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Topic: Convert MIDI into WAV? (Read 209233 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #101
Yes you can get there from here! I wanted to use a MIDI file for background sound for my Flash page but Flash wanted a WAV file.

My solution:

I launched Creative Play Center that came with my Sound Blaster Live (it plays 20 or so file types including MIDI) and loaded the MIDI file.

I then launched Creative Wave Studio It also came with the sound card. It records anything that goes through the sound card and writes a temporary file for you to edit.

I then selected "Record" on the Wave Studio and "Play" on the Play Center.

When the song was complete I selected "Stop" on the Wave Studio. I then selected SaveAs a WAV file with PCM compression (which were the defaults).

Piece of cake right? Well the original MIDI file was 25K in size. The WAV file with PCM compression was over 20 MEG! Rather large for a WEB page.

I tried other compressions and got the following smaller file sizes but they would not load into Flash:

WAV MPEG Layer3 was 837K
WAV CCIT u-Law was 10.6 MEG
WAV CCIT A-Law was 10.6 MEG

The two last compression techniques failed:
Windows Media Audio V1 & V2

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #102
I wanted to make my own CD mix of a bunch of midis I've collected, and therefore needed to convert them to WAVs while keeping the same stereo sound, quality, and instruments that I was getting already. After trying all the methods everyone suggested, I found that, by far the easiest and most effective method was using Goldwave in combination with Windows Media player. Since Goldwave recorded directly from the MIDI port, sound quality was absolutely perfect, and the stereo was kept intact. I wouldn't waste time with all the other methods.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #103
A question...

why does everyone use cds? i mean to make cds from wavs and midi`s, mp3s?

I use an MD (minidisc) deck and a two portable players/recorders..the quality is superb, and correcting a mistake takes a second..not 10 mins..especially if you use once only cds... and the mds are cheap too..

and you can hook up your soundcard to a digital output i threw my cd player away! (well i kept it for playing the odd cd)

im having the same problem as most, trying to find a good midi to wave/mp3 converter..any ideas?

I used wavemaker and i wasnt impressed with it at all..


Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #104
I have many MIDIs that I too wish to convert to WAVS, problem is that the processes already mentioned require this do be done one file at a time and this would take forever for me to do. Is there a program that allows u to convert many midis to wavs at once, instead of individually?

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #105
I believe that WinAmp can do this by setting up a playlist, and using the CDwriter plugin. Haven't tried it myself, but should work in principle...

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #106
It does not work!

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #107
Ok I wanna put a song on my webpage to play while you browse and I know you need to put in .midi format so it will be compact. My first question, I've never heard a .midi file with words. Can they have lyrics? 2nd I know how to convert MP3 to .wav but how do you go from .wav to .midi? See my problem is I have this mp3 I want to play on the page but it would take to long to download and if i make it .wav it'd take even longer. Plus mp3z won't even play on webpages I don't think. But, what about these flash players that play music, will it work then? I dunno, but preferably someone with some HTML and music file knowledge hit me back


Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #108
Ok, I've read many messages from this forum, but I think there isn't any real solution for mid -> wav conversion. The line out to mic (or line out to line in) connection works, but, at least here, there is a little but decisive loss of quality (mostly in the treble). I'm wondering if there's a program that converts from mid to wav using the Yamaha SYXG100 synthetizer or, at least, a way to record the MIDI without losing quality.
P.S.: Hey, my music will be presented in an auditorium, please help me =)

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #109
Several points:

- When using a full duplex sound card, there is no reason to configure an external connection from output to input. Full duplex cards can record what they play internally.

- It is generally a bad idea to connect any line output (line level) to the MIC input on a sound card. The MIC input is specifically designed for MIC levels.

See,,, and for other discussions on this topic.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #110
Well, I finally "converted" my MIDI file to WAV, without loss of quality. These are the steps:
1. Double-click on the speaker (on the task bar)
2. Click on Option -> Properties, select Recording (OK)
3. Then select "Digital Mixer" (and set the volume)
(Without this 3rd step, the thing doesn't work here)
Then I record the WAV file with any program (like windows sound recorder), while playing the MIDI file. No connections, no mic, no line in.
Remarks: don't connect the mic nor the line in. Don't forget to choose the 44.100 KHz recording quality.
That's the way it worked here, I hope it can work with other people.
Thanks to everybody who posted messages here, specially NoteWorthy Online.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #111
I know how to make mp3s into wav 2. If you want to know how plz ask the people at It's 2 long for me 2 go through it (lazy). But if anyone knows a program that will trun my wavs into midi that is freeware....maybe i dont have to be so lazy.....

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #113
I need a free way to convert .MP3 to .WAV!!


Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #114
PLZ! ask the people at they WILL tell you. If not I will, only if someone can tell me how to get wav to minds. Thats what I will give in return.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #116
Rodrigo Rocha (reply 112) has the right idea. I'm not interested in high-fidelity sound, just an easy way to convert Midi to Wav. I used his suggestion and it worked (I converted the Looneyto.mid file to a wav for my windows start-up sound) One suggestion to help the transition:

After launching the sounder recorder and media player,

activate the media player window by clicking on the 'stop' button,

hover your pointer above the 'record' button on the recorder (don't push the button yet)

press 'alt' 'p' 'p' to start the player

quickly click the mouse button to start recording

This method prevents the delay you will have when trying to click from the play button to the record button. My PC delayed for a split second after pressing play, and that really makes it hard to hit the record button quickly. GOOD LUCK!

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #117
The "classic" way to convert MP3 to WAV is using Winamp. Start Winamp, press Ctrl+P (Preferences), then choose Plug-ins -> Output. Click on Nullsoft Disk Writer plug-in then click in Configure to choose the folder where the WAV file will be created. The name of the WAV file will be the same of the name of the MP3 file. Then just play the song you want to convert and Winamp will convert it to WAV. It works with other file formats supported by Winamp, like IT, XM, MOD, etc.
After converting, don't forget to choose the Nullsoft waveOut plug-in (or the Nullsoft DirectSound plug-in) again in the Preferences window, so your Winamp will play the songs in place of converting them.
Sure, there are programs that do this conversion in an easier way, but for those who don't have this kind of program, this should work.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #121
Hmm. In addition to a horrific memory leak, this program seems to have trouble dealing with relatively simple WAV files. All I get from it is a mismash of seemingly random pitches.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #122
Try downloading Modplug Tracker from You can open up your midi file and then click file and save as wave. It's great and it works properly!!

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #123
go to windows media player and open the midi. then go to save as. save in all files type and enter the name with .mp3 or wav to convert it you dont even need a converter program

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #124
go to windows media player and open the midi. then go to save as. save in all files type and enter the name with .mp3 or wav to convert it you dont even need a converter program

Lest anyone falsely gets their hopes up -- all this accomplishes is saving a midi file with the wrong extension (mp3, wav etc.) It does /not/ convert the file. Media Player will re-open and play the renamed file, but only because it recognises it as a midi file with a wrong extension.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #125
midi to wav is ussual, but anyone know how to convert

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #126
Or Even MP3 to midi for background sounds on a webpage?

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #127
all you music lover.
Check out the cdc-mp3 car player from Aiwa ($260-300 US).
Now you can have all your favourite music in mp3 format and play them in your car. No need to convert them to wav anymore.


Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #128
well i read some of this stuff but not all of it.... my question has nothing to do with the midi to wav file but instead i was wondering how to convert a mp3 to a wav....anyone can tell me?

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #129
>>i was wondering how to convert a mp3 to a wav....anyone can tell me?

Check out reply 119 above.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #130
To answer your question Grant, you can use Winamp for a conversion from mp3 to WAV.

Simply start up winamp, press ctrl+P (preferences), then you'll see a list of options.
select OUTPUT, select the "diskwriter plugin", choose a directory to save your files and you're done, every mp3 you will select will be converted to WAV.

Don't forget to switch off the repeat button or your harddisk will be full in a very short time. :)

If you want to play mp3's again, then select the "waveout" plugin on the top and everything will be back to normal.

Have fun :)

And about the other topic, if you try to record midi to wav with your basic windows players (midi player and sound recorder) then your soundcard will have to support it, it won't work with every soundcard.

I'm still searching for an easy way to do it for the 2nd one of 2 soundcards, my SBlive is no problem, mut the vortex II I have has a complete different wavetable and a bigger SF support too, but every attempt to convert midi to wav with that card was a failure.

If someone could help me with that, that would be great.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #131
i read it all...
here's the DL
If you want to convert a midi to wav... i say, like many others here, go with Audio Compositor.
It's simple, it's fast... and there are MANY advantages...

1.It fully supports soundfonts (SF2), and unlike many other programs that claim to use SF2, it is as easy as clicking on the soundfont you want to use... (provided you know where you have stored them... hey, don't laugh... i lost a few...)

2.It converts the MIDI files as they are, with no gaps at the beginning, which is useful for sychronizing an external device (i.e. a drum machine) if you happen to have any multitrack recording software... for this, I like N-Track studio...
this is also very easy to do... all you do is set the MIDI sync clock in the -VIEW- menu, and in the -PREFERENCES- menu, set it to sync with THE ORIGINAL MIDI FILE... not the converted wave file... You will also have to plug the audio of the device into the computer (duh). Then configure the device for midi sync instead of internal sync. Hit record on N-Track Studio, and go...

There are simpler ways to do all of this, but I have not found another way to do it with Sound Fonts... and that is a major point with me, and anyone who hates the boring sound of General Midi instruments, or anyone who can't afford an expensive and complicated sampler.

For converting MIDI to MP3, this can be done with N-Track as well, you'll need to make a wav file (this can also be done with N-Track if you don't want Sound Fonts), then choose to mix down the file and it will ask you if you want to make an MP3...

Also Sound Forge by Sonic Foundries can make an MP3 from a wav file...

I hope some of this will help someone.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #132
For converting MIDI to WAV or mp3, I have found the easiest way to do so. All you have to do is download the modplug tracker. It does it all for you. Just go to and download it right from the website. I found that when I tried downloading it from the locations list, choose the one from modplug themselves, it starts right away.
Once you download it, just go to the files and choose the MIDI file you want to convert by opening it and choose either to convert it to wav or mp3. It does it all for you, with both options. IT'S GREAT!!!!!!!

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #134
Responding to the below:
Thanks for whoever figured this out in the first place this program rocks!! You don't even have to install it and the MP3s sound great! Plus, a 3 minute MIDI converted to MP3 was still only about 1.3 MB!!

<i>Reply 138 offered by: Kristy on 11-Sep-2000

For converting MIDI to WAV or mp3, I have found the easiest way to do so. All you have to do is download the modplug tracker. It does it all for you. Just go to and download it right from the website. I found that when I tried downloading it from the locations list, choose the one from modplug themselves, it starts right away.
Once you download it, just go to the files and choose the MIDI file you want to convert by opening it and choose either to convert it to wav or mp3. It does it all for you, with both options. IT'S GREAT!!!!!!!</i>

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #135
If you want to burn a song on a cd for your use what type of file does it need to be. Do you need to convert MP3 in WAV or is is the other way around. Basically which type of flie should be burned on a CD for your listening pleasure.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #136
wav. 44.1 kHz. Stereo. 16-bit.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #137
So, do mp3's play on cd's in a regular cd player or does it have to be wav files in order to download songs and put then on a cd. Basically I'm asking, say you go to napster what do you have to do in order to burn songs on your cd so you can listen to it besides from you computer. Please help!!

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #138
If you save the mp3 directly to a CD-R or CD-RW as an mp3 file, you'll be able to play them... but only from your computer. Just like any other computer data; save a .doc file, you can open it with Word, save a midi file you can open it with mplayer, etc. If you want to play them on a home or car (i.e. audio) CD player, you have to convert them to wav, then use the /audio/ function of your burner to create the audio CD.

Some burners may by now support direct audio recording from mp3, but all the ones I've seen and used require the raw data in the form of a wav file.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #140
has any one go the software to convert midi's to wave's

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #142
Good observation, Fred! In general, I notice that some topics keep reappearing from time to time, presumably because new users (or those evaluating the software) need to know it, and would be reluctant to hunt though archival information to find it. I am not referring to very specific items (such as, which keyboard commands do such-and-such) but generalities.

I suggest that at the entrance page to the forum, Noteworthy should put a number of big-print buttons with answers to common questions. Or, the reader could be directed to where the answer is to be found. Some of the questions might refer to questions arising outside the scope of NWC itself, such as how to create a PDF file, or how to convert MIDI to WAV, or how to place a NWC file into MS Word.

This would be to the advantage of NWC. When I evaluate software, I rarely take the time to learn in detail how it is used. I need quick answers regarding whether or not it will do some specific things, and often that involves interacting with other applications.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #143
to Kristy (Reply 138)
I've d/l mudplog tracker but I can't seem to find a way to use it to play my midi file! I went to 'File' and opened my midi, but it doesn't work!

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #144
I just open midi file in win media player and click save as and change the name to "name.wav" Can someone tell me if this is wrong for some reason. It seems to work for me, with a lot less effort from some of the responces I've read here.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #145
When you do this all you've done is change the file extension. You haven't changed the nature or contents of the file itself. Media player is perfectly happy to open and play the renamed file because it recognizes that its contents are in MIDI format regardless of the file name. Other applications that want files containing WAV data will not be so accommodating. For example, try feeding your renamed "name.wav" file to a program that burns music CD's. I doubt you'll get very far.

What you need is a program that will convert MIDI instructions into a WAV data stream. This involves a lot more than just changing the filename, and that's what this thread has been about.

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #146
I downloaded the current version of Audio Compositor, and it does not work correctly with the soundcard/soundfont that I am using. I am using a SB Live! value with it's generic 8mb .sf2 soundfont. The problem, according to AC's own help file, is this: AC will not use some of the sound channels that the midi file is asking for from the soundfont. Where there should be violins, I hear nothing. The help file also goes on to say that it has no way of accessing ROM sound samples that are stored directly on the soundcard, itself. It does warn you if any ROM samples are present in the soundfont you try to select, however. This is not the problem I am faced with in using that 8mb soundfont. By the sheer number of posts on this message string saying how great AC is working for them, my case must be unique. I did get what I needed from this whole msg string, though. Somewhere in the middle of it all, someone mentioned using the AudioHQ software that came with the soundcard installation. I'll just go ahead and give that a shot. =)

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #147
I want that you guys know, that the Windows Audio Format (.wma) files are much better and much smaller than MP3 and even VQF.
You can download the Windows Media Converter at

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #148
Could someone please tell me how to convert mp3's into waves so that I can burn music onto a cd; is there a particular type of software needed to do this besides Adaptec?

Re: Convert MIDI into WAV?

Reply #149
If you have Windows 98 or later (NOT 95) it seems that Version 7 of the Windows Media player (free download from Microsoft) will do something like that. I say "it seems like" because I haven't tried it. Version 7 has features that automatically connect you to the Internet (which is why it needs 98 or later) and may not be the best solution.