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Topic: Wide Spacing (Read 3907 times) previous topic - next topic

Wide Spacing

I do a fair amount of mediaeval music, including therefore some plainsong sections, which I set with stemless notes. While the ordinary note spacing is fine for normal music, stemless notes look a long way apart. Can I close them up in any way? I hioped the Extra Space option would help, but it only seems to accept positive values, not negative ones.

Re: Wide Spacing

Reply #1
Turning off "Increase note spacing for longer notes" in File, Page Setup is the only option that minimizes spacing on a file wide basis.

Re: Wide Spacing

Reply #2
Noteworthy is designed for modern standard notation. For ancient notation, you might want to look at LilyPond.

Since all the notes you use will be stemless, you might try creating a replacement Sysfont (instead of NWC2STDA.ttf). Make the width of the notehead glyphs very small, say 30 instead of 500. This doesn't work well if you have stems as NWC2 doesn't (yet) connect them consistently.

More complicated is to map the 64th rest to a null glyph and enter all the notes as RestChords. This what I did in the attachment which shows a measure done in NWC2, followed by a scan of the music.

edit: minor spelling fixes
Registered user since 1996


Re: Wide Spacing

Reply #3
Thanks - some really good ideas there. I hadnt appreciated the power of user fonts.

This is a really supportive forum for a brilliant program.