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Topic: Convert MIDI into WAV? (Read 213268 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #150
u can convert mp3's to wav with winamp
select output to: disk writer
or with nero burning rom u can burn directly mp3's
to audio cd without converting

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #152
modplug tracker does work for neerly all conversions you need; mp3,wav,mid etc.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #153
Midi to Wav - Modplug Tracker - its free, it worked, sorted. Thanks to Zenith (Reply 46 above) for the lead. This is the only board that I found dealing with what I mistakenly assumed would be a pretty standard conversion. Modplug was a fast download at about 640k - and as a relative novice at these things I had no trouble working out what to do - wish I knew what the rest of it did 8-)


Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #155
Im glad every one is helping each other out.i read all of th questions and answers and now i have different ways of trying to get this to work.I dont think any one wants to plug jacks to there computer going out and back in.all though i wish WINAP had a WORKING midi to wave plug in.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #156
Hi everyone. I just want to say thank you to each and every person who has posted a reply on the nasty little midi to wav issue! :) THANK YOU ALL!!! I was doing it the old way with the Media Player and Sound Recorder, as some suggested, but with my longer compositions, this got VERY tedious. I'm now in the process of downloading several of the things suggested here, and I will let you know how it goes!


Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #157
Hi to all !

I have already recorded a lot of my own tracks with method;
when the midi file was playing I was start to record with sound editor (like Sound Forge or you can try whatever you want, sound recorder or similar), that i was doing a long time, then one guy said to me ,that i should try to record with other method.So i have tried and I see a lot of differences.It's more clean sound and really cd-quality.
But this kind of method which I know is more for Cubase users.
First go to Control Panel, then Multimedia Settings.
Click Midi options and set your own settings for each channel.I have 2 midi outports(example - channel 1 - Roland out, channel 2, soundblaster out, channel 3 - roland out and so on....).When you have all 16 channel selected for midi outputs, you can save settings.
Then go to Cubase and you must specify for all channels , also right outputs, like you did in Multimedia settings, then go to File directory and "Audio export", you'll get Mixdown channel and with this channel you can record in realtime directly to wav file, results are extremly good :)

I hope that you'll understand, sorry for mine , not so good English :))

bye, any questions e-mail me:

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #158
Anyone know of a way to convert wma's to mp3's. I have a cd copied using Windows Media Player 7 in wma format but i can't get it to burn to a cd. Anyone suggestions?

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #159
Just a little helpful hint for those of you who inquire about WAV to MP3, and vice versa: download MusicMatch. It's free at, and it can switch between WAV, MP3, and WMA. It is fast, effective, and if you love Napster as much as I do, it takes all of those MP3's, and gets them ready for your CD burner.

Hope this was useful.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #160
Wingroove! Awesome. Registration $20.00. Free demo which is limited to 30 seconds of wav output. Extremely easy to use...load up the midi, click "file", click "create wavefile", give it a name and you're done.

Interesting. The question mark is a part of the url. Hope that works for you. If not, do a search-engine search for wingroove.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #161

Click on the little "speaker" icon in the taskbar.
Go to "options", "properties" and click the "Recording" radio button. Click "OK" and play the MIDI file and record with the vanilla Windows Sound Recorder (making certain to maximize the sound quality). I have done works great.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #162
Great inexpensive easy tip!! I just have one question: when I try to record something, it only records up to almost 6 seconds. What should I do to have it record the whole song?

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #163
How long it records depends on your available RAM. This is why for most work it is necessary to use a recorder program that writes directly to disk.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #164
How do you go from mp3 to midi? I am trying to get notation for a song that I have from an mp3 file over the email. I have downloaded midtab, midnotate, and digital-something. None seem to have an easy way to get my file to be midi-fied into sheet music.


Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #165
You'll find that opinions differ, but apparently it's not really possible to find a program that will do this except perhaps for the very simplest files (e.g., those with a single-line melody and no harmony or other distractions). For a discussion of this you might visit on this forum. (It also comes up several times earlier on this very page.)

On the other hand, here's a perfect chance to practice your ear training. Get NWC and use it to transcribe what you hear in your mp3 file.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #166
does anyone know of a mac prgm that converts midi to wave!!?

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #167
Hi everyone,
just making this message to continue this almost 2 year
c ya

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #168
To Steve Johnson in reply to reply #70...The SBLive card uses creative audioHQ. Open audioHQ and open the mixer. Select the recording source as "midi". Open the keyboard program, then open any sound recording program. Start recording, go back to the keyboard, and play.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #169
I think, as NWC grows up, midi -as a file format- becomes useless.


Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #170
I'm not sure what Ertrugal means by MIDI "as a file format." Compared to .... what? I make use of MIDI output so that I can play my NWC compositions through software that over-rides the crappy sound card on my laptop (I can't change it or install sound fonts). Also, I use MIDI to import files in foreign format into NWC. Since I work with simple music (hymns, etc.) I usually have no problem with the composition.

Of course, a universal music publishing format (something like the way PDF works for word processing) might be nice, but this is not within the realm of a single supplier. Those of you who work with PDF also know that even with the complete Acrobat and/or Ghostscript products, PDF files are in general not editable.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #172
I, too, have been looking for an easy way to convert a few MIDI's to WAV to burn to disk. I took the advice of several replies and tried the ModPlug Tracker. The sound was great but in one of the songs a bell that you hear in the MIDI was missing. Has anyone tried or had any luck with Polyhedrics MIDInight Express G22Sound Library or the Mellosoftron, also from Polyhedric?

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #173
[addt. to reply#178]

Firstly, I beg pardons for being unclear. What I've tried to express is the outstanding developments in NWC especially from 1.55's to 1.70 and now those plug-ins.

As a file format and document, a nwc file is much more advantageous than a mid. First of all, it's smaller. (NWC is about %50 of its consequent MID) Second, it includes the music and the score together and now, after the WinAmp plug-in especially, it's as transportable as midi.

I'm completely in agreement with Robert regarding midi as a port, a sound device. Of course we need midi output to play nwc and nwc probably wouldn't exist without midi indeed. But what I mention is; nwc files are becoming much more useful in employing midi capabilities than midi files themselves.

Today, many platforms such as CSound get midi input. I think, midi will soon be just a "bridge" to pass nwc to those platforms -at least for me. Because I noticed that I have if not completely left, reasonably decreased using post-processing programs as NWC has achieved the recent developments.

Although there are still serious gaps to be filled I thank NW staff for the great effort and good quality work.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #174
To convert midi into wav - use audio compositor 4.1 -- it converts the file within seconds.

Does anybody know where I can download the beneath file from..

8RealGs20.SF2m (instrument file used with this siftware to carry out the conversion)

Pls e-mail me and if u help me locate this file - I will give u the serial details for Audio compositor!




Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #175
Hello Everybody!

As far as I saw you all already presented some usefull ways to convert MIDI to Wave.
I have got one more question:
Winamp is able to covert MP3 to Wave with the Diwk Writer. i think it would be the best and easiest if there was a plugin to convert MIDI to Wave. Is there such a one?
And one more question:
I read most of these replies and now I am a litttle confused, can anyone tell whch is the best tool/way to conert MIDI to Wave???
Thanke a lot!
Merry Christmas!!!!!

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #176
Thanks for all the help on converting MIDI files to WAV or MP3. I tried several applications and techniques mentioned in the thread but didn't find anything that didn't cost a bundle or work very well. Finally, I came up with a fix that will probably work for most everyone else. Bring the MIDI file up in Windows Media Player and make sure the volume settings aren't too lound. After doing this, unhook the speaker cable going into the speakers and plug it into the mic jack on the computer. Hit the play button on Windows Media at the same time you start recording from the Windows sound recorder application. Works great!!!! Don't forget to save the file.
Good luck.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #177
Now when you convert these midis to wavs using these programs, does it use the driver you currently are using on your computer? For example if you have the yamaha syxg softsynth drivers and player loaded on your computer, do these programs turn it into wav with the sound quality of the yamaha driver? because the yamaha driver is really realy really really good, and converting midi to wav is really pointless if it doesn't convert with the yamaha driver in my opinion. The yamaha driver really really improves the sound quality of midi. I tried modplug and it doesn't convert the midi to wav with the yamaha driver. the yamaha program/driver cannot convert midi to wav. it just plays midis really high quality.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #178
i just noticed that this topic is 2 years old!! YAY!! and peeps are still asking the same questions that they were all the way back in '98! Psh! I just wanna know a site where I can download midis, particularily tubular bells 4 me mum........ Anyways, cya all!


Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #179
ok...jus use the yamaha sxg player...and have total recorder...and set it to record from the wav out mix...and u will get it to works...very mess up...jus remember to save the file in the right format...

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #180

Do do this on a Macintosh all you need is;
SoundApp(any version will do), Quicktime 3 or over and Quick time movie player.
If you have Mac OS 8 or above you already have quick time.

1) open movie player and goto file menu to export your midi to AIFF (AIFFs are bulky and need alot of disk space)

2) quit movie player and open soundapp, select convert from file menu and convert it into a sun audio(.au).

3) select convert again this time converting it to wave

This method of conversion takes a long time to do if your runing a 68K. the end result is always 3 to 10Mg depenting on how long the sound is. there is another way of doing this i haven't found it yet