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Messages - Raffaele Buscema

General Discussion / Re: Ridimensionamento Partitura

Visit to download and install Multi Measure Rests (mmr.js) in the right column. It can handle collapsing staves for long rests automatically.

Ma come si fa ad aggiungere questa funzione a NWC?
Come si procede?

Ho scaricato un file mms
Poi con alt-F8 ho aperto una finestra
Ho cliccato su "NEW"
poi ho incollato su "Browse" la posisione del file mms
Ho cliccato su Run
Mi da errore
General Discussion / Re: Ridimensionamento Partitura
You can hide staves using the Boundary controls <]> or |Insert|Boundary Change|

Staves that you want to have disappear for a while, insert a boundary change that says "Start a collapsible section" and end it with "Cancel/forbid collapse from this bar"

You should do some experimentation to learn how it works.

Fantastico Funziona benissimo!!
Esistono dei tasti che abbreviano la funzione direttamente
General Discussion / Re: Ridimensionamento Partitura
Hi everyone.
I wrote a score completely about NWC
Now I have to go to print.
Do you know if there is a function that resizes the score?
In scores, especially the oldest ones, when an instrument does not play, it disappears from the score.
It then reappears later when it plays again.
If NWC has this function it would be a good thing to save paper and ink
Visit to download and install Multi Measure Rests (mmr.js) in the right column. It can handle collapsing staves for long rests automatically.

Ma come si fa ad aggiungere questa funzione a NWC?
Come si procede?
General Discussion / Ridimensionamento Partitura
Ciao a tutti.
Ho redatto una partitura completamente su NWC
Ora devo andare in stampa.
Sapete se c'è una funzione che ridimensiona la partitura ?
Nelle partiture specialmente le più antiche, quando uno strumento non suona, scompare dalla partitura.
Riappare poi dopo quando torna a suonare.
Se NWC ha questa funzione sarebbe una buona cosa per risparmiare carta ed inchiostro
General Discussion / Libreria ritmi batteria.
Salve a tutti. Sapete se ci sono dei post che pubblicano ritmi di batteria rock?
Nella parte custom dei ritmi di nwc esistono pochi ritmi. Ci sono delle banche free. .Nwc oppure anche .Mid?
Allora. Non ci riesco proprio. Vi elenco i procedimenti.

1) ho scaricato il file zip della versione 1.06.3
2) Ho estratto l'unico file che ho trovato
3) Ho fatto partire il file exe
4) Mi ha portato ad una finestra dove mi chiede di inserire il file da convertire
5) Ho caricato il file con estenzione nwctxt
6) Mi si è aperta un'altra finestra dove ci sono scritti gli indirizi di output.
7) ho cliccato ok e mi ha segnato 3 errori  ma comunque la conversione non si è arrestata.
8) nella finestra precedente mi ha segnalato dove è il file musicwml
9) ho cercato questo file nella directory che mi ha segnalato ma non ho trovato niente.
Cosa sto sbagliando?
Ma la versione migliorata si trova sempre nel tuo sito? Il file come si chiama?
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 673, in <module>
  File "", line 605, in process_main_window
  File "", line 449, in event_convert
  File "", line 442, in convert
  File "", line 1903, in convert
  File "", line 1369, in create_xml
  File "", line 1338, in create_part
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 902, in process_object_dynamicvariance
  File "", line 910, in create_dynamic_tag
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Staff' object has no attribute 'sfz'

Non mi va avanti. Non so cosa mi vuole dire il programma. Cosa devo correggere?

Qui si spera è un passo dopo passo.
1. Salva il tuo file nwc come .nwctxt
2. Aprire Convertitore NWC
3. Fai clic su "Seleziona un file da convertire"
4. Nella casella che si apre, seleziona il tuo file .nwctxt
5. Fare clic sulle schede "Pagina del titolo" e "Parti del pentagramma"
  e cambia tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno.
6. Fare clic su OK
7. Fare clic su Converti
8. Al termine, prendere nota di dove è stato salvato il nuovo file. Avrà un nome che termina con .musicxml
9. Fare clic su Salva e prendere nota della posizione del file.
10. Apri Musescore
11. Apri file
12 Seleziona il file .musicxml da dove lo hai salvato in 9 sopra
13. Attendi il caricamento e, se necessario, salvalo in formato musescore.



Qui si spera è un passo dopo passo.
1. Salva il tuo file nwc come .nwctxt
2. Aprire Convertitore NWC
3. Fai clic su "Seleziona un file da convertire"
4. Nella casella che si apre, seleziona il tuo file .nwctxt
5. Fare clic sulle schede "Pagina del titolo" e "Parti del pentagramma"
  e cambia tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno.
6. Fare clic su OK
7. Fare clic su Converti
8. Al termine, prendere nota di dove è stato salvato il nuovo file. Avrà un nome che termina con .musicxml
9. Fare clic su Salva e prendere nota della posizione del file.
10. Apri Musescore
11. Apri file
12 Seleziona il file .musicxml da dove lo hai salvato in 9 sopra
13. Attendi il caricamento e, se necessario, salvalo in formato musescore.



Lunedì proverò senz'altro. Grazie
Ciao Raffaele,
Rispondendo a nome di Opagust. Sì ! Questo è esattamente ciò che puoi fare. Se usi lo strumento di Opagust per caricare la versione nwctxt del tuo file nwc. Quindi devi controllare tutte le opzioni. Quando sei felice, fai clic sul pulsante di conversione e ti darà un file musicxml che può essere caricato in Musescore. La conversione ti darà un file aggiuntivo e quindi manterrai sempre il file nwctxt originale.

Spero che sia di aiuto.
(Ci scusiamo per Google Translate)


Nessun problema con Google translate.
Ho scaricato la versione 2 di Opagust ma ancora non ho capito cosa si deve fare. Ma sono a buon punto
Salve Opagust. Grazie per il tuo strumento. Vediamo se ho capito bene il suo uso.
Se ho una parte. .nwc e la voglio aprire con ad esempio Musescore, con questo tuo sistema posso farlo?
Prima dovevo esportare la parte in. .Mid e poi importarla con Musescore, perdendo gran parte delle legature, dinamiche e parole del canto.
Con il tuo sistema si può conservare tutto degli spartiti?
General Discussion / Re: reinstalling NWC
Check this location on your current C drive:
(for 32 bit Windows): C:\Program Files\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Setups
(or, for 64 bit Windows): C:\Program Files (x86)\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Setups

You will find a setup program for your current installed copy of NWC.  Just copy it to a USB drive or similar and run it on the new machine.

Also, I have a feeling that these days Windows has a migration process you could use that might make this step un-necessary.

Grazie tante. Grazie alla tua risposta ho trovato il setup.
General Discussion / Re: reinstalling NWC
Scusa se la risposta suona banale ma io cercherei "NoteWorthy", no?
In alternativa, puoi cercare "Authenticity ID", però non vedo perché non dovrebbe funzionare la ricerca precedente.
A meno che tu non usi Outlook, la cui ricerca sembra fatta apposta per non trovare mai niente...  ;D

Ho provato in tutti i modi, ma proprio non trovo i codici seriali. Ho scritto una email al sito, spero possa aiutarmi.
General Discussion / Re: reinstalling NWC
Buongiorno a tutti. Io ho un problema. Ho acquistato on line il Programma. Purtroppo il mio Pc è andato in crash. ho potuto salvare per fortuna tutti i file .nvc, ma non ho più il programa NWC2 .Ho scaricato la versione demo, ma non trovo la Email che mi dava il codice di attivazione. Sapreste dirmi che parola chiave potrei usare per cercare fra le mi email?
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
From Google Translate:
Happy to have been of some assistance.

Ho un altra richiesta di aiuto.
Ultimamente ho acquistato dei sf2 dove vi stava scritto che c'erano 10 tipi di violini ecc.
Ma nella scelta dello strumento mi da sempre e solo un tipo di violino. Inoltre nella tree che ho scaricato , i suoni non corrispondono con la scelta. Solo la nvc tree corrisponde con il suono. Ma ne fa scegliere solo 2
Es. String ensemble 1 è string ensemble 2
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
From Google translate:Thanks Raffaele.
From what I'm reading it's pretty low powered in comparison with many systems.  Also 8Gb of RAM isn't really a lot for a 64bit system.
I can't advise whether it's economically worthwhile upgrading the RAM but I would recommend a minimum of 16Gb for 64bit Windows.
For what it's worth, when I was still making a living in IT the MINIMUM free disk space you wanted to have on a Windows system disk was 20% of total capacity.  You're down to 18.5%.  Remember, this is only a rule of thumb so there's no need to really worry about it, 85Gb is actually a huge amount of space, but if it was my system I think I'd do a bit of a cleanup.  Deleting old temp files is a great place to start.  It isn't so much the amount of space the temp files use, but rather the number of them.  The more files in the temp structure the more file handles windows has the track and this can really slow performance*.

Win 10 comes with a disk cleanup app, run it and see what space it you can recover.  I would delete temporary files, and maybe temporary internet files (this might impact any tabs you use a lot), possibly empty the recycle bin unless you use it a lot. 
DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK.  I am not in front of your machine so any advice like this is a guess, not definitive, though it's normally quite safe to delete temp files.  It's always best to have a full backup first.

I seriously think that modern VST applications will be very unhappy in this environment.  Stick to a plain softsynth like Coolsoft for best performance.

* I remember a clients machine many, many years ago that used to take around 10 minutes to boot.  They would literally start the machine and go have morning tea while they waited for it to start.  I was looking into a problem on another machine in the same area and they mentioned how bad it was.  I had some time so I checked it out.  I forget the number of temp files it had, but I have a feeling it was almost 1,000,000.  I do remember it took a long time to delete them all.  Afterwards the machine would boot in around 1 minute.  Quite a difference wouldn't you say?  It also ran considerably faster.  This was probably around 2000 so maybe win95 or 98.  Recent versions of Windows handle temp files much much better, but a cleanup is always a good idea.

Ho già fatto tutto quello che era possibile. Ma purtroppo non riesce proprio.
Con coolsoft va una meraviglia.
La mia era una attività esplorativa per vedere se con questo pc potevo acquistare qualche pacchetto suoni VST Garritan ecc.
Penso che dovrò acquistare un nuovo pc
Grazie ancora
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
From Google Translate:Hi Raffaele,
I wonder if you could tell us what your computer configuration is?
Brand and model if it's a "name" type machine (E.G. Dell, Lenovo, HP, ASUS etc.)
CPU model and speed
How much RAM (and speed if you know)
Disk space (and how much is free)

For our purposes that's probably all that's necessary.  Thanks.
Scusa il ritardo.
AMD A8-6410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics       2.00 GHz
Ram 8 Gb
x64 bit
Spazio libero HD 85 GB su 460

General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
Sto imparando una cosa alla volta.
In questo forum sono molte le cose che per me sono una lingua sconosciuta.
Però sono sulla buona strada.
Oggi ho scaricato una Daw e ho ascoltato molti dei lavori di scriptorium. Ho fatto progressi importanti e vi ringrazio per i post interessanti

Sono arrivato finalmente a delle conclusioni, scaricando, installando e disinstallando software
1) per caricare buoni vst ci vuole un computer potente
2) se carico dei vst mediocri, il pc tutto sommato li carica ma i suoni sf2 sono comunque migliori.
3) esportando in midi, alcune Daw riescono a leggere i midi con vst, ma se già aggiungo tracce il Daw va in crash. Forse perché la ram non è abbastanza.
Vi ringrazio. Se ho fatto questi passi avanti è stato anche merito vostro.
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
Oh, yes, and we have to thank Rich for that.
I'm surprised it looks new to you: Lawrie already directed you there many times in this very thread!
Sto imparando una cosa alla volta.
In questo forum sono molte le cose che per me sono una lingua sconosciuta.
Però sono sulla buona strada.
Oggi ho scaricato una Daw e ho ascoltato molti dei lavori di scriptorium. Ho fatto progressi importanti e vi ringrazio per i post interessanti
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
Hey @Richard Woodroffe , how does the web based playback of .nwc files on the Scripto work?
Are you sending audio or a MIDI stream?

I'm asking because the talk above about the Ravel piece made me a little curious and I chose to play it back before I downloaded it and felt the audio wasn't the best.  When I downloaded it and played back through the Coolsoft synth it was much better.

N.B. I haven't bothered to hack my Win10 to use the coolsoft synth as the default MIDI device.

<Edit> turns out I don't need to hack my Win10 afterall:

Which I think also suggests you're sending an audio stream.  If correct, and therefore as you would need to run a synth, may I ask which soundfont, if any, you're using?

Thanks mate

Hey @Richard Woodroffe , how does the web based playback of .nwc files on the Scripto work?
Are you sending audio or a MIDI stream?

I'm asking because the talk above about the Ravel piece made me a little curious and I chose to play it back before I downloaded it and felt the audio wasn't the best.  When I downloaded it and played back through the Coolsoft synth it was much better.

N.B. I haven't bothered to hack my Win10 to use the coolsoft synth as the default MIDI device.

<Edit> turns out I don't need to hack my Win10 afterall:

Which I think also suggests you're sending an audio stream.  If correct, and therefore as you would need to run a synth, may I ask which soundfont, if any, you're using?

Thanks mate

Molto interessante questa banca dati.
Co sono alcuni suoni che forse andrebbero rivisti. Ad esempio string ensamble 2 al posto dei s. e. 1. Verrebbero più legati e meno aggressivi. Gli S. E. 2 sono più utili nelle frasi veloci. Mentre i S. E. 2 buoni per i tappeti lenti
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
Intanto i canali "normali" sono 15. Il canale 10 è riservato alle percussioni.
Poi puoi usare più sintetizzatori ("device"), ognuno con i suoi 15+1 canali. La vecchia soundblaster live aveva 2 synth HW!

Va bene che in una banda ci sono molti strumenti, ma le trombe possono usare più pentagrammi ma condividere lo stesso canale MIDI.
Idem per i flauti, e i clarinetti ecc...

E poi guarda che non sei tenuto a usare un canale per un solo (tipo di) strumento.
Se in quel momento uno strumento non deve suonare, il canale è utilizzabile per un altro, salvo poi rifare il cambio.
Per anni ho usato una Gem che aveva solo 5 patch (leggi: canali) contemporanee.
Non sarà sempre un pieno orchestrale, no?

Guardati qualche esempio nello scriptorium.
Cosa ne dici dei "Quadri" orchestrati da Ravel?

I quadri di ravel? Se mi dai il link lo ascolto con piacere
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
The only way I can think of that this might happen is if there is another staff, below the one you set, that is on the same channel and has the pan settings at 64.

E.G. Staff1 is Trumpet 1 is on, say, channel 3 with pan at 25, BUT Staff2 is Trumpet 2 and is also on channel 3 but with pan at 64.  Because both staves are on the same channel the last staff processed defines all the staff settings for both staves, including pan settings.

Two files attached each with 2 staves:
PanDemo1.nwctxt is alternating trumpets on different MIDI channels (1 and 2), left, then right, then left again etc. and plays back that way.
PanDemo2.nwctxt is alternating trumpets on the SAME MIDI channel (1), staff 1 is set left and staff 2 is set right but on playback everything from both staves is to the right

Si ok funziona! grazie.
Ho notato che il massimo di canali sono 16.
Ma è impossibile non mettere 2 strumenti in un canale.. . In una strumentazione di orchestra e Banda sarebbe praticamente impossibile.
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
Niente da ridire sull'indispensabilità, ma perché non imposti semplicemente "Staff properties -> MIDI -> Stereo pan" per i vari canali?
Sempre ammesso che tu non voglia dei pan dinamici, nel qual caso...
I tried to handle these values (127-0) But practically nothing happens. The sounds remain central.
With the Multipoint controller, on the other hand, I had a good spatial arrangement
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
Well, when you don't have enough resources (RAM/CPU), then this is most probably the reason an "under-performing" system, because sound synthesis requires quite some resources.

You can verify your resources yourself by opening the task manager (when you right click in the taskbar, you can find the task manager link). If CPU or Memory or even disk pass 90%, then your PC cannot follow the software.
If you are lucky you can stop other resource consuming programs (like mail/browser/video software/...) and get a reasonable sound.
If that is not sufficient, you could opt for a "smaller" soundfont (if working with soundfonts) or less effects (if using VST based music).

I have tested different soundfonts in combination with virtual midi synth like
(*) Yamaha-C5-Salamander-JNv5.1.sf2 (591 MB),
(*) TOH-GM_GS_XG_SFX.sf2 (370 MB)
(*) titanic.sf2 (280 MB)
(*) SGM-V2.01.sf2 (235 MB),
(*) FluidR3_GM.sf2 (144 MB)
(*) WeedsGM3.sf2 (53 MB)
(*) sinfon36.sf2 (44 MB)
(*) merlin_gm36.sf2 (32 MB)
(*) Choir.sf3 (32 MB)
(*) GeneralUser_GS_SoftSynth_v144.sf2 (30 MB)
(*) merlin_plus23.sf2 (16 MB)
(*) Jeux14.sf2 (4 MB) - but this overwrites the first channels with only Organ sound

Finally I have chosen to install the relative small, older soundfonts WeedsGM3.sf2 (53 MB) and WST25FSTein.SF2 (21 MB) and I am very happy with it.

A long time ago I also tried to route the midi output to the virtual patch cables (MidiOx) and into a VST (synthfont), to get a long reverb for a church organ, but I did that only for one piece. 

What I recently did, was
(*) exporting an NWC file as midi
(*) recording my own voice with audacity
(*) importing both in LMMS (a free DAW) and adding soundfonts/VST's/effects/automations to the differents tracks
(*) export the final result in an MP3 file.
Maybe this isn't the best way to do it, but until I find something better, this is how I will work, I think.


I soundfont che finora ho scaricato me li supporta. Forse con i vst non riesce. Controllerò quello che mi hai detto. Io il reverbero lo metto dopo. Converto prima il midi in wav o mp3 e poi lo apro con cooledit.
La stereofonia la ottengo con multipoint controller e devo dire che è indispensabile.
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
From Google Translate:
Everything is very slow.
Even though I have a metronome of 120 the music goes at 20 bpm
More ... LikeQuote

I assume this means the note chase is also slow.  I have no idea how this can be so.
I could understand if the note chase was normal speed and the sound was slow, but not both because as far as I know there is no 2-way communication from the synth back to NWC.

Does anyone else have a clue?  Am I missing something obvious?

Secondo me il mio pc non è abbastanza potente.
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
This isn't what I'd call a latency problem, which is more of a delay rather than slow motion.

I think it is probably related to the VST host, but could you tell me if the note chase in NWC has slowed down, or does the note chase happen at normal speed and only the sound is slow?

Please check this before installing ASIO4all if it's not too late.
È tutto molto lento.
Anche se ho un metronomo di 120 la musica va a 20 bpm
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
Hi Raffaele,
I'm glad we had this conversation.  I realise that it may have seemed lengthy and like it was going around in circles sometimes, but I also think that there are others reading it that now have a much better idea of what VST is and isn't about.

Had we not corresponded then they would still be in the dark.

Be well and enjoy :)

I'm at a turning point.
I downloaded a piano .dll and uploaded it to the VSThost plugin
In practice now the NWC plays the sounds of the VST but evidently struggles and plays them in slow motion.
So the virtual cable works.
Maybe my RAM doesn't have the strength to make it all work. or it's a latency problem. I will try to download Asio4all
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
From Google Translate:
I want to clarify the fact that I have been using nwc since 2005.
At that time I had the demo version. Then I bought the 2.75 version and said "finally". Then I discovered cool soft, and I was happier and happier. Now it wouldn't be bad if an update of ready-made and immediately compatible vst sounds came out. I would pay without problems to acquire that extra gear.
Sure, native support for VST might be nice, but don't hold your breath.  Not even the big name notation products use native VST.  Instead they use additional products like Garritan to provide a VST environment.  True, for some of them there is a fairly tight integration, but they are still separate products.

What is it you are actually trying to achieve?  I really think you need to define this before you jump down the VST rabbit hole.

If you just want reasonable quality playback of your NWC scores then stick with soundfonts.  It's easy and usually trouble free.
If you want serious processing of the audio you create then get a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) that uses VST (pretty much all of them).  In this context, NWC is nothing more than a starting point for getting your ideas into MIDI so that the DAW can render them and allow manipulation of the resultant audio.

For what it's worth I'm not sure VST is what you think it is. 
Do you realise that you don't need a notation product to use VST?  You can record an audio stream directly into a VST system from a microphone, or a guitar, or any other electronic source.   Or you can load an mp3, or Ogg Vorbis, or wav file (amongst others) and go from there.  You don't actually need MIDI or NWC, or any other notation product.
VST is a Virtual recording Studio Technology that happens to be able to take a MIDI data stream and synthesize sounds from the instructions if you have the right plug-in (VSTi).  It's the plugins, VSTi's and VSTfx's that do the work.

Did you check the Wikipedia link I posted earlier?  It is definitely worth reading.
Here it is again:

You're right. I had made the premise that I was speaking out of ignorance,
I'm seeing tutorials and understanding your speech more and more.
The practical examples are certainly more direct.
I understand that the Vst is packed with knobs that handle the digital sound.
You're right . the VST is used in case you have to make a soundtrack where it is important to dose the sound effects or make a soundtrack even more effective.
At that point it would take a lot more material to buy, and I must say that it is not yet time;)
Once again I feel like saying that NWC is still my favorite show.
Thanks again
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
From Google Translate:
So I understand that with sf2 you can not get professional results ... Sigh
So in a path of growth I know that the vst is a must.
If I had the certainty that with nwc it could easily run the vst, I would definitely buy one.
Umm, what growth path do you have in mind?  How professional do you want?
Remember, NWC's primary purpose is creating music notation.  The fact that it's a pretty good sequencer is almost serendipitous. 
I think it would be helpful if you have a very clear picture of what you want to achieve.

The quality of sound you get from a soundfont is directly related to the quality of the soundfont, BUT for recording and production purposes you need more than just a soundfont.
If your aim is to get into music recording and production then you need a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), not a notation package.
That said, a notation package is a great starting point, it's just not enough by itself.

As mentioned above, I think the real question is what do you want to achieve? 
OK, Do you just want a nice sounding playback of music you've written?  Then a synth and soundfont should be fine.  The downside is finding a soundfont you like.  I call this the "Soundfont Shuffle"  ;)
(Actually, the reason I created this thread was for people to share their preferred soundfonts and the reasons for their preference.)

do you want to create recordings for distribution or public performance?  You need a DAW, lots of time, dedication and experience, and probably some expensive addons.

N.B. I would definitely NOT be spending money on VST stuff, or soundfonts for that matter, just yet.  The first thing to do is explore the free offerings that are available to see their functionality and to determine if this is the direction you want/need to go.

By the way, NWC does NOT run the VST, the same as it does not run any synthesizer.  NWC does not create sounds, it outputs a MIDI data stream that is directed to a MIDI output.  Where the MIDI stream goes after that is irrelevant to NWC, it literally doesn't care, it just pumps data out the configured port. 
If the MIDI data eventually reaches a synthesizer then the synth will create sound as described by the MIDI data.
If the MIDI data is directed to a VST host then the VST host is responsible for what happens after it receives the data.  NWC is no longer involved.  Just the same as if the data was sent to a synthesizer.
Voglio chiarire il fatto che io uso nwc dal 2005.
In quel momento avevo la versione demo. Poi ho comprato la versione 2,75 e ho detto "finalmente". Poi ho scoperto cool soft, ed ero sempre più felice. Ora non sarebbe male se uscisse un aggiornamento di suoni vst già pronti e subito compatibili. Pagherei senza problemi per acquisire quella marcia in più.
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
For what VST is designed for, yes.  But VST is more about music production, not simply playback of a MIDI data stream.  E.G. I would never consider using a playback of a simple soundfont as a professional recording, but VST is used all the time for professional recording and mastering.  That's the primary purpose of the technology.
For more information, this Wikipedia article is well worth reading:
VST is much, much more than this.  Think all kinds of special effects, filters etc. and considerable control over these things.
No.  If a simple synth and soundfont does what you need then there is no point in adding the complexity of VST.  For the record I believe that a soundfont and synth is far more appropriate than VST for probably every NWC user there is.  Of course, I stand to be corrected on this ;)
Quindi mi pare di capire che con sf2 non si possono ottenere risultati professionali... Sigh
Quindi in un percorso di crescita il vst mi sa che è una tappa obbligata.
Se avessi la sicurezza che con nwc potesse girare tranquillamente i vst, acquisterei sicuramente uno.
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
From Google Translate:
"No. I don't know this sonatina player. Does it download separately? Or does it download together with the package?"
All I know about it is what I've read.  I haven't downloaded it and thus have not tried it either.

On the page where I found info on the SSO ( ) is the following text:From this I assumed there was an included player in the download.

Ahh, I've just realised that the Sonatina.dll is the player, and you still need a host like VSTHost. 
I'm sorry for the confusion.  It's 13 years since I wrote that guide and I haven't played with VST for probably 11 of those years as the advent of a soundfont capable softsynth (I think it was Coolsoft) made it unnecessary for me.  My primary needs for NWC are notation, not playback.  I just need a sufficiently good playback to make sure what I'm writing will work.  I certainly don't need the power of full blown VST.
I got it.
Also I am satisfied with the SF2 sounds especially the ones I fortunately bought on ebay.
I just wanted to go ahead and see if there was room for improvement.
Do you think VSTs are really much more effective than SF2s?
I can think that thanks to the pan functions etc that are in the multipoint controller function, I get the same quality?
Is it really necessary to switch to VST sounds?
I am obviously speaking out of ignorance.
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
I suspect it might be a good idea to remove either MIDIYoke or Loopbe.  I don't see any benefit to having 2 devices that do the same thing and which may conflict.  Loopbe seems to have a better reputation than MIDIYoke so perhaps keep it and remove MIDIYoke?

Within VSTHost it might be a good idea to make sure there are no conflicts or double ups (say a connection to both Loopbe AND MIDIYoke).  Also make sure the output of VSTHost isn't somehow connected back to the input.

Actually, as a last resort it might be worth removing Loopbe, MIDIYoke AND VSTHost, clean booting and reinstalling just Loopbe and VSTHost.  During the uninstall, if there is an option to keep configs I would say NO as there may be a problem in the config that's causing the issue.

No need to uninstall Sonatina as it's just a .dll that you load into VSTHost.

Another thought, have you tried Sonatina's supplied player?

No. Non conosco questo player sonatina. Si scarica a parte? O si scarica insieme al pacchetto?
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
I really thank you.
I just restarted the PC and will do the live operations

1) I opened Vsthost and a gray screen appeared with two windows "engine input" on the left and "engine output" on the right
2) On the "File" window I click on "New plugnin" and select "Sonatina orchestra.dll. Now a window connected to a yellow wire with" engine output "has appeared
3) I check back on "Device Midi setting" and I notice that both midiyoke and loopbe internal midi pop up. Could that be going into conflict? Anyway Midiyoke selection 1
4) I open NWC, remove the Virtual midisint and add midiyoke1 from the device used by the playback.
and nothing. Stuck and then Crash

I wanted to add that while I am writing I hear some notes held as if NWC was playing the midi file I submitted in slow motion
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
Ok, let's see.

MIDIox itself isn't actually needed.  It is a monitoring tool.  HOWEVER, you do need a virtual MIDI cable ,either Loopbe OR MIDIYoke (which comes with MIDIox if I recall correctly).  Once installed you don't need to run it again as it becomes a driver that is always available.

VSTHost is an environment that VSTi's run in.  To explain, VST consists of 2 parts:
The VST Host (that VSTHost fulfils - don't be confused by the name coincidence)
VSTi's (Virtual Studio Instruments) - these can be all kinds of things, including a synthesizer.

SYNTHFont is a VSTi that is used as a synthesizer that plays the samples in a soundfont.  You don't need it for Sonatina so it can be left out.

Sonatina.dll is another VSTi.  This is the one that gives you the Sonatina sounds.

I would open VSTHost and make sure Sonatina.dll is still being loaded and that it is connected to the virtual MIDI cable that you want.  Then make sure the VSTHost config gets saved - I mention this in the guide.

Load NWC and make sure it is using the same virtual MIDI cable you configured in VSTHost

Once it is working again make sure you save the VSTHost config.
From now on you should only need to load VSTHost and then run NWC and it should all just work.

I hope this helps.

I really thank you.
I just restarted the PC and will do the live operations

1) I opened Vsthost and a gray screen appeared with two windows "engine input" on the left and "engine output" on the right
2) On the "File" window I click on "New plugnin" and select "Sonatina orchestra.dll. Now a window connected to a yellow wire with" engine output "has appeared
3) I check back on "Device Midi setting" and I notice that both midiyoke and loopbe internal midi pop up. Could that be going into conflict? Anyway Midiyoke selection 1
4) I open NWC, remove the Virtual midisint and add midiyoke1 from the device used by the playback.
and nothing. Stuck and then Crash

General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
From Google translate:
I'll explain.
These are the indications that allowed me to listen to the sounds of Sonatina for the first time yesterday.
Today, however, I do not know why but it no longer works like it did yesterday. NWC jams.

Umm, OK.  I have no idea why NWC should stop working.
Although, if I recall correctly, you need to make sure the VST host is loaded before you start NWC.  If it isn't, NWC shouldn't crash, but just not make any sounds.
To be clear, the MIDI standard is what's called an "unreliable transport".  This means that the protocol does not guarantee that the message gets from the transmitter to the receiver.  For this reason there is no communication from the VST host to NWC so I cannot see how the VST host could possibly cause NWC to lockup.
Can you describe when the lockup occurs?  Do you have time to get into |Tools|Options|MIDI (tab) to change the output device?
It may be there is a problem with Loopbe (you indicated you used this instead of MIDIYoke which is described in the explanation)

Summing up.
The day before yesterday I downloaded
1) Midiox
3) Syntfont (Which I still don't understand what it is for)
Once installed
I opened Midiox
I turned on VSTHOST
On VSTHOST I loaded Sonatina.dll as a plugin
I have set the midi input both in Midi Mapper
Et voilà (Cit) I heard the sounds. Although not consistent, as they alternate pizzicato held etc.

yesterday I did the same sequence again but I didn't get the result

General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
It is extremely unusual for Noteworthy to crash.  Not saying I've never seen it happen, but it is very rare.

Perhaps if you try a different VST host?

Loopbe is known to work with NWC so I don't expect it is a problem.
As Sonatina comes with its own player maybe you could try a different VST host.  I'm not sure if you can load the Sonatina samples into a third party VST host application or not so you might need to look at a different sound set too.

Of course this is entirely optional.  If you have no desire to experiment in this fashion that's fine.

Now, while I cannot speak for NWC, I am aware that when it was first envisioned MIDI was (and really still is) king.  So NWC was designed to output to MIDI, presumably in order to maximise options.  You can drive any MIDI synth you can connect to, be it internal or external:
Electric piano, organ, keyboard, software synth module, internal sound card (with HW synth), external sound module, VST host &etc.

There is a beta of the viewer that has the ability to load soundfonts, so I'd guess this is a direction NWC was planning to go.  Unfortunately that beta is now 3 years old and there have been no updates so I can only assume that something has gotten in the way of the developer doing this work.  As NWC does everything I need I am happy to await developments.

An inbuilt Soundfont player and/or VST host would be amazing but is not really necessary.  I certainly would not like to lose the current MIDI functionality if that became a necessary tradeoff.

You are very kind to answer. I really thank you!
I downloaded Vsthost as per the explanation downloaded from the site.
initially it worked. Now I don't know what happened but NWC gets stuck.
I downloaded Loopb1, Now it doesn't jam, but it doesn't feel. Can you give me the installation instruction link?
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
Good news!
That one you'll just have to fiddle around with I guess.  Given those are all effects advertised for the Sonatina VSTi I'm sure there will be instructions somewhere that will help.

Using VST and VSTi's is different to using a non VST GM synth.
357 / 5.000
Risultati della traduzione
After yesterday's enthusiasm I have sunk into despair.
The Noteworthy crashes all the time.
I think I'll stick with sf2.
I bought a good SF2 sound set but it's funny how there is no market.
The thing that strikes me most is why Noteworthy composer never thought about making life any more
simple to us who bought the program.
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
I already use the Virtual midi Synt and I get along very well with the SF2s.
I wanted to start experimenting and opening up to the world of VSTs.
Before buying any Garritans or anything, I wanted to make sure my NWC was compatible.
I can't spend money without the security of being able to use it.


I was able to hear the VST sounds.
Now the problem is understanding why they feel uncoordinated. The violins feel first tied then plucked then held etc.
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
G'day Raffaele,
from what I've read Sonatina in VSTi form comes with its own sample player.  I assume this is a VST host of some kind.  If this is the version you have then I recommend you check out a couple of how to type documents from Rich Nagle, and myself.  Rich's document is better than mine.  They are on the Scripto:

I also note there seems to be a soundfont version of Sonatina in which case you'd need a synth that accepts soundfonts - the default we all seem to be using is the CoolSoft VitrualMIDISynth.  If this is the version of Sonatina you have then a document by Richard Woodroffe in the same location on the Scripto, just under Rich Nagle's document is aimed at the Coolsoft synth.

I already use the Virtual midi Synt and I get along very well with the SF2s.
I wanted to start experimenting and opening up to the world of VSTs.
Before buying any Garritans or anything, I wanted to make sure my NWC was compatible.
I can't spend money without the security of being able to use it.
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
G'day Raffaele,
from what I've read Sonatina in VSTi form comes with its own sample player.  I assume this is a VST host of some kind.  If this is the version you have then I recommend you check out a couple of how to type documents from Rich Nagle, and myself.  Rich's document is better than mine.  They are on the Scripto:

I also note there seems to be a soundfont version of Sonatina in which case you'd need a synth that accepts soundfonts - the default we all seem to be using is the CoolSoft VitrualMIDISynth.  If this is the version of Sonatina you have then a document by Richard Woodroffe in the same location on the Scripto, just under Rich Nagle's document is aimed at the Coolsoft synth.

I've been trying to figure out what to download and how to link NWC to VST for some time now. I am already quite discouraged.
Is there sonatina sf2? Very good.
Are the sounds the same as the Sonatina VST?

General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
I assume "soundfonts" also includes "VSTi" instruments.

I use:
a) "Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra" for most everything instrumental, also piano.
b) "Soundiron Olympus Micro Choir" VSTi in Kontakt 5 player for choral sounds.
c) Chorium.sf2 as a standard soundfont for "internal use", I think I also used it for a few brass instruments a few years ago - but I'm not uptodate here.


Hello everyone.
I have bought the NWC in the past and am really happy with it.
Now I would like to go to the next step.
I downloaded the files of the "Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra"
I downloaded the Loobe1 virtual cable
Now I don't know in practice how to make them work.
What should I do in practice?