Problem with my webpages on Scriptorium 2024-09-14 02:29 AM I am really embarrassed that several webpages on Scriptorium didn't work until today. The pages ClearStaff, MoveChord, nummeas, Pentuplets, spacepart, and Triplets all used a function in the file notelength.js which I had forgotten about.To test, open the webpage and attached file in different windows. Enter Alt/Tab to go from one window to the other and your cursor will be where you left it.Copy the tempo into Tempo Here.Copy the pentuplets (red notes) into the Textarea.Choose the Tuplet Staff radio button and hit Submit. The Textarea will now have hidden tempo changes at the front and back ends of the notes with a 5 over the middle.Change the radio button to Played (hidden) Staff.Copy the lime green notes into the Textarea and hit Submit. Each note will be tied to a note with a quarter of its duration.Click on Restore Last, choose Displayed (muted) Staff, and Submit.The same notes will be in the Textarea, each followed with a hidden rest with a quarter of its duration.Please let me know if you have any problem with this or anything else on that page. Quote Selected