Re: How to Make NWC Play Jazz (Another Way)
Reply #3 –
G'day Snooker,
I'm not quite sure what you're asking...
Do you want the drum part to swing but without having a tempo track to make it happen?
FWIW, swing charts are normally written straight, with a directive to the musician to swing the quavers (8ths). However, for the non-jazz musician, you could write the part in 12/8 and make the note values crotchet/quaver pairs instead of quaver/quaver pairs. This would result in roughly the same feel. Another method is to write in 4/4 with crotchet/quaver triplets.
Ultimately though, these notation alternatives are much busier than they need to be. Quaver/quaver pairs with a swing directive is far better. For NWC, you then use one of the several methods for adjusting the playback speed, such as the method K.A.T. has presented, to get the audio playback to sound right while keeping the look right.
** Crotchet = 1/4, quaver = 1/8