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Topic: Text under music (Read 4720 times) previous topic - next topic

Text under music

I am not very comfortable with using the forum (1st time).
I ask myself a question: is it possible to have different writings (right and italics for example) for the different lines of a text?
And then, being French, forgive my english which is not very efficient ...
Thanks for an answer.

Re: Text under music

Reply #1
Welcome to the Forums!
NWC does not have the ability to change the font for different verses of a song. You could insert a 2nd verse as text, however.  Once you select the font, size, and bold/italic, those will be the default for later text.  Leave a verse (or every other verse) blank to have room for your inserted text. Edited: Insert text for each measure after the bar line--you will need to experiment to get each word/syllable to line up.

Bienvenue sur les Forums!
NWC n'a pas la possibilité de changer la police des différents couplets d'une chanson. Vous pouvez cependant insérer un deuxième verset sous forme de texte. Une fois que vous avez sélectionné la police, la taille et le gras / italique, ceux-ci seront les valeurs par défaut pour le texte ultérieur. Laissez un verset (ou tous les autres versets) vide pour avoir de la place pour votre texte inséré.
Modifié: insérez du texte pour chaque mesure après la barre de mesure - vous devrez expérimenter pour aligner chaque mot / syllabe.
Since 1998

Re: Text under music

Reply #2
Thank you very much Warren. Indeed, it is a solution that I had not thought of ...

Re: Text under music

Reply #3
Est-ce correct? Je n'l'ai jamais entendu appeler de cette façon là.

Re: Text under music

Reply #4
Moi non plus.

Re: Text under music

Reply #5 will need to experiment to get each word/syllable to line up....
...vous devrez expérimenter pour aligner chaque mot / syllabe.
Each word of text can be aligned with the next note.  When you write each word, use the Placement tab and Alignment/Placement to At Next Note/Bar.  Justification in the same tab will allow you to have the word start or end or be centered over the note.

Chaque mot de texte peut être aligné sur la note suivante. Lorsque vous écrivez chaque mot, utilisez l'onglet Placement et Alignment / Placement = At Next Note / Bar. Justification dans le même onglet vous permettra d'avoir le mot de début ou de fin ou d'être centré sur la note.

Re: Text under music

Reply #6
Another method is a bit more work, but write your music without lyrics, and give the staff a large Lower Boundary. 
"Print" the music to a PDF file, then use your PDF programme's text entry feature to write the lyrics.  That way you can write one set of words in one font or style and the other set of words with another. 

Une autre méthode est un peu plus de travail, mais écrivez votre musique sans paroles et donnez au personnel une grande limite inférieure.
"Imprimez" la musique dans un fichier PDF, puis utilisez la fonction de saisie de texte de votre programme PDF pour écrire les paroles. De cette façon, vous pouvez écrire un ensemble de mots dans une police ou un style et l'autre ensemble de mots avec un autre.

(J'espère que mon français est adéquat; je compte sur Google pour traduire de l'anglais.)

Re: Text under music

Reply #7
Moi aussi.
Since 1998

Re: Text under music

Reply #8
Many thanks to everyone for your answers.
Your French is absolutely correct.
For those who were wondering, I used the wrong word for the writing. In French, the word "Police" corresponds to "font" in English.

Re: Text under music

Reply #9
(J'espère que mon français est adéquat; je compte sur Google pour traduire de l'anglais.)
A-ha! This explains many things...

donnez au personnel une grande limite inférieure.
"personnel" = "staff": people employed by a particular organization...  :)

Beware of Google Translator!
Not so long ago, an Italian cook in Austria was found drunk while driving.
He doesn't speak German nor English so he used Google Translator to translate: "sure, I pay!"
The problem was that in German the translation was something like: "I'll pay you" :)
He was accused of bribery and went on trial...

For those who were wondering, I used the wrong word for the writing.
In French, the word "Police" corresponds to "font" in English.
Indeed: "police d'écriture". Sorry for being ignorant.

Re: Text under music

Reply #10
A-ha! This explains many things...
"personnel" = "staff": people employed by a particular organization...  :)
Sounds like the Google translation tool needs a music vocabulary...

Re: Text under music

Reply #11
I have nothing helpful to add, other than to say, "Salut, Pierre-Gérard!" (as my Quebec friends put it). 
The French responses were awesome to read -- this forum is a friendly place to find help.


Re: Text under music

Reply #12
Actually, now that I think about it, this ability to do different fonts in the lyrics would be a great feature to add to the program. Being totally ignorant on these matters, how difficult would it be to create a user tool that would accomplish this? And even if it is difficult, is it something that one of you programming wizards would like to undertake?  :)) I've often thought that it would be nice to have the ability to change a line or chorus into italics.

Re: Text under music

Reply #13
In the |Page|Page Setup|Fonts (tab) dialogue there is only one option for "Staff Lyric"  Thus, to add this as a feature requires a rewrite of at least some code.  How much I cannot say, but I would guess it isn't trivial if you consider the need to also maintain backward compatibility.

However, on the Scripto, in the helpful files section ( ) is a zip file containing a downloadable font called Romital.  There is also a zip file containing a font called Timeital.  Both of these have both Times New Roman styled characters in the usual places, AND and italic versions in alternative locations in the font.  The zip files contain instructions, examples etc..

Of course, if you're going to share your files you'll probably need to share the fonts too,
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.