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Topic: guitar tablature notation (Read 19867 times) previous topic - next topic

guitar tablature notation

Is it possible to use Noteworthy for guitar tablature notation ?
It would be great, as I've found some other programs which do
that, but which are less (very less...)efficient !

Re: guitar tablature notation

Reply #1
NWC does not currently support guitar tab.

Re: guitar tablature notation

Reply #3
You can use a program called TabTranscriber to make your MIDI
file to a guitar tab. It is located here:

P.S. Learn normal notes! Thats less difficult when you know

Re: guitar tablature notation

Reply #4
jbh, thanx for !
It seems ok to me (I just tried 'Go, tell it on the mountain..' and what it transcribed (8 measures since it is an unregistered version) seems to be playable.

About your P.S., yes "normal" notes is better (in particular for having an idea of the melody at the first glance), but the tablatures (origin of the classical notation, it was used for the luth at that time). But tab's give an idea of the placement of the fingers.
Though it is anyway much better when putting fingering on the score ! It is also possible to put the number of the cord played, in NWC use an item text with chars Alt-0128 to Alt-0134 in wingdings font (I set it to user4 font) and it will give you the # in a circle.
Another advantage of using classical notation is that you also sho when the note ENDs up. Which is rarely shown in tab's notation.

Hope this helps. Do not hesitate to contact me for further explanations if needed.

NWCly yours

Re: guitar tablature notation

Reply #5

this topic is about 15 years old :-)

Does anyone know if Tablature is in the future plans for NWC ?

If not, what other software choices are there?  Guitar Pro 6, TablEdit etc


Re: guitar tablature notation

Reply #6
TuxGuitar? (it's free)

N.B. I'm not personally interested in tablatures so I actually don't use any program for that.
I simply read that TuxGuitar exists. :-)

Re: guitar tablature notation

Reply #7
You might want to check out a prior thread.
Since 1998

Re: guitar tablature notation

Reply #8
LilyPond has (what I believe is) good support for Tablature.

Re: guitar tablature notation

Reply #9
Tablature can be faked using NWC. Quick-and-dirty example attached. Use a large setting for staff metrics (24 in the example), set the staff to six lines, and use a font about a third of the staff metrics size for the numbers, which are created with text entries of three spaces plus the number, set to "center at next note/bar". The stems are simply regular notes with the stems set to up, the "no leger lines" box checked, and the heads set to blank. Obviously, the sound won't be correct: you'll have to mute the tab staff and create a separate hidden staff for sound. If you use a time signature, it will have to be created with text entries, as the NWC time sigs will sit on the first five lines instead of being centered vertically in the staff. Music with both a note staff and a tab staff will have to use the same staff metrics at this time: we're all hoping that someday staves of two different sizes will be allowed, not only for uses like this but for ossia, descants, etc.

Re: guitar tablature notation

Reply #10
Hi guys... thanks for the responses;

I have installed TuxGuitar and it seems to do what I want, except:
1) the font they use is absolutely AWFUL... unreadable when printed
2) it hasn't been updated since 2009 and seems to be dead
3) their forums seem to have been closed in July 2012

I am beginning to study classical guitar and I'm not particularly interested in chords and chord diagrams at this time.

Yes, I've had LilyPond on my PC for many years, but unless they have made major changes in the past 6 months, or so, data entry is done with a text editor into an ASCII file which is then processed by LilyPond.  It is NOT intuitive :-) I've never looked at their Tab output but their standard staff output is, without a doubt, the "gold standard" once you work your way through the intricacies of the data entry. Thanks for the prompt though... I will go back and check it out.

I'm not looking for something like that. I want to be able to enter notes on a staff and have the staff and the resulting tablature displayed.

If NWC cannot do it then my "current" preference is Progression2 from Notion Music... but I'm still evaluating... Musink, MuseScore, Guitar Tab Maestro etc, etc

Progression2 -
Musink - free, but don't yet know if it does Tabs
MuseScore - free, but don't yet know if it does Tabs
Guitar Tab Maestro -
Guitar Pro 6 -
LilyPond -
TuxGuitar -

thanks again

Re: guitar tablature notation

Reply #11
Does anyone know if Tablature is in the future plans for NWC ?
I want to be able to enter notes on a staff and have the staff and the resulting tablature displayed.
I doubt if that kind of tablature support will ever be in the works for NoteWorthy. You are asking for staff notation to be converted to tab notation. This is an inexact process. Staff notation has no notion of which string is to be used.

This is not unlike conversion of MIDI to staff notation. MIDI has no concept of barlines, Clefs or a Grand Staff. Conversion always needs a lot of tweaking to get something readable.
Registered user since 1996

Re: guitar tablature notation

Reply #12
Hi Rick,
Thanks for that input... it's kinda what I'd guessed. :-(

I think that I had better focus on one of the "guitar specific" proggies... they all do that function.


Re: guitar tablature notation

Reply #13
(LilyPond) data entry is done with a text editor into an ASCII file

Nothing to do with tablatures, but do you know denemo?

Re: guitar tablature notation

Reply #15
Yes, I've had LilyPond on my PC for many years, but unless they have made major changes in the past 6 months, or so, data entry is done with a text editor into an ASCII file which is then processed by LilyPond. 

There have been a _lot_ of changes to LilyPond over the last few years, but not to the entry mechanism.  If your main requirement is great looking tablature, I'd suggest 2 options: 1) take a breath and learn LilyPond.  It's really not that hard - follow the tutorial.  The documentation is excellent, and the online forums are very active.  2) If you can't face entering the notes by hand, my Noteworthy->LilyPond converter can simplify this - however, you would then need to edit the LilyPond source to replace the staff types with TabStaffs.  I don't think I can post a link to it, because I lost a piece of paper (my V2 purchase receipt) from 5 years ago and so appear unable to upgrade my forum membership (surely there ust be a better way??).  So - Google for "Converting Noteworthy songs to LilyPond in Windows" and you should go straight to my page.


Re: guitar tablature notation

Reply #16
Hi guys,
I thought that I would bring you up to date. I decided to purchase "Guitar Tab Maestro". It does way more than I need at this point, but it's only 25 bucks from their website... so I'll give it a try.

Printed music not quite as nice as LilyPond, but acceptable and their built in MIDI player sounds better than the default players.

now, back to the manual