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Topic: Possible additions (Read 5255 times) previous topic - next topic

Possible additions

I would like to suggest the following additions to future versions of Noteworthy Composer: -

(1) An option to replace several rests (particulary those lasting one bar each) with a breve symbol and the number of bars to wait [would be useful when typing parts which have long gaps between playing (such as a triangle!)] (2) Facilities to add appogiaturas and acciaciaturas to music so they can be PRINTED (not necessarily played) [I would like this to be done so I don't have to write them in later] (3) Options to add trill, mordent, turn and strum marks to music [see comment for suggestion 2 above]

These would all be very useful additions for many musicians, especially orchestral musicians such as myself.

Thanks for reading!

Michael Seaton (16 years)

Re: Possible additions

Reply #2
See MY note at the top of the list about the missing fonts to do these items. It's only a handful. All we gotta do is BURY NoteWorthy in requests to implement them! I've been requesting SOME of these items for over a year now. For the same reasons too... ORCHESTRA SCORES!



Re: Possible additions

Reply #3
(1) An option to replace several rests (particulary those lasting one bar each) with a breve symbol and the number of bars to wait [would be useful when typing parts which have long gaps between playing (such as a triangle!)] (2) Facilities to add appogiaturas and acciaciaturas to music so they can be PRINTED (not necessarily played) [I would like this to be done so I don't have to write them in later] (3) Options to add trill, mordent, turn and strum marks to music [see comment for suggestion 2 above]

These would all be very useful additions for many musicians, especially orchestral musicians such as myself.

I'm NOT really here to reply. Boxmarks & boxmarks 2 did really came true but now this gave new an idea... maybe in other future versions those boxmarks will be PART of the tools and instead of typing it into "text".

Take Trills for example, You don't have to create another staff for the audio. Just simply HAVE the visual! The tool/visual will play the trill for you without the needs of creating another staff for the dahdahdahdahdahdahDAH. (Get the idea)??

Then the turn: dahdahdahdahdah will be played on the staff where most of the playing will take place!

Glissandos will also be helpful to instruments that have the glissando techique.

Other symbols added as a tool will also sound nice!

NWC can become much, MUCH easier to use!

Re: Possible additions

Reply #4
An option to replace several rests (particulary those lasting one bar each) with a breve symbol and the number of bars to wait [would be useful when typing parts which have long gaps between playing (such as a triangle!)]

The workaround has been available for some years now, and is very easy.  See my Multibar_rests.nwc template in the Scriptorium to make the job very easy.

(2) Facilities to add appogiaturas and acciaciaturas to music so they can be PRINTED (not necessarily played)
You can use the grace note feature that has been in NWC since time immemorial.  To differentiate between appogiaturas and acciaciaturas, you must add a slash in the right sized text, aligned so it crosses the note stem at the right height.  Again, it's a long-standing workaround and it would be nice to have the slashed stem grace note as a native feature.

Options to add trill, mordent, turn and strum marks to music
Most of these can be done with symbols available in some of the user fonts you can download from the Scriptorium.  You have to fake the playback on a hidden staff, but the printed output is acceptable if not perfect.

The tool/visual will play the trill for you
That's a nice suggestion, but there would have to be a means to tell NWC how to interpret the trill.  Will it be a fast or a slow trill?  Will it change speed?  Is it a full tone or is it going to be flattened?  Are there other variables to consider?

Three of the really nice things about NWC are (a) its price (b) its simplicity (very gentle learning curve), and (c) the creative workarounds that have been, and will continue to be, developed by users, thanks to its flexibility.  If too many bells and whistles are added, we'll have bloatware and a higher price.


Re: Possible additions

Reply #5
As David said, the Scriptorium is an excellent reference for someone learning NoteWorthy.  Also, check out the "Tips & Tricks" section as well as "User Tools" and learn from others.

While it would be nice if hidden/played -- muted/displayed pairs of staves weren't necessary, they aren't that much trouble to set up: get the staff to sound like it is supposed to, add a new staff (hit the "+" sign) do Home-Sh/End on the old staff to get it on the clipboard, and Cntl/V to paste it on the new staff.  Then you can replace the dahdahdahdahdahdah with tr~~~~~~, do turns, n-tuplets, gliss, tremelos, and arpeggios, etc.

BTW, long rests don't need a hidden staff, just select and hide (Cntl/E, Visibilty, Show on Printed Page, Never) the rests and bar lines between them.  The long rest is then inserted as text in a user font.

Hope this gets you started.  Enjoy!
Since 1998

Re: Possible additions

Reply #6
While it would be nice if hidden/played -- muted/displayed pairs of staves weren't necessary, they aren't that much trouble to set up: get the staff to sound like it is supposed to, add a new staff (hit the "+" sign) do Home-Sh/End on the old staff to get it on the clipboard, and Cntl/V to paste it on the new staff.  Then you can replace the dahdahdahdahdahdah with tr~~~~~~, do turns, n-tuplets, gliss, tremelos, and arpeggios, etc.

BTW, long rests don't need a hidden staff, just select and hide (Cntl/E, Visibilty, Show on Printed Page, Never) the rests and bar lines between them.  The long rest is then inserted as text in a user font.

Warren, I actually knew that trick already but do you think it takes sometime to do all of that?

Let me repeat:

I wish the boxmarks are part of the toolbar and are able to perform what symbol is suppose to duo. If it's possible, then we don't have to create another staff for the audio.

If you want a tremelo, the program will insert a tremelo sign, at the same time two notes are added with the tremelo between it, you can then adjust the two note's positions on the staff. Hit play and then the dadadadadadadada sound comes out.

In just a click on one of those symbols on the toolbar, the symbol is there with its role and task! Same to other symbols (Now get the Point)?

Oh... The Tremelo Sign can automatically change it's length just like beams.

Re: Possible additions

Reply #7
Warren, I actually knew that trick already but do you think it takes sometime to do all of that?

Let me repeat:

I wish ...... (snip for brevity)
I wish for a lot of things myself.  For most things the existing features in NWC suit my needs just fine.  If I need to do something unusual (and do it a lot) I will try a user tool, look in "Tricks & Tips", ask here, or develop something on my own and I'll get 'er done.  If I were using music notation software for several hours a day and the workarounds, double staves, and layers got to be a major slowdown for me, I guess I would shell out quite a few extra hundred dollars to get a notation system with all that built in.
For all its limitations, I have seen and heard some beautiful and innovative works in the ten years I've been using this program (Fred Nachbaur is the first name that comes to mind) and thus far am quite satisfied with it.

Feel free to post to the wishlist, but also look here.  Wishes can come true.
Since 1998