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Topic: Scriptorium Update (Read 1022702 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #100

A bumper week this week. Phew !

Kim Abe   Symphony No 1   (Abe)
Kim Abe   Piano Concert No 1 "Waterdrops"   (Abe)
Sebastian Schleussner   Bassoon Sonata 1   (Bertoli)
Sebastian Schleussner   Adoramus te Jesu Christe (Handl)
Sebastian Schleussner Lobe den Herren, meine Seele (Schütz)
Sebastian Schleussner   Begli occhi   (Strozzi)
Sebastian Schleussner   Wahrlich, ich sage euch   (Vulpius)
Yan Forestier   Missa sapientiae    Movement 12 plus zip file   (Lotti)
Albert Scerri   Marechiare   (Tosti)
Albert Scerri   Malia   (Tosti)
Albert Scerri   Farewell to Napoli   (Cottrau)
Albert Scerri   La Giavanese from Paese dei campanelli   (Ranzato)
Albert Scerri   La Mattinata   (Leoncavello)
Albert Scerri   Ninna nanna (Wiegenlied)   (Brahms)
Albert Scerri   Valzer delle candele   (Chopin)
Albert Scerri   Sangue Viennese or Wiener Blut   (Strauss)
Albert Scerri   Laudate Nomen Domini   (Tye)
Albert Scerri   Fenesta che lucive   (Bellini)
Albert Scerri   Adoramus Te Christe   (Palestrina)
Albert Scerri   Miserere mei Deus   (Lotti)
Albert Scerri   Ave Maria   (Archadelt)
Albert Scerri   Pieta Signore   (Stradella)
Albert Scerri   Le voci del Creato   (Mercadante)
Wacek Zarzycki Piano Concerto No 2   (Zarzycki)
Sean Ashcraft   Suite for Strings No. 1: Three Short Songs for Small Ensemble (Ashcraft)
Carl Bangs   Pastoral Updated    (Handel)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #101

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Klaas Lamminga   Laudate Jehovam, omnes gentes (psalm 117)   (Telemann)
Albert Scerri   The Holy City   (Adams)
Albert Scerri   Inno al Creatore   (Beethoven)
Albert Scerri   Ave Verum Corpus   (Byrd)
Albert Scerri   To Music (An die Musik)   (Schubert)
Albert Scerri   Serenata   (Schubert)
Albert Scerri   ve Verum   (Elgar)
Albert Scerri   O Salutaris Ostia (Elgar)
Albert Scerri   Dixit Maria   (Hassler)
Albert Scerri   Missa Octavi Toni   (Lassus)
Yan Forestier   6-voice Crucifixus in d  minor   (Lotti)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #102

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Albert Scerri   Una furtiva lacrima   (Donizetti)
Albert Scerri   O Domine Jesu Christe   (Palestrina)
Albert Scerri   O cessate di piagarmi   (Scarlatti)
Albert Scerri   The Lord is my shepherd   (Irvine)
Albert Scerri   Beata Mater    (Santucci)
Albert Scerri   Mi par d'udir ancor   (Bizet)
Stephen Mattos   Sonata for Two Clarinets and Two Trumpets   (Mattos)
Bob Darby   Nocturne for Piano, Violin and Cello   (Darby)
Jay Hamilton   To Set the Scene   (Hamilton)
Jay Hamilton   120=8ths   (Hamilton)
Jay Hamilton   Barok   (Hamilton)
Jay Hamilton   Selendro X   (Hamilton)
Jay Hamilton   Therapy   (Hamilton)
Jay Hamilton   Untitled   (Hamilton)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #103

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Josh Hauck   Short Etudes for Violin   (Hauck)
Albert Scerri   Graduale (Locus iste)   (Bruckner)
Albert Scerri   Alma del core from Pastorale "La costanza in amor"   (Caldara)
Albert Scerri   La Portinaia   (Montanari)
Albert Scerri   Inno di Mameli (Italian National Anthem)   (Novaro)
Albert Scerri   Addio fiorito asil (from Madame Butterfly)   (Puccini)
Albert Scerri   Song of the drum (from opera Daughter of the regiment)   (Donizetti)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #104

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Lawrie Pardy   The Holy City for brass esemble (Adams)
Albert Scerri   O Saviour of the world   (Somervell)
Albert Scerri   O Sole Mio   (Di Capua)
Albert Scerri   Exaucement from Le jardin clos Part I  (Faure)
Albert Scerri   Quand tu plonges tes yeux dans mes yeux from Le jardin clos Part II    (Faure)
Albert Scerri   Nessun dorma   (Puccini)
Albert Scerri   Annie Laurie   (Dunn)
Albert Scerri   Ninna nanna (Brahms) Updated
Albert Scerri   >Fenesta che lucive   (Bellini) Updated

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #105

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Raymond Beaver   Valse Triste for String Orchestra   (Beaver)
Albert Scerri   The gipsy girl's dream   (Balfe)
Albert Scerri   Beautiful dreamer   (Foster)
Albert Scerri   Jeanie with the light brown hair   (Foster)
Albert Scerri   That's what's the matter   (Foster)
Albert Scerri   Largo (Ombra mai fu) (HAndel)
Albert Scerri   Deh calma o ciel   (Rossini)
Albert Scerri   Teach me O Lord   (Attwood)
Albert Scerri   La donna e mobile (Rigoletto)   (Verdi)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #106

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Stefan Sundlin   Machet die Tore weit   (Telemann)
Michael Lonneke   O Blessed Jesus   (Lonneke)
Michael Lonneke   Mein gläubiges Herze   (Bach)
Albert Scerri   Le jardin clos - I Exaucement (Faure) Updated
Albert Scerri   Le jardin clos - II Quand tu plonges tes yeux dans mes yeux (Faure) Updated
Albert Scerri   Le jardin clos - III La Messagère (Faure)
Albert Scerri   Le jardin clos - IV Je me poserai sur ton coeur (Faure)
Albert Scerri   Le jardin clos - V Dans la Nymphée (Faure)
Albert Scerri   Old Black Joe (Foster)
Albert Scerri   De Campdown Races (Foster)
Raymond Beaver   Prelude for Guitar Version 1   (Beaver)
Raymond Beaver   Prelude for Guitar Version 2   (Beaver)
Raymond Beaver   Valse Triste for String Orchestra   (Beaver) Updated
Maurizio Spagni   Missing bits from Fred's Magic Flute files   (Mozart)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #107

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Duncan Fitzgerald   Alla Hornpipe   (Handel)
Duncan Fitzgerald   For Unto You This Day   (Fitzgerald)
Albert Scerri   Un Ballo in Maschera - La rivedra nell'estasi   (Verdi)
Albert Scerri   La Traviata - De miei bollenti spiriti   (Verdi)
Albert Scerri   Luisa Miller - Quando le sere al placido   (Verdi)
Albert Scerri   Liebestreu Op 3 No 1   (Brahms)
Albert Scerri   So clear thine eyes Op 59 No 8   (Brahms)
Vincent Rosario   Cloths of Heaven   (Rosario)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #108

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Carl B. Mill   Silent Night   (Gruber)
Albert Scerri   Dans la pénombre Le jardin clos Part VI   (Faure)
Albert Scerri   Il m'est cher, Amour from Le jardin clos Part VII   (Faure)
Albert Scerri   Inscription sur le sable from Le jardin clos Part VIII   (Faure)
Albert Scerri   Gentle Annie   (Foster)
Albert Scerri   Oh Susanna   (Foster)
Albert Scerri   Ring, ring de banjo   (Foster)
Albert Scerri   Stedina tal-Milied   (Anonymous Maltese carol)
Albert Scerri   Il-Maxtura   (Anonymous Maltese carol)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Seasons Greetings


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #109

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Raymond Beaver   Cool It   (Beaver)
Michael Lonneke   Jesus of Nazareth   (Gounod)
Josh Hauck   Prelude in C   (Hauck)
Josh Hauck   Etude in D   (Hauck)
Albert Scerri   La Sonnambula - Still so gently   (Bellini)
Albert Scerri   Norma - Casta Diva    (Bellini)
Albert Scerri   No I will sigh no more    (Donizetti)
Albert Scerri   La Figlia del Regimento   (Donizetti)
Albert Scerri   Lucia di Lamermoor - Per te d'immenso giubilo   ((Donizetti)
Albert Scerri   Pagliacci - Vesti la giubba   (Leoncavallo)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Happy New Year

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #110

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Tony Hyman   Rainy Day Dreams    (Hyman)
John Hooper   Requiem in C minor   (Cherubini)
John White   Trio No 1 in B flat for Piano, Violin & Viola, Op. 37    (Lachner I)
Albert Scerri   La Figlia del Regimento   Search through the world (Donizetti)
Albert Scerri   Inno alla notte   (Beethoven)
Albert Scerri   Nanny Op2 No1   (Chausson)
Albert Scerri   Manon -  O dolce incanto (Fermez les yeux)   (Massenet)
Albert Scerri   Manon Lescaut - Donna non vidi mai   (Puccini)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #111

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Lawrie Pardy   Update to Dings suite of fonts   (Pardy)
Maurizio Spagni   "Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman", Theme and Variations   (Mozart)   
John Hooper   Israel in Egypt   (Handel)
John Hooper   Saul   (Handel)
Albert Scerri   Gypsy love song - Slumber on my little sweetheart   (Herbert)
Albert Scerri   La prece dell'Orfana (The Orphan's prayer)   (Mercadante)
Albert Scerri   Manon Lescaut - Guardate pazzo son   (Puccini)
Albert Scerri   Tancredi - Here we meet   (Rossini)
Albert Scerri   Kanzonetta - So ben che mi saettano   Stradella
Albert Scerri   Il Trovatore - Ah che la morte ognora   (Verdi)

f you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #112

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Josh Hauck   Summer Sweat   (Hauck)
John Hooper   Heilig-messe   (Haydn)
John Hooper   Schopfungsmesse (Mass No.13 in B-flat; Creation Mass)   (Haydn)
John Hooper   Semele   (Handel)
Yann Forestier   Cantata BWV 22 "Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe", movement 5/5   (Bach) Updated
Ivo Blanken    Divertimento in C Arr. For windquintet   (Vanhall)
Ivo Blanken    il mio tesoro (don Giovanni)   (Mozart)
Albert Scerri   La Sonnambula - Vi ravviso o luoghi ameni   (Bellini)
Albert Scerri   Santa Lucia   (Cottrau)
Albert Scerri   Come, and beneath the linden shade   (Donizetti)
Albert Scerri   Werther - Pourquoi me réveiller   (Massenet)
Albert Scerri   Mignon - (I) Heiss mich nicht reden   (Wolf)
Albert Scerri   Cinderella - Green hills of Tyrol   (Rossini)
Albert Scerri   O cessate di piagarmi   (Scarlatti, Alessandro) Updated and corrected

f you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #113

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

John Hooper   Little Organ Mass   (Haydn)
Albert Scerri   Norma - Ah can'st thou leave me   (Bellini)
Albert Scerri   The Forsaken One   (Mercadante)
Albert Scerri   Ciribiribin - Sung Waltz   (Pestalozza)
Albert Scerri   Tosca - E lucevan le stelle   (Puccini)
Albert Scerri   Stornellatrice (Singer of Stornelli)   (Respighi)
Albert Scerri   Il Barbiere di Siviglia - Se il mio nome saper voi bramate   (Rossini)
Albert Scerri   Il Trovatore - Duet - Ai nostri monti (To our mountains)   (Verdi)
Albert Scerri   Serenata   (Schubert) Updated

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #114

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Phil Holmes   The Holy City   (Adams)
Kim Abe   Symphony No. 2   (Abe)
Yann Forestier   Was Gott tut( Nos 2,4 and 5)   (Bach)
Carl Mill   Soldier's LAment   (Mill)
John Hooper   Stabat Mater   (Haydn)
Albert Scerri   Norma - La Sonnambula - Ah non credea mirarti   (Bellini)
Albert Scerri   Non ti scordar di me   (De Curtis)
Albert Scerri   L'Elisir d'Amore - Quanto è bella   (Donizetti)
Albert Scerri   Faust - Salut demeure chaste et pure   (Gounod)
Albert Scerri   Jessie the flower of Dumblane   (Trad. Scottish)
Albert Scerri   Rigoletto - E'l sol dell'anima (Love is the soul)   (Verdi)
Albert Scerri   Mignon - Elle ne croyait pas    (Thomas)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #115

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Yann Forestier    Cantata n°99 "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan" (II)   (Bach)
Yann Forestier    Requiem - Introit   (Lotti)
Ivo Blanken   Divertimento nr. 3 in Es   (Mozart)
Albert Scerri   La Sonnambula - Come per me sereno   (Bellini)
Albert Scerri   Manon Lescaut - C'ést l'histoire amoureuse    (Auber)
Albert Scerri   The Bohemian Girl - Then you'll remember me   (Balfe)
Albert Scerri   Marmotte   (Beethoven)
Albert Scerri   Carmen - (Habanera) L'amour est un oiseau rebelle   (Bizet)
Albert Scerri   Tosca - O dolci mani   (Puccini)
Albert Scerri   Cinderella - Strike for Tyrol & Liberty   (Rossini)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Scriptorium Problems

Reply #116
Hello all

As you may be aware, the Scriptorium is down at the moment.

I'm afraid that I can't give you any news about this. All my usual sources either do not know or have not answered.

The items that I have due for update will be stored until such time as the site is restored. If I learn anything, I will let you know.



Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #117

I am exceptionally pleased to be able to tell you that the NoteWorthy Scriptorium is now re-incarnated at the following address . Please update your bookmarks because this change is permanent.

It is possible that the previous address at will start up again, but if it does, the NoteWorthy files on that server will be deleted in the near future.

The this week's updates have also been included in the new site. There may be a few glitches while the new site is bedded in, so please be patient.



Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #118
Thank you for taking such quick action, Richard.  The new address is easy to remember, too!  Well done.

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #119
We have updated all of the scriptorium links in all forum messages to point to the new domain. Although this is slightly like rewriting history, I think it is the best approach for keeping the relevance of topics that link to the scripto.

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #120
G'day Rich,
thanks for the quick work mate.  I actually need some files from the Scripto so I've been waiting for it to come back up!

G'day Eric,
We have updated all of the scriptorium links in all forum messages to point to the new domain. Although this is slightly like rewriting history, I think it is the best approach for keeping the relevance of topics that link to the scripto.

Thanks mate - I reckon this is a good idea.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #121
We have updated all of the scriptorium links in all forum messages to point to the new domain. Although this is slightly like rewriting history, I think it is the best approach for keeping the relevance of topics that link to the scripto.

That's a good idea - Thanks for all.


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #122
Thanks for the quick work.
If you don't mind me asking, what happened to and what was it?

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #123
Would you believe that I still haven't heard from anyone.
Seems to have gone into a black hole.

If I ever find out, I'll let you know.

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #124
Well, it's back up, and that's what counts.
Thanks again.

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #125

My belated thanks to you for the quick remedial measures.  I.too. have tried to get news of vpmag from every conceivable source but it seems to have disappeared into outer space.


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #126
Thanks, Richard, for your quick work on this - and thanks, Eric, for changing all the pointers. I presume this wasn't all handwork. Were you able to do it in a single operation, or did you have to go topic by topic? In any case - not a trivial job, and many thanks.

And this certainly points out the validity of the programmer's eleventh commandment: Thou shalt make backups. Richard, thanks for having had the foresight to do just that.



Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #127
And this certainly points out the validity of the programmer's eleventh commandment: Thou shalt make backups. Richard, thanks for having had the foresight to do just that.

Thanks Bill - I do have a local copy of the Scriptorium as well as decent backups which on occasion, I have restored to a different local drive just to test a disaster recovery (can you tell that I have to do that at work ? ) .  I have to admit though, that I'm not quite as good with my own non-scripto stuff.


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #128

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Peter N Bloch   Ave Verum Corpus   Mozart
Yann Forestier   Requiem en F  Major - Domine Jesu Christe No 22   (Lotti)
Carl B. Mill   Crucifixus a 8   (Lotti)
Albert Scerri   Manon Lescaut - Tra voi belle brune e bionde   (Puccini)
Albert Scerri   Anna Bolena - Al dolce guidami   (Donizetti)
Albert Scerri   La Molinara - Nel cor piu non mi sento   (Paisiello)
Albert Scerri   Le Charme Op2 No2   (Chausson)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

For those of you that have been asking about the old vpmag site, I still have not heard from anyone - and it is certainly not up at the moment -
disappeared !


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #129

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   Caprice No 6   (Paganini)
Albert Scerri   Norma - Mira o Norma   (Bellini)
Albert Scerri   Requiem Op.48 No.4 - Pie Jesu   (Faure)
Albert Scerri   The Maid of Judah - Martial Song   (Rossini)
Albert Scerri   I Lombardi - La mia letizia infondere   (Verdi)
Albert Scerri   The Dove (La Paloma)   (Yradier)
Albert Scerri   La Costanza in Amor - Alma del core   (Caldara) Updated

8 pieces of Faure music have been removed for further work.

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #130

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Albert Scerri   Salut demeure chaste et pure   (Gounnod) Updated
Albert Scerri   Oberon - I'd weep with thee      (Weber)
Albert Scerri   Il Floridoro - Col mio sangue comprarei   (Stradella)
Albert Scerri   If you've only got a moustache   (Foster)
Albert Scerri   La Favorita - Una vergine, un angel di Dio   (Donizetti)

Lotti Missa Sapentiae has been removed while copyright issues are resolved.

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #131

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Benjamin Sloman   Anvil Chorus (Il Trovatore, Act 2)   (Verdi)
Benjamin Sloman   La fleur (Carmen, Act 2 Aria of Don Jose)   (Bizet)
Benjamin Sloman   Non piangere Liu (Turandot, Act 1 Aria of Calaf)   (Puccini)
Benjamin Sloman   O Colombina (Pagliacci, Act 2 Serenade of Arlecchino)   (Leoncavello)
Richard Woodroffe   Caprice No 24 in A minor   (Paganini)
Albert Scerri   Vaga luna che inargenti   (Bellini)
Albert Scerri   Tosca - Vissi d'arte   (Puccini)
Albert Scerri   T'amo ancora    (Tosti)
Albert Scerri   Il Trovatore - Tace la notte & Deserto sulla terra   (Verdi)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #132

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Albert Scerri   Nessun dorma (from Turandot)   (Puccini)
Albert Scerri   Manon Lescaut - Guardate pazzo son   (Puccini)
Albert Scerri   Norma - Guerra! Guerra! Le Galliche selve   (Bellini)
Albert Scerri   Orfeo & Euridice - Che disse   (Gluck)
Albert Scerri   Faust - Il était un Roi de Thulé   (Gounod)
Albert Scerri   La Prophète - Ah! My Child!   (Meyerbeer)
Albert Scerri   Invito alla danza   (Respighi)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #133


Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

John White   Concertino for Horn, Bassoon & Orchestra, Op. 43    (Lachner I)
Albert Scerri   Il Pirata - Nel furor delle tempeste   (Bellini)
Albert Scerri   Joseph - Romanza di Benjamin   (Méhul)
Albert Scerri   Einsamkeit Op 89 No 12B   (Schubert)
Albert Scerri   The Blue Bells of Scotland   (Trad Scottish)
Albert Scerri   Rigoletto - Parmi veder le lagrime   (Verdi)
Jay Hamilton   Newquark2   (Hamilton) Updated

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Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #134

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Albert Scerri   La Sonnambula - Prendi l'anel ti dono   (Bellini)
Albert Scerri   Lucia di Lamermoor - Cruda, funesta smania   (Donizetti)
Albert Scerri   La Traviata - Addio del passato   (Verdi)
Albert Scerri   Mignon - Elle ne croyait pas   (Thomas)   Updated
Michael Lonneke   Minuet, Variations & Quodlibet  .   (Lonneke)
Jay Hamilton   Prayer of Thanksgiving   (Hamilton)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #135

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Jay Hamilton   Fugatos   (Hamilton)
Albert Scerri   Norma - Meco all'altar   (Bellini)
Albert Scerri   Faust - Faites-lui mes aveux   (Gounod)
Albert Scerri   La Marseillaise   (de Lisle)
Albert Scerri   Il Trovatore - Ah che la morte ognora   (Verdi)   Updated

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #136

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Albert Scerri   Persian love song - Dark-eyed one   (Auber)
Albert Scerri   Faust - Carmen - Seguidille and Duet   (Bizet)
Albert Scerri   La Favorita - Spirito gentil   (Donizetti)
Albert Scerri   Les Huguenots - Nobil donna   (Meyerbeer)
Albert Scerri   Un Ballo in Maschera - Ma se m'e forza perderti   (Verdi)
Albert Scerri   La Traviata - De miei bollenti spiriti   (Verdi) Updated
Yann Forestier   Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele   (Bach)
Yann Forestier   Was Gott tut,  das ist Wohlgetan mvmt 6   (Bach) Updated
Yann Forestier   Was Gott tut, es ist  wohlgetan mvmt 3   (Bach) Updated
Jay Hamilton   She wanted a date he just wanted a cup of Coffee   (Hamilton)
Jay Hamilton   Schultz (1993)   (Hamilton)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #137

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Albert Scerri   Quando le sere al placido   (Verdi) Updated
Albert Scerri   La rivedra nell'estasi   (Verdi) Updated
Albert Scerri   Mefistofele - L'altra notte infondo al mare   (Boito)
Albert Scerri   Coppelia Waltz - Par les bois embaumès   (Delibes)
Albert Scerri   Lucia di Lamermoor - Tombe degl'avi miei (Fra poco a me ricovero)   (Donizetti)
Albert Scerri   Arietta - Se tu m'ami   (Pergolesi)
Benjamin Sloman   Recondita Armonia (Tosca, Act 1)   (Puccini)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #138

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Albert Scerri   Romance - Le Dépit de la Bergère   (Berlioz)
Albert Scerri   Hawn Jien Mulej ('Tis me O Lord)   (Anonymous)
Albert Scerri   O Mimi tu piu non torni   (Puccini)
Albert Scerri   Rigoletto - Caro nome   (Verdi)
Albert Scerri   Samson et Dalila - Mon coeur s'ouvre à ta voix   (Saint-Saens)
Benjamin Sloman   Com'è gentil   (Donizetti)
Benjamin Sloman   Bois epais   (Lully)
Benjamin Sloman   Tre giorni (Pergolesi)
Benjamin Sloman   Ch'ella mi creda   (Puccini)
Iqbal Hussain   Across the Water   (Hussain)
Josh Hauck   Contrapunctus IX a 4 alla Duodecima   (Bach)
Josh Hauck   Daisy Bell   (Dacre)
Josh Hauck   Minuet in G    (Hauck)
Josh Hauck   Daydreaming   (Hauck)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #139

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Albert Scerri   The lonely rose   (Balfe)
Albert Scerri   Ach so fromm   (Flotow)
Albert Scerri   Un bel di vedremo   (Puccini)
Albert Scerri   Una volta c'era un Re   (Rossini)
Albert Scerri   O Vierge Marie   (Thomas)
Jay Hamilton   Wane   (Hamilton)
Jay Hamilton   Hefeweise   (Hamilton)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #140

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Albert Scerri   A te o cara (For you dear)   (Bellini)
Albert Scerri   La mia fede altrui   (Carissimi)
Albert Scerri   L'Elisir d'Amore - (Barcarole)   (Donizetti)
Albert Scerri   ir de Salomé (Il est doux, il est bon)   (Massinet)
Albert Scerri   Ah si ben mio coll'essere   (Verdi)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #141

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

John White   String Quartet No 3 in F major, Op. 51.   (Gernsheim)
Jay Hamilton   The Passing of Ten Years   (Hamilton)
Albert Scerri   Dai campi, dai prati   (Boito)
Albert Scerri   Per la più vaga e bella   (Caccini)
Albert Scerri   Tu che a Dio    (Donizetti)
Albert Scerri   La Calunnia (The Slander) (Rossini)
Albert Scerri   Niun mi tema    (Verdi)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #142

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Albert Scerri   Joyful and mournful   (Liszt)
Albert Scerri   Schéhérazade - La flûte enchantée    (Ravel)
Albert Scerri   Stabat Mater - Inflammatus    (Rossini)
Albert Scerri   Il Trovatore - Il balen del suo sorriso   (Verdi)
Albert Scerri   Caro mio ben      (Giordani)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Scriptorium Update 13th June 2008

Reply #143

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

J.R. Jennings   St. Paul, numbers 3, 4a, 4b, 7, 8a, 9a, 9b, 10, 11, 13a, 13b, 17, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28a, 28b and 28c   (Mendelssohn)
J.R. Jennings   St. Paul, number 26 Updated
J.R. Jennings   The Seven Last Words of Christ Introduction Updated   (Dubois)
J.R. Jennings   The Seven Last Words of Christ First Word Updated   (Dubois)
J.R. Jennings   The Seven Last Words of Christ Second Word Updated   (Dubois)
J Hooper   Celestial Music   (Purcell)
J Hooper   The Seasons   (Haydn) Choral Rehearsal Version.
J Hooper   St. Paul   (Mendelssohn) Choral Rehearsal Version.
Albert Scerri   O Sitâ, rêve de ma vie   (Massenet)
Albert Scerri   Belle nuit d'amour   (Offenbach)
Albert Scerri   Cielo e mar   (Ponchielli)
Albert Scerri   Siciliana   (Scarlatti)
Albert Scerri   Prima che d'altri vivere   (Verdi)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #144

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Albert Scerri   My dearest heart   (Sullivan)
Albert Scerri   Macbeth - Coro d'Incantesimo delle Streghe   (Verdi)
Albert Scerri   Salve Regina   (Bellini)
Albert Scerri   Roi Malgre Lui - Chanson de l'alouette   (Chabrier)
Albert Scerri   L'Elisir d'Amore - Della crudele Isotta   (Donizetti)
Yann Forestier   Cantate BWV 143 "Jesu, Retter deiner Herde"    (Bach)
Jay Hamilton   Summer   (Hamilton)
Benjamin Sloman   Santa Lucia   (Cottrau)
Benjamin Sloman   O soave fanciulla   (Puccini)
Nicholas Furio   Lincoln   (Furio)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #145

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Albert Scerri   La Straniera - Sventurato il cor   (Bellini)
Albert Scerri   La Boheme - Quando m'en vo   (Puccini)
Albert Scerri   Kanzonetta - Melody in F   (Rubinstein)
Albert Scerri   Hurly-Burly - Moonlight Serenade   (Stromberg)
Albert Scerri   Aida - Celeste Aida   (Verdi)
Robert Itami   2 Fuga from Sonata No 1 in G Minor (BMV 1006 )(Bach)
Maurizio SpagniSechs Sonaten für zwei Altblockflöten TWV40:101..106   (Telemann) (3 updated, 3 new)
Benjamin Sloman   Torna a Surriento   (De Curtis)
Benjamin Sloman   L'alba separa   (Tosti)
Tony Smedley   Transeamus usque Bethlehem   (Schnabel)
Nicolas Furio   Fall   (Furio)

f you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #146

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

John Hooper   Messe de Requiem   (Campra)
John Hooper   The Ways of Zion do mourn   (Handel)
John Hooper   Mass in C   (Schubert)
Richard Akintola   Gloria in Excelsis   (Muller)
Albert Scerri   Gipsy Songs Part I No. 1   (Bendl)
Albert Scerri   Mariannina   (Cottrau)
Albert Scerri   Aida - O patria mia (My native land)   (Verdi)
Albert Scerri   La Fanciulla del West - Or son sei mesi   (Puccini)
Albert Scerri   Robin Hood - Let hammer on anvil ring   (De Koven)

May I wish all our American friends a happy 4th July.

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk


Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #147

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

John White   Piano Quintet in A minor Op. 107   (Raff)
Jim Jennings   St. Paul: 20, "I praise thee, O Lord"   (Mendelssohn)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #148

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Jack Butler   Checkerboard Rag   (Jimerson)
Jack Butler   Keystone Rag   (Anderson)
Jack Butler   Possom Rag   (Dobyns)
Jack Butler   Repasz Band   (Sweeney)
Matthew Covington   The Christmas Tree (From Nutcracker)   Tchaikovsky

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Re: Scriptorium Update

Reply #149

Just to let you know that the Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Benjamin Sloman   Come again, sweet love    (Dowland)
Benjamin Sloman   La forza del destino - Solenne in quest'ora   (Verdi)
Benjamin Sloman   La forza del destino - Non imprecare, umiliati   (Verdi)
Jack Butler   Be the best of what you are   (Wells)
Jack Butler   Cabbage-Leaf Rag   (Copeland)
Jack Butler   You're the Flower of My Heart, Sweet Adeline (Armstrong)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk