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Topic: 32th to look like halfs (Read 6768 times) previous topic - next topic

32th to look like halfs

This often can be found at scores of piano reduction to an orchestra ...

I have two 32th notes which keep repeating for 2 quarters.
now, instead of writing them meny times I want to be able to write them just once, with 3 beams attached between them and they will be hollow like each of them was a HALF note.

this is how it is done in professional scores.

now, How can I do that ?



Re: 32th to look like halfs

Reply #1
Ora Itai, I believe you are asking for something called "comping slashes." Maybe another user can provide better information than I can provide.

If you wish to show notes with 3 beams, just exactly like ordinary 1/32 beamed notes, but with hollow note-heads, that cannot be done in NWC1.75.

But it is possible to place 2 ordinary half-notes, with hollow heads and no beams. You can look in the user fonts (Scriptorium) for a set of small slashes. These can be placed as a text item, across the stem of each note. The result will be two disconnected notes, each with hollow head and 3 slashes across its stem. The notes will play as half notes in MIDI, however.

Re: 32th to look like halfs

Reply #2
I don't think he's looking for comping slashes, which are much easier to solve.
It seems to me that he wants to represent the following:
In a measure of two-four time (for example), there are two half notes (yes, that's what I wrote - two half notes in a measure of two-four time) connected by a beam (What?  Are you nuts?  Half notes connected by a beam?) with two incomplete beams added.  The result should look like two thirty-second notes that "got all broke up."  It is referred to as a tremolo, and the notation he asks for is legitimate.
I have been able to reproduce the effect in NWC using text items, but I fear a written explanation may be more difficult than the notational solution.  [If I could do a face-to-face, let-me-show-you-how kinda thing, it would be much simpler...]
I'm hoping that NWC v1.8 or 1.9 will have this capability, because it is a chore to do this - it took me a few days to figure out how.

Re: 32th to look like halfs

Reply #3
C. S.  thanks,

but what you offer will cause Note Worthy to give those two combined the time length of a whole ( 4 quarters) and I want them together to span for only 2 quarters.


Re: 32th to look like halfs

Reply #4
With version 2.1 this is easily achieved with layering and restchords:
Staff 1 (muted):
Code: [Select · Download]
Layered with staff 2 (sounding):
Code: [Select · Download]

The only downside is that the beams reach the stems.  Strictly speaking the beams should be short of the stems, but I can live with this.  If required some creative "digital whiteout" could be applied
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: 32th to look like halfs

Reply #5
To get the second restchord half note to line up visually on the proper beat with the staffs of other instruments, you need 3 staffs. Staff 1 muted with the restchord half notes followed by non-visible rests (perhaps one doble dotted 1/8 rest), and layered to that a muted staff 2, with the beamed 1/32 notes, each followed by the same non-visible rests. Then a hidden staff 3 that plays the notes.

Re: 32th to look like halfs

Reply #6

Lawrie's method does exactly as it should, provided that you click on "Viewer mode".  You are quite correct about needing a third hidden staff if you only wish to show Edit Mode.



Re: 32th to look like halfs

Reply #7
I think that look, alignment and sound can be done on two staves, but perhaps I am missing something.
The rarer triplet tremolo needs the 3 moved. Someday NWC will realize that it gets centered on the visible beam. How hard can that be to implement?
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