ilissus   (Satie)   
Richard Woodroffe   Abschied (Farewell)    (Schubert)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Gold and Silver   (Lehar)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #619

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Bart Van Den Bosch     Hoop zoals het ochtendlicht   (Van Den Bosch)
Maurizio Spagni   Concerto in D major op. 10 no. 3   (Vivaldi)
Maurizio Spagni   Lascia ch'io pianga   (Handel)
NwcChorus   Mort de Socrate   (Satie)   
Mike Gibson   There is Sweet Music   (Elgar)
Mike Gibson   Ave Maia   (Elgar)
Richard Woodroffe   Blanka (Blanka)    (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #620

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

NwcChorus   Sento nel core   (Scarlatti A)   
Mike Gibson   Ave Verum   (Elgar)
Mike Gibson   Great is the Lord   (Elgar)
Richard Woodroffe    (Lambertine)    (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #621

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Mike Gibson   The Music Makers   (Elgar)
Mike Gibson   Give unto the Lord Op 74   (Elgar)
NwcChorus   Su, venite a consiglio   (Scarlatti A)   
Richard Woodroffe    Idens Nachtgesang (Ida’s song to the night)   (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #622

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Mike Gibson   Lord, Grant Grace   (Gibbons)
NwcChorus   La traviata N°3 duo Alfredo Violetta    (Verdi)   
Richard Woodroffe    Trauer der Liebe (Love’s sorrows)    (Schubert)
Joël Clement   Polifemo "Alto Giove" (Act I) (Porpora)
Joël Clement   Polifemo "Dolci freschi aurette" (Act III) (Porpora)
Joël Clement   Polifemo "Senti il fato" (Act III) (Porpora)
Joël Clement   Concerto N° 1 for oboe (HWV 301) (Handel)
Joël Clement   Concerto N° 2 for oboe (HWV 302a) (Handel)
Joël Clement   Concerto N° 3 for oboe (HWV 287) (Handel)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   The Merry Widow Waltz   (Lehar)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #623

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe    Trost (Comfort)    (Schubert)
NwcChorus   Il Barbiere Di Siviglia - Cessa di più resistere    (Rossini)   
Mike Gibson   If ye be risen again with Christ   (Gibbons)
Warren Porter   Sonata No. III for Violin and Piano, Op. 45   (Grieg)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #624

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Maurizio Spagni   Waltzes Op.39   (Brahams)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Leichtes Blut   (Strauss, Johann II)
Richard Woodroffe   Grosse Études de Paganini - Étude No. 1   (Liszt)
Richard Woodroffe    Der Strom (The River)    (Schubert)
NwcChorus   I attempt from Love's sickness    (Purcell)   
Mike Gibson    A Sound Of Angels   (Tye)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #626
Thanks Maurizio,

Fixed now. (2 wretched capital letters !)


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #627

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Maurizio Spagni   Twelve waltzes for the pianoforte or harp Op. 34   (Steibelt)
Richard Woodroffe   Grosse Études de Paganini - Étude No. 5   La Chasse (Liszt)
Richard Woodroffe    Der Entfernten (To the distant beloved)    (Schubert)
Mike Gibson    Blest Pair of Sirens   (Pary)
NwcChorus   Il Barbiere Di Siviglia - Ecco Ridente In Cielo    (Rossini)   

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #628

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Mike Gibson    I was Glad   (Parry)
NwcChorus   Quant j'ai ouy le tambourin   (Debussy)   
Richard Woodroffe   Grosse Études de Paganini - Étude No. 4 in E major (Vivo) ("Arpeggio") (Liszt)
Richard Woodroffe    Der Gott und die Bajadere  (The god and the dancing-girl)    (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #629

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   Grosse Études de Paganini - Étude No. 2 in E-flat major (Liszt)
Richard Woodroffe    D256 Der Schatzgräber (The treasure-seeker)    (Schubert)
Mike Gibson    Magnificat   (Pachelbel)
NWCChorus   Caro laccio, dolce nodo   (Gasparini)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #630

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Mike Gibson    Ave Verum Corpus   (Saint-Saens)
NWCChorus   Chor der Norwegischen Matrosen   (Wagner)
Richard Woodroffe   Punschlied (Im Norden zu singen) On drinking punch (To be sung in the north)   (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #631

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Richard Woodroffe   Die Liebesgötter (The gods of love)   (Schubert)
Mike Gibson    Panis Angelicus   (Saint-Saens)
NWCChorus   Mit Lieb bin ich umfangen   (Steuerlein)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #632

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Mike Gibson    Quam Dilecta   (Saint-Saens)
NWCChorus   Chanson à boire   (Bataille)
Richard Woodroffe   Zum Punsche (In praise of punch)    (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk



Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #633

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Mike Gibson    Christ Rising Again   (Sheppard)
NWCChorus   Rose rouge    (Messager)
Richard Woodroffe   Abendlied (Evening song)    (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #634

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Mike Gibson    Ave Maria   (Bonnet)
NWCChorus   Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude    (Bach)
Richard Woodroffe   Des Fräuleins Liebeslauschen (The maiden's serenade)     (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #635

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
John Hooper   Fyer, Fyer   (Morley)  Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Confitebor   (Wesley)  Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper      Messe No 6 in G aux cathedrals   (Gounod)   Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper      Nun treten wir ins neue Jahr   (Bach JM)   Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Exsultate justi   (Viadani)   Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   St Ursulae Mass   (Haydn JM)   Choral Rehearsal Version
Mike Gibson    Turn thee unto me, O Lord   (Boyce)
NWCChorus   Ave Verum Corpus    (Mozart)
Richard Woodroffe   An die Nachtigall (To the Nightingale)     (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #636

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
John Hooper   Veni sancte spiritus   (Mozart)  Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Song of the fates (Gesang der Parzen)   (Brahms) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Dum transisset Sabbatum   (Taverna) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Regina Coeli   (Mozart)  Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Magnificat   (Rootham)  Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Nunc Dimittis   (Rootham)  Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Hard by a crystal fountain   (Morley)  Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper    I love, alas, I love thee   (Morley)  Choral Rehearsal Version
Mike Gibson   Messe de Minuit pour Noël, 1690   (Charpentier)
NWCChorus   Requiem   (Mozart)
Richard Woodroffe   Fahrt zum Hades (Journey to Hades)     (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #637

I was having Intenet difficulties and did not realise that the update posting did not get through.
Last Friday, the Scriptorium was updated with works submitted by :

John Hooper   Invocation to Music   (Parry)  Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Loquebantur variis linguis   (Tallis) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit   (Tallis) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   In Every Place   (Morley) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Leave, alas, this tormenting   (Morley) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Now is the month of Maying   (Morley) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   O hearken Thou   (Elgar) Choral Rehearsal Version
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Die Fledermaus - Overture    (Strauss)
Mike Gibson   Requiem in C-minor   (Cherubini)
NWCChorus   Requiem   (Brahms)
Richard Woodroffe   Das Sehnen(Longing)     (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk



Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #638

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
John Hooper   My bonny lass she smileth   (Morley) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Now is the monh of Maying - 2nd version   (Morley) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Laudate Dominum   (Sweelink) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Hodie Christus Natus Est   (Sweelink) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Canon/1st Noel mash-up    (Pachelbel) Choral Rehearsal Version
NWCChorus   Gloria RV589   (Vivaldi)
Mike Gibson    Requiem in F Minor - Choral   (Biber)
Richard Woodroffe   Die Berge (The mountains)     (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #639

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

John Hooper   Though Philomela lost her love   (Morley) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Say, gentle nymphs   (Morley) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Wimpole Evening Service   (Tudway) Choral Rehearsal Version
NWCChorus   Requiem   (Fauré)
Mike Gibson    Te Deum   (Bruckner)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Kaiser Franz Joseph I, Rettungs-Jubel-Marsch   (Strauss, Johann II)
Richard Woodroffe   Die Schöne Müllerin - Die böse Farbe (The loathsome colour)     (Schubert)
If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #640
The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
John Hooper   Since my tears and lamenting   (Morley) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Sing we and chant it   (Morley) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Whither away so fast?   (Morley) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Sicut lilium inter spinas   (Palestrina) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Lohengrin - Bridal Chorus   (Wagner) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Brindisi   (Verdi) Choral Rehearsal Version
Mike Gibson    O Thou, the central orb   (Gibbons)
NWCChorus   Il est bel et bon   (Passereau)
Richard Woodroffe   Die Schöne Müllerin - Halt D795 Op 25 No 3(Halt)     (Schubert)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Explosions - Polka Op. 43 (Strauss) 

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #641

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

John Hooper   Matadors' Chorus" (La Traviata   (Verdi) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Soldiers' Chorus" (Il Trovatore)   (Verdi)Soldiers' Chorus" (Il Trovatore)Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Triumphal Scene" (Aida)   (Verdi) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper    "Witches' Chorus" (MacBeth) -    (Verdi) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper    Missa: Nigra sum -    (Palestrina) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper    Missa: Nasce la gioja mia -    (Palestrina) Choral Rehearsal Version
Mike Gibson    Acis and Galetea   (Handel)
NWCChorus   Chorale 153 - 9 Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid    (Bach)
Richard Woodroffe   Schwanengesang - Abschied D957 No 7 (Swan Song - Farewell)     (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #642

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
John Hooper   Tantum Ergo   (Fauré) Choral Rehearsal Version
John Hooper   Blessed be the God and Father   (Wesley) Choral Rehearsal Version
Mike Gibson    Brockes Passion    (Handel)
NWCChorus   Luci Care (K.V.346)     (Mozart)
Richard Woodroffe   Schwanengesang - In der Ferne (Swan Song - Far away)     (Schubert)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Vergnügungszug   (Strauss)
Ann Macfarlane   Paddatjies op skool (Macfarlane)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #643

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Mike Gibson    Pange Ligua    (Kodaly)
Ann Macfarlane   Christmas Flavour for 2 pianos (Macfarlane)
John Hooper   Praise the Lord, O my soul   (Wesley) Choral Rehearsal Version
NWC Chorus   Requiem - Libera Me   (Verdi)
Richard Woodroffe   Winterreise - Erstarrung (Winter Journey - Numbness)     (Schubert)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Tik-Tak Polka    (Strauss)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #644

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Mike Gibson    My heart is inditing   (Handel)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Perpetuum Mobile Op. 257   (Strauss)
Richard Woodroffe    Schwanengesang - Kriegers Ahnung (Swan Song - Warrior’s foreboding)     (Schubert)
NWC Chorus   Requiem - Sanctus   (Verdi)
Harald Mueller   Keyboard Cheats for NWC ver 2.75

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #645
Harald Mueller Keyboard Cheats for NWC ver 1.75

Ummm, Hi Rich...  Shouldn't that be NWC ver 2.75?

BTW, thanks for all the work you do maintaining the Scripto - you've run it for as long as I've known about NWC and that goes back to about 2002 I think!!!  Awesome dedication there mate.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #646
Whoops - Thanks Lawrie.  Corrected now.

Thanks also for the other things you said.


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #647

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Mike Gibson    Missa tempore Quadragesimae in D minor (MH 553)    (HaydnM)
NWC Chorus   Dies est laetitiae   (Messaus)
Richard Woodroffe    Blumenlied (Flower song)     (Schubert)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Die Bajadere Op. 351   (Strauss)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #648

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Mike Gibson    Missa Choralis    (Liszt)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Stürmisch in Lieb' und Tanz, Op. 393   (Strauss)
Maurizio Spagni   Il primo libro de' balli   (Mainerio)  Updated
Richard Woodroffe    Die Schöne Müllerin - Wohin? (Where to?)     (Schubert)
NWC Chorus   Canticum Canticorum (Numbers 1 to 11)   (Palestrina)
If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #649

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Mike Gibson    Domine Dominus Noster    (Lasso)
NWC Chorus   24 vocalises progressives (Panofka) (23 supplied)
Richard Woodroffe    Die Schöne Müllerin - Der Müller und der Bach (The miller and the brook)     (Schubert)
Bertrand Vanbrabant   Aus der Ferne, Polka mazur   (Strauss Joseph)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk
