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General Discussion / Reinstalling on new computer
General Discussion / Play Toolbar Buttons
Is there any way of putting the 'Play from current measure', 'Play from two measures back', 'Play from start' etc options on toolbar buttons? I find I'm swapping quite frequently between them, and getting a shade bored with 'Tools>Options'. It's probably buried in the toolbar customisation, but I just can't spot it.
Announcements / Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Now Available
General Discussion / Re: Serious bug in length of Whole Notes (But Not Rests)
I wish the two rests had been made distinct, but that's life. I would also like NWC to distinguish them. It would involve code capable of mind-reading, but judging by what is already in NWC, that may not be asking too much.
If NWC does finally include breves (hint hint) will the breve rest symbol also be usable as a whole-bar rest symbol?
User Tools / Re: Comments
Rick G - You are a better coder than me. I often find that the script finishes, but produces something different from what I expected. Without some means of monitoring flow and checking values of variables it is hard to find the bug. Thank you, though.
User Tools / Comments
General Discussion / Re: Four-line staves and leger lines
General Discussion / Four-line staves and leger lines
I think this is the relevant bit of the file:
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:12|BoundaryBottom:12|Lines:4|Style:Standard|Layer:N|Color:Highlight 1
The two Gs just before the end should be on leger lines, but either the lines are missing or they are too short to show.
What am I doing wrong, please?
General Discussion / Re: Hidden clefs and alignment
General Discussion / Hidden clefs and alignment
General Discussion / Re: priorities
And also, "force system break" that does not force the line to full width. Then we can put multiple small pieces on one page.
Negative values in the "Extra note spacing" would be really useful, but it looks so easy that there must be some strong technical problem for not allowing it, so alas...
But there is so much good stuff in 2.0 that I wouldn't want the release date to be put back for any of these.
General Discussion / Re: Wide Spacing
This is a really supportive forum for a brilliant program.
General Discussion / Wide Spacing
General Discussion / Re: autobeam issue in split measures
Sorry to be so late acknowledging - ill health, unfortunately.
General Discussion / Re: autobeam issue in split measures
General Discussion / Re: Silly notation
But at the very least, change the documentation.
General Discussion / Re: Silly notation