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Topic: Very basic help with User Tools required, please (Read 15263 times) previous topic - next topic

Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Hi all,

Quite apart from my previous attempt at a long reply being instantly lost when my login timed out  >:( , I can still find no instructions about how to get a User Tool installed and working - it's really hard to believe that no-one has bothered to explain this. I'm trying to copy Volume and Velocity defaults to other staves in my work, using Opagust's bit of code - but he doesn't explain how to make it available in User Tools in my Noteworthy program.

It must put off many potential Noteworthy users to discover there is no 'User Manual' for these add-ons. 

I hope someone can come to my rescue.  I have used Noteworthy for decades, but obviously not enough for some of the basics to stick!

On another topic, have there been any fresh initiatives to explain completely what's going on with Volume and Velocity?  I find Tina Billet's revered file quite indicipherable - and she's no longer around to help others understand it...

Thanks in advance,

Jonathan Norris
Jonathan Norris

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #1
Hi Jonathan,
have you seen this document on the Scripto?
I wrote the first version in 2005 and it's seen a couple of updates since then.

From memory, some bits are superceded but the whole is still relevant.

It's 3:30 AM here and I'm off to bed so I won't be responding straight away ;) - very tired right about now!
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #2
Hi Jonathan,
have there been any fresh initiatives to explain completely what's going on with Volume and Velocity?
Well, do you play keyboard?
Volume is the same as the keyboard volume knob, while velocity is the velocity of the key pressure, that translates directly to key pressure strength.
The volume is an attribute of the channel, the velocity is an attribute of the note, so each note can have a different velocity.
Depending on the soundfont, changing the velocity may change the timbre too, not just the sound volume. Did you try clavinet?

Did I answer the right question?

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #3
Hello Jonathan,

I suppose you're referring to my user tool 'copyvolvel' from 9 years ago, see

I thought I included installation instructions on the forum, but obviously I didn't.

This tool was written in javascript, hence it needs extension '.js' to run. But files with that extension can't be uploaded on the forum, so I used the extension '.txt'.
This means the first thing you have to do after downloading is changing the extension from '.txt' to '.js'.

Next you can install it via 'Tools/User Tools.../New...'.
For filling in the command line and the options, I did include installation instructions in the first lines of the tool, I quote:
Installation instructions:
Command Line: "Wscript YourScriptsFolder\CopyVolVel.js <PROMPT:Copy:=|Volume|Velocities|Both> <PROMPT:Act upon:=|Visible_Staffs|All_Staffs> <PROMPT:Execution Mode:=|Modify|Show|Help>"
   Input Type: File Text
   Under 'Options: Check 'Returns File text'

(Replace 'YourscriptsFolder' into the folder where you downloaded the tool.)

There are 3 execution modes : 'Modify', 'Show' and 'Help'. 'Modify' is the normal mode, 'Show' shows the generated output in stdout (without modifying your file), 'Help' shows the help text.

Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #4
I have a suite of user tools at on the right side of the page. There are generic install instructions above the scripts (already end in .js), and the prompt (if present) will be in the first few lines of the selected script. Just a little different perspective.
Since 1998

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #5
Possibly what you need, Jonathan, is already available in the Scriptorium - see

"User Tools for use with NoteWorthy Composer version 2" under "NWC Information", which includes as the first item "Common Installation Instructions"

   MusicJohn, 8/Sep/23

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #6

I know all of you by name, though I have corresponded at length (and privately) with only Opagust in the past.  I am (in a way unsurprised to find myself) humbled (I believe is the technical term) to discover so many people willing to spend time to pick up a fallen fellow Noteworthyite.  I shall look in detail at all your replies - I have already started by refreshing my Starter Kit for User Tools - and hope to be able to send appropriate thanks to each of you in due course.

Incidentally, does anyone know how to stop the user login timing out and destroying one's progress with (for instance) a reply such as this, or a new topic entry?

Many thanks, all, once again!

Jonathan Norris

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #7
Incidentally, does anyone know how to stop the user login timing out and destroying one's progress with (for instance) a reply such as this, or a new topic entry?
As I recall, in the login dialogue there is a checkbox to "Stay logged in".

The reason I'm not certain of the exact wording is my machine is pretty much always on, browser open, and logged into NWC...  Even when I close the browser, provided I don't log out, the next time I open it I'm still logged in.  I suspect there are cookies involved...  Maybe I've crossed over to the dark side  :))  :))  :))
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #8
Thank you Lawrie - mine was a typical RTFM-type question.  Now that I have specified 'Stay logged in' maybe I sha'n't have the same problem again!
Jonathan Norris

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #9
Hi Opagust - I hope you're well - and it was lovely to hear from you again!

I've sort of pieced together some of what you have to do when running a User Tool - though there still isn't a complete guide to how to do that. I had to trawl around to find any reference to Group, because the User Tool dialogue didn't explain what it found unacceptable in my attempt to use it.  Someone, somewhere, talked about renaming the .txt file to the php type; someone else said rename it to .js - again, no concerted authoritative source for that puzzle.

Then I ran your CopyVolVel in various modes, and all of them crashed with 'Command process failed'.  I have absolutely no idea where to turn now....
Jonathan Norris

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #10
You say "For filling in the command line and the options, I did include installation instructions in the first lines of the tool, I quote:
Installation instructions: "

Where are these instructions?  I can see them in your kind message above, but not anywhere around the CopyVolVEl.js file....
Jonathan Norris

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #11
There is not a "one size fits all".

If the source file is a php source then you have to (well, maybe it's not completely necessary but it's for sure much better) rename it with extension .php and call it saying to NWC that he must open the php interpreter and operate on that file.
For example: "php\php.exe scripts\adp_GlobalMod.php <PROMPT:Enter your global modification expression:=*help>"
means: run the php interpreter "php\php.exe" with the file "scripts\adp_GlobalMod.php" and adp_GlobalMod parameters "<PROMPT:Enter your global modification expression:=*help>"

If the source file is a javascript source then you have to rename it .js and you have to request the windows script parser "wscript" to interpret it.
E.G. "wscript scripts\ThreeEight.js"

if the source file is a Lua source then you don't need to specify any interpreter because the Lua interpreter is already inside NWC.

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #12
CopyVolVel.js by Opagust
Installation instructions:
   Command Line: "Wscript YourScriptsFolder\CopyVolVel.js <PROMPT:Copy:=|Volume|Velocities|Both> <PROMPT:Act upon:=|Visible_Staffs|All_Staffs> <PROMPT:Execution Mode:=|Modify|Show|Help>"
   Input Type: File Text
   Under 'Options: Check 'Returns File text'

   There are 3 execution modes : 'Modify', 'Show' and 'Help'. 'Modify' is the normal mode, 'Show' shows the generated output in stdout (without modifying your file), 'Help' shows the Helptext.

Lorenzo, come vedi sei in compagnia!  :))

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #14
Hi Jonathan,
have there been any fresh initiatives to explain completely what's going on with Volume and Velocity?
Well, do you play keyboard?
Volume is the same as the keyboard volume knob, while velocity is the velocity of the key pressure, that translates directly to key pressure strength.
The volume is an attribute of the channel, the velocity is an attribute of the note, so each note can have a different velocity.
Depending on the soundfont, changing the velocity may change the timbre too, not just the sound volume. Did you try clavinet?

Did I answer the right question?

Hi Flurmy - er, not actually!  I understand what the two concepts mean in the real world, as a pianist and trombonist, but what I meant was how does Noteworthy send instructions about them, and how does the 'play device' and 'sound card' interpret them?

I should probably say why I should like to know:  I'm having difficulty creating an 'fp' effect to my satisfaction.  That is to say, a loud impact on a note (string instrument in this case) followed within a fraction of a second by a much quieter volume.  I had a limited success with MPCs, but they often have a crackly effect, or seem uncontrolled as to delay.  Do you have a view about the interaction between the current setting for velocity and the MPC instuctions about volume?

I decided eventually to remove the MPCs and take a step back to the given 'accent' and 'marcato' symbols, together with 'hairpins', and have generally been happier.  It is possible I don't have a discerning enough ear to hear the differences, but I long ago gave up trying to understand the fabled Tina Billet document, which I have tried repeatedly to make sense of.  All other people do is to point to it, obviously beleving it is bound to sort out all my misunderstandings...
Jonathan Norris

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #15
There is not a "one size fits all".

If the source file is a php source then you have to (well, maybe it's not completely necessary but it's for sure much better) rename it with extension .php and call it saying to NWC that he must open the php interpreter and operate on that file.
For example: "php\php.exe scripts\adp_GlobalMod.php <PROMPT:Enter your global modification expression:=*help>"
means: run the php interpreter "php\php.exe" with the file "scripts\adp_GlobalMod.php" and adp_GlobalMod parameters "<PROMPT:Enter your global modification expression:=*help>"

If the source file is a javascript source then you have to rename it .js and you have to request the windows script parser "wscript" to interpret it.
E.G. "wscript scripts\ThreeEight.js"

if the source file is a Lua source then you don't need to specify any interpreter because the Lua interpreter is already inside NWC.

Does this mean that the supplier of the tool is expected to say which of the various types it is - or is that left up to the poor old end user who may not have any coding experience?

I'm afraid the more I read, the more out of my depth I feel...
Jonathan Norris

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #16
Does this mean that the supplier of the tool is expected to say which of the various types it is
Yes, but this is just because of the limitations of the newsgroup.
If, for example, the file is inside a .zip then it has already the right extension.
Anyway it's not so difficult with a little bit of experience. Just take a peek at the very first lines of the source code.

It's not at all mandatory, but there is a very strong propension to deliver the tools written for interpreted languages.
This has two vantages: you can look at the source code and be sure there is no malware in it and, furthermore, you can look at it and improve it or, at least, learn from it.

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #17
how does Noteworthy send instructions about them, and how does the 'play device' and 'sound card' interpret them?
That's called MIDI (Musical Instruments Digital Interface) and is a well established standard.
Each key pressure has a "velocity" attribute that, as I already wrote, can change how the sound is generated. For sure it changes the volume.
Then there is the channel volume: each channel has his own "slider" for all the sounds of that channel.

Do you have a view about the interaction between the current setting for velocity and the MPC instuctions about volume?
Yes, two very different hats. You can't change the key velocity once a key is struck!!!!!
But, of course, you can change the volume.

I'm having difficulty creating an 'fp' effect to my satisfaction.
In a real keyboard you can hope to resort to the aftertouch. Some keyboards have a "per key" aftertouch, others (many more) have a channel aftertouch.
In NWC the only way is to use the MPC. Not very intuitive to use, I must admit.

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #18
CopyVolVel.js by Opagust
Installation instructions:
   Command Line: "Wscript YourScriptsFolder\CopyVolVel.js <PROMPT:Copy:=|Volume|Velocities|Both> <PROMPT:Act upon:=|Visible_Staffs|All_Staffs> <PROMPT:Execution Mode:=|Modify|Show|Help>"
   Input Type: File Text
   Under 'Options: Check 'Returns File text'

   There are 3 execution modes : 'Modify', 'Show' and 'Help'. 'Modify' is the normal mode, 'Show' shows the generated output in stdout (without modifying your file), 'Help' shows the Helptext.

Lorenzo, come vedi sei in compagnia!  :))

Beccata per caso questa discussione! In compagnia, sì, ma senza capirci nulla. E poi ho sempre paura di creare problemi al PC (appena rinnovato e non del tutto funzionale) e me ne sto tranquillo. Ciao.

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #19
Say Jonathan, did you check out the PDF I linked to in my first reply at the top of this thread and if so, was it helpful?

If it wasn't helpful, how can I improve it?

This inquiring mind wants to know  ;)

Thanks mate.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #20
Yes, Lawrie, I did.  I found it clearly and helpfully laid out - but I soon got swamped by loads of unfamiliar (to me) jargon.  Then you were away with sophisticated uses of Global Modification.  I'm not sure I have the mental capacity (or time) to learn all this - or, for that matter, how much use I would be able to make of it in the end.

In short, friendly and open though your approach was, it still felt aimed at the programmer and would-be developer, rather than the musician who might benefit from it.  Not quite basic enough for me - I would never complain if someone overdid the simplicity and feared to be thought condescending.  Better that than make all sorts of assumptions of background and experience and thereby leave vital (baby-)steps out.

I will try to persist with it from time to time.

Thanks for your help!
Jonathan Norris

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #21
...and I don't know anything about command line expressions.  Are they covered in any existing documentation?
Jonathan Norris

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #22
Hi Opagust - I hope you're well - and it was lovely to hear from you again!

I've sort of pieced together some of what you have to do when running a User Tool - though there still isn't a complete guide to how to do that. I had to trawl around to find any reference to Group, because the User Tool dialogue didn't explain what it found unacceptable in my attempt to use it.  Someone, somewhere, talked about renaming the .txt file to the php type; someone else said rename it to .js - again, no concerted authoritative source for that puzzle.

Then I ran your CopyVolVel in various modes, and all of them crashed with 'Command process failed'.  I have absolutely no idea where to turn now....

I looked again at my 'installation instructions' and I have to admit they are not as clear as I thought they were when I wrote them.

So here's a new version, which I hope is more intelligible (but you're the one to judge).

Installation instructions:
   - Change the extension of this file into '.js'.
   - Remember the folder where you saved the file, it has to be used in the command line,
      see below.
   - In NWC, choose 'Tools/User Tool...'.
   - Press the button 'New...' and fill the fields:
      - Group: Choose one of the ecisting groups or create a new one.
      - Name: Enter a name.
      - Command Line: Wscript YourScriptsFolder\CopyVolVel.js <PROMPT:Copy:=|Volume|Velocities|Both> <PROMPT:Act upon:=|Visible_Staffs|All_Staffs> <PROMPT:Execution Mode:=|Modify|Show|Help>
         * Change 'YourScriptFolder' in the name of the folder where you save this file.
      - Input Type: Choose 'File Text'
      - Options: Check 'Returns File text'

Note that the double apostrophes in the command line are no longer there. I have found that these can be the cause of 'Command process failed'.

If  you can confirm that these instructions are clear, I will put a new version of the file on the forum.
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #23
OK, firstly let me apologise for the length of this reply.  It's a doozy, even for me!

Yes, Lawrie, I did.  I found it clearly and helpfully laid out - but I soon got swamped by loads of unfamiliar (to me) jargon.  Then you were away with sophisticated uses of Global Modification.  I'm not sure I have the mental capacity (or time) to learn all this - or, for that matter, how much use I would be able to make of it in the end.
Thank you.  I'm sorry you found parts hard going.
The "sophisticated uses of Global Modification" were intended as examples of how to create ways to run Global_Mod to repetitively perform a task that would otherwise require a user to remember the full syntax of Global_Mod instructions, which as illustrated could be quite the ordeal.

The basic principles apply to any user tool that anyone creates and you find useful enough to want to use.  The way a user tool author tells you to invoke the tool (I.E construct the command line) will be the basic starting point. 
Any information that the tool may need/ask for while running, which requires user input, can be pre-empted with further entries on the command line - demonstrating how to do this was the primary purpose of the PDF.

In short, friendly and open though your approach was, it still felt aimed at the programmer and would-be developer, rather than the musician who might benefit from it.  Not quite basic enough for me - I would never complain if someone overdid the simplicity and feared to be thought condescending.  Better that than make all sorts of assumptions of background and experience and thereby leave vital (baby-)steps out.
Thank you again.  I guess I can understand why you feel it was aimed at programmers and developers, but it really wasn't. 

Did you ever use MSDOS, or do you use linux at the command prompt?  If so then I'm sure you're aware of either "batch files" (MSDOS) or "shell scripts" (linux).  These are text files that contain a list of instructions that you could otherwise enter successively at the command prompt. 

Now these files do require a certain degree of basic programming skill and quite sophisticated operations can be performed using them, but they depend entirely on the creator understanding how the programs they call are used.

The same is true for NWC user tool invocations.  You need to know how each tool is used.  This primarily applies to tool specific instructions, not so much the ones that are common for all tools.

As far as "vital (baby-)steps" are concerned I'll need to ponder this.  I did think that I had included every step required for the examples to be replicated by a user, including images of all the successive dialogues as they were populated.

Time permitting, I'll revisit this PDF to see if I can devise an easier approach.  The problem is, the concepts being addressed aren't "basic".  They are fundamental to the creation of user tool entries (invocations), but not basic.

...and I don't know anything about command line expressions.  Are they covered in any existing documentation?
Well, the command line expressions in the PDF relate specifically to the dialogue box used to create an entry in the user tool list (WHEW, that's a mouthful!).  Said command simply being the way the tool is to be caused to run.
There are basic requirements for the way the command line is constructed that are global for all user tools, and there are requirements that are specific for the particular user tool being invoked...
That is fundamentally what the PDF is about.

Thus, it is arguable that this PDF is (at least some of) the documentation you're looking for.  There is other stuff on the Scripto:
Specifically here:
Check out the "Additional Information" link at the bottom of that page.

Now, let's see...

At the top of page 6 of the PDF is the following example:
php\php.exe scripts\adp_GlobalMod.php Note,Dur==4th,Pos==-5 Dur=8th,Dotted

This bit: php\php.exe scripts\adp_GlobalMod.php is what calls the actual GlobalMod code to be executed (runs the program if you prefer).  This kind of construct is global to all user tool invocations.
php\php.exe is the location and name of the interpreter to be used.  In this case it's the version of "php" that is supplied in the user tool installation kit.

scripts\adp_GlobalMod.php is the location and name of the php "program" (script file) to be executed by the interpreter.

On the other hand, this bit: Note,Dur==4th,Pos==-5 Dur=8th,Dotted is a list of instructions that are specific to GlobalMod.  The ability to pass these parameters to GlobalMod in the invocation is the reason the PDF was created.  THIS is the part that makes it possible to create different invocations of the same user tool that do different specific tasks and have NWC remember them between sessions.  The section, also on page 6, using the "Parts" user tool provides better examples of this functionality.

User tools are really, really useful things that make NWC much more powerful to use than it might otherwise be.  The ability to tailor the use of any tool you download (or create?) to your specific requirements just makes them even better.

I genuinely don't remember exactly where this information originally all came from.  I was part of the beta test team for the original NWC Version 2 development and much of that work was done through the old, now defunct, news group.  I don't know if the news group stuff has been preserved anywhere, though I believe someone had planned to do so.  I no longer have any of it.

There is no doubt some came from the news group, but there is the probability some is in this forum.  Certainly there is this:

Again, I apologise for the length of this post.  I hope it has at least been of some help.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #24
Did you ever use MSDOS, or do you use linux at the command prompt?
Lawrie, you must admit this is practically only for (old time  ;) ) nerds.
And don't take the excuse that even Windows has a command line!  :))

If you update the "instructions" please remember that Lua scripts don't need any explicit interpreter on the command line. The .lua extension is enough.

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #25
Did you ever use MSDOS, or do you use linux at the command prompt?
Lawrie, you must admit this is practically only for (old time  ;) ) nerds.
Eh eh eh... the game gets tough!
Imagine someone ignorant of music and very ignorant of computers!!!
A good morning to you.

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #26

Lawrie, you must admit this is practically only for (old time  ;) ) nerds.
Eh eh eh... the game gets tough!
Imagine someone ignorant of music and very ignorant of computers!!!
A good morning to you.
Come on guys, I was just askin'  :))  :))  :))
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #27
Hi Opagust - I hope you're well - and it was lovely to hear from you again!

I've sort of pieced together some of what you have to do when running a User Tool - though there still isn't a complete guide to how to do that. I had to trawl around to find any reference to Group, because the User Tool dialogue didn't explain what it found unacceptable in my attempt to use it.  Someone, somewhere, talked about renaming the .txt file to the php type; someone else said rename it to .js - again, no concerted authoritative source for that puzzle.

Then I ran your CopyVolVel in various modes, and all of them crashed with 'Command process failed'.  I have absolutely no idea where to turn now....

I looked again at my 'installation instructions' and I have to admit they are not as clear as I thought they were when I wrote them.

So here's a new version, which I hope is more intelligible (but you're the one to judge).

Installation instructions:
   - Change the extension of this file into '.js'.
   - Remember the folder where you saved the file, it has to be used in the command line,
      see below.
   - In NWC, choose 'Tools/User Tool...'.
   - Press the button 'New...' and fill the fields:
      - Group: Choose one of the ecisting groups or create a new one.
      - Name: Enter a name.
      - Command Line: Wscript YourScriptsFolder\CopyVolVel.js <PROMPT:Copy:=|Volume|Velocities|Both> <PROMPT:Act upon:=|Visible_Staffs|All_Staffs> <PROMPT:Execution Mode:=|Modify|Show|Help>
         * Change 'YourScriptFolder' in the name of the folder where you save this file.
      - Input Type: Choose 'File Text'
      - Options: Check 'Returns File text'

Note that the double apostrophes in the command line are no longer there. I have found that these can be the cause of 'Command process failed'.

If  you can confirm that these instructions are clear, I will put a new version of the file on the forum.

Thanks again, Opagust, for taking the trouble.  Admirably clear - and makes a User Interface that seems to have the buttons and options you specify - but it still fails with the same error...

Here is my command line:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Scripts\CopyVolVel.js <PROMPT:Copy:=|Volume|Velocities|Both> <PROMPT:Act upon:=|Visible_Staffs|All_Staffs> <PROMPT:Execution Mode:=|Modify|Show|Help>

QUICK EDIT!  I now discover I must quickly apologise for leaving out the word Wscript at the start of the command line - clearly I should have read it all properly before complaining!

So I have (at last) succeeded in running CopyVolVel - this (of course) has opened up still more questions and things I don't 'get'.  Experimentation with a nwc file shows that what your Tool does is copy the _default_ volume values for each dynamic mark (ppp, pp, p, etc.) from one stave's Staff Properties to others.  I don't see where it is supposed to find default _velocity_ values, though?

I now have a horrible feeling that I've wasted the time of a number of generous people in order to discover the arcane workings of composer tools that, increasingly, I wonder whether I shall ever use (though perhaps it's Too Early To Say).  So much of what I need to do with Noteworthy involves painstakingly listening and re-listening to the sounds I have prescribed, and then adjusting them precisely with Volume and Velocity settings, almost on a bar-by-bar basis...!  So it's decreasingly likely that Global Changes of any sort are going to be what I want.

So, once again, thank you all for your patience with a grumpy old git - and maybe we'll talk again at some point!
Jonathan Norris

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #28
I have a suite of user tools at on the right side of the page. There are generic install instructions above the scripts (already end in .js), and the prompt (if present) will be in the first few lines of the selected script. Just a little different perspective.

Thanks, Warren, for your kind contribution!  I think you have laid things out quite clearly, and I expect I shall return in due course to make use of your instructions.
Jonathan Norris

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #29
C:\Program Files (x86)\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Scripts\CopyVolVel.js <PROMPT:Copy:=|Volume|Velocities|Both> <PROMPT:Act upon:=|Visible_Staffs|All_Staffs> <PROMPT:Execution Mode:=|Modify|Show|Help>
Your command line needs to start with "wscript ". Note the trailing space before "C:\Program Files ... etc".

Thank you for your kind words.
Since 1998

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #30

Again, I apologise for the length of this post.  I hope it has at least been of some help.

Hello again, Lawrie.  I am again overwhelmed by realisation of the amount of effort you have expended to try and drag me kicking and screaming back into the world of programming where I once scratched out some sort of living...

I found out for myself (at around the same time that Warren Porter posted the help) that I had failed to include the word 'wscript' in my command line...!  So in the end I was able to run Opagust's CopyVolVel - but it wasn't quite what I expected it to be, and that set me wondering whether I've been on the wrong track these last few days.

The concluding words below are the same as I posted to Opagust - I'm sorry for the repetition, but I don't know how these forum postings are supposed to be organised...

I now have a horrible feeling that I've wasted the time of a number of generous people in order to discover the arcane workings of composer tools that, increasingly, I wonder whether I shall ever use (though perhaps it's Too Early To Say).  So much of what I need to do with Noteworthy involves painstakingly listening and re-listening to the sounds I have prescribed, and then adjusting them precisely with Volume and Velocity settings, almost on a bar-by-bar basis...!  So it's decreasingly likely that Global Changes of any sort are going to be what I want (though I might be persuadable otherwise...).

So, once again, thank you all for your patience with a grumpy old git - and maybe we'll talk again at some point!

Jonathan Norris

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #31
Here is my command line:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Scripts\CopyVolVel.js <PROMPT:Copy:=|Volume|Velocities|Both> <PROMPT:Act upon:=|Visible_Staffs|All_Staffs> <PROMPT:Execution Mode:=|Modify|Show|Help>
Nerd note: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\" is the default directory, so you can just write: "Scripts\CopyVolVel.js".
For the newbies: take care NOT to start the path with a backslash '\'!

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #32
I'm having difficulty creating an 'fp' effect to my satisfaction.
Just two ways: volume (or expression) MPC or (perhaps) custom volume change.
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
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|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:12|BoundaryBottom:12|Lines:5|Color:Default
|MPC|Controller:vol|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Quarter|SweepRes:1|Pt1:0,36|Pt2:1,127|Pos:8|Wide:Y
|MPC|Controller:vol|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Quarter|SweepRes:1|Pt1:0,127|Pt2:1,43|Pos:8|Wide:Y
|MPC|Controller:vol|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Eighth|SweepRes:1|Pt1:0,60|Pt2:1,127|Pos:8|Wide:Y
|MPC|Controller:vol|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Eighth|SweepRes:1|Pt1:0,60|Pt2:1,127|Pt3:7,17|Pos:8|Wide:Y

Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please

Reply #33
You might want to check out Custom Dynamics. It works on only one staff at a time to set them (allow crescendo on one note) or back them out.
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