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Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
Last post by Flurmy -
I recently made the same discovery.
The fact is that the speed of the tremolo is computed by dividing the note duration by the number of beams of the tremolo.
So, if the note already has some beams...
Indeed, if you lengthen the note stem as you should to have something decent to show, the thing starts having sense.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
Last post by jonnotes -
Hi Mike

So good of you to persist in bothering with my little niggles...!

I now understand why I cannot have tremolo and legato on a split stave (though I still don't understand why it actually does happen at the beginning of bar 24...!).  My preference has always been for avoiding layered staves, and to go with slighty imperfect effects/looks and tolerate them...!

During my further experimentation, I discovered the 'feature' that, as soon as the tremolo object finds a quaver (8th) or smaller note, it adds a spurious extra beam to the current note - not physically/visually, but in its operation.  I am not a string player, but I'd like to bet that a violinist does not alter the rate of 'scrubbing' according to different note lengths!  I attach a little file to demonstrate this.  It can be overcome by patient and individual alteration of the beaming for the shorter notes - but not completely, since the object does not allow a number of beams smaller than 1.

As ever, very grateful for your patient attention to my ramblings...!

Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
Last post by Mike Shawaluk -
I expect I missed out years ago (again) on the explanation as to why the User object mutes the relevant notes, and why they nevertheless sound...
The short answer is that the user object plays the tremolo sound, which needs to replace the sound that a plain note would have made. So the note needs to be muted so you don't hear the sustained note on top of the tremolo sound.

And that; is precisely the problem in your score. You don't have the tremolo notes muted, so they are sounding along with the tremolo playback. And NWC does not give us a way of muting only one side of a split chord. The way to fix this would be to use layered staves, with the tremolo notes on one staff and the slurred part on the other.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
Last post by jonnotes -
Hello again Mike,

I have carefully implemented all your suggestions, with satisfactory results!  As you point out, cutting and pasting does seem to be the only way to have the sound and appearance both right at once.  And as for the Folders thing, I found it was sufficient to peform the Online Synch to put things back as they had been - which was a relief.

I expect I missed out years ago (again) on the explanation as to why the User object mutes the relevant notes, and why they nevertheless sound...

I attach my current piece of work to show where the puzzlement came from.  A further mystery:  if you look at/listen to bar 24 you will note that the tremolo in the lower part stops when it reaches the top note (B flat), and resumes in the next bar.  In which ever order I input and remove various notes in that chord, I cannot make the upper note legato and the lower note tremolo - though this does not apply earlier in that bar - quite mysterious!

Many thanks again!

Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
Last post by Mike Shawaluk -
When I opened some old compositions (having rearranged my Plugins folder, I was warned that Noteworthy had "detected 71 unkown objects".  I warily did not then save the compositions, but now I am wondering how to put things back in a sensible place, and how to let Noteworthy know where that is, so that I don't lose all my previous Tremolo work...

Thanks again (and in advance!)


I'm not sure how you "rearranged" your plugins folder, but if NWC says it detected 71 unknown objects, it sounds like it couldn't find your plugins folder. It might have created a new empty folder in its place.

If you go to Tools > Options and go to the Folders tab, it will show you the locations of the various file types. For Object Plugins, it should say something like ":programdata:\Noteworthy Software\nwc2\UserPlugins". If you moved the plugins folder somewhere else, you can modify that entry to point to the new location.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
Last post by Mike Shawaluk -
A further thought:  if you recommend me not to use the Make Tremolo user tool, am I still able to select a whole passage of several bars and apply the tremolos all in one go - or shall I need to apply them to each note/chord separately?
The Apply auto tool will also apply tremolos to multiple notes at once. However, after some experimentation, I see that if you select a range of notes that already includes tremolos, it will remove the existing ones when it adds the new ones. So that is not a viable way to add two tremolo objects per note, which is what you need if you want both ends of a split chord to have a tremolo. I think the best way to do this is by simple cut and paste.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
Last post by jonnotes -
A further thought:  if you recommend me not to use the Make Tremolo user tool, am I still able to select a whole passage of several bars and apply the tremolos all in one go - or shall I need to apply them to each note/chord separately?
Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
Last post by jonnotes -
Hi Mike - and many thanks for your very prompt and helpful reply!  (believe me, I really need that level of detail!).  It's getting late now so I sha'n't put your advice into practice until the morning, but you have clearly pointed out a proper path to follow, which I expect I might never have found for myself...

When I opened some old compositions (having rearranged my Plugins folder, I was warned that Noteworthy had "detected 71 unkown objects".  I warily did not then save the compositions, but now I am wondering how to put things back in a sensible place, and how to let Noteworthy know where that is, so that I don't lose all my previous Tremolo work...

Thanks again (and in advance!)

General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update
Last post by Richard Woodroffe -
The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

John Hooper    Stabat Mater (Cecis)
Richard Woodroffe   Die Erde D579b  (Schubert)
Lorenzo Prada   C’ereno tre sorelle   (Traditional Italian)
Lorenzo Prada   Girolemin (The grinder’s song)   (Traditional Italian)
Lorenzo Prada   La smortina (Pale and dull Girl)   (Traditional Italian)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to nwcscriptorium "at" gmail "dot" com

Stay safe 

Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
Last post by Mike Shawaluk -
Hi Jonathan,

You don't need to install the object, because it comes with NWC. You will just need to make sure you have the latest version, by going to Tools > Manage Objects... and clicking on the "Online Synch..." button, and following the prompts. If you haven't done this in a while, there may be a bunch of objects that are in need of updating. The program will automatically pull the current version that is posted in the forum, so you don't need to download any files.

Once the object is updated to the latest version (which is 2.1a), all you need to do is insert two objects before a split chord. Set the "Split Chord Member" parameter on one of the objects to "top" and set that parameter on the other one to "bottom". Each side of the split chord can have a different number of beams.

I don't recommend using the old "Make" user tool, since user objects can now have built-in tools. If you go to the User Tool... menu, there is a .Plugins group, which has tools for each plugin that implements them. The tool " Apply" is the one you want to use. Just highlight the note and run the tool. It will prompt for the number of beams, create the plugin and mute the note. Run it a second time to get the object for the bottom note (It doesn't currently prompt for top vs. bottom, so you will have to change the property on one of your objects to point to the bottom note).

Let me know if this answers your questions.
