Convert MIDI into WAV? 1998-12-26 05:00 AM Hi,Does anyone here happen to know how to convert a MIDI file into a WAV file?Thanks.-Alex Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #1 – 1998-12-26 05:00 AM You'll need to record the midi while it is playing using either the Sound Recorder that comes with Windows, or an external utility such as CoolEdit. The exact procedure depends on your system, but typically it goes something like this:Open NWC (if recording an NWC file) or Media Player (if recording a straight .mid file), and load your file. Size the window so you can also open Sound Recorder or CoolEdit, etc. Go to the midi window (NWC or Media Player) and start the midi. Go to the recorder window and click record so you can set the recording level (using the mixer utility that came with your sound card). Stop playing once set, hit Record again (discarding the old recording) and start the midi playing.You'll usually be given choices for sound quality; higher quality means larger files. The best quality is with 44,100 Hertz sampling rate, stereo.Fred Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #2 – 1999-01-08 05:00 AM With my soundcard I received Turtle Beach Audio Station 2.With that it is possible to play the midi and record on the wav sections simultaneously.I have found, however, that I lose volume which is annoying when I want to record onto CD.Frank Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #3 – 1999-03-26 05:00 AM To record midi into audio, certainly the suggestion given earlier is the way to do it... However, get yourself a copy of Powertracs by PG Music... It costs $29 dollars, easy to use, and you can record multiple tracks which you can mix in Powertracs and export as a stereo wav file... In addition to which, Powertracs has DSP (Digital Signal Processing) with which you can enhance the sound of your recordings... Nothing is going to do a better job for $29 than Powertracs.. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #4 – 1999-03-29 05:00 AM I remember when I had my IBM PS/1 486 computer, the 8bit sound blaster card came with a DOS program called mid2wav.exe and wav2mid.exe and I was able to pass it a command line and it would convert the midi to a wav. I didn't have to play it and record at the same time or anything like that. The wav2mid.exe makes me wonder now though, I can't see how that can be done? I've lost the mid2wav.exe program so I can't really help anymore, but such software does exist. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #5 – 1999-05-02 04:00 AM I have heard that you can use a program called Yamaha Ystation to convert them into wavs. I dont know if this is true, where you can download it and I dont have it. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #6 – 1999-05-03 04:00 AM Ystation is the package Yamaha provides with its soundcards (e.g. the DB50XG that I have), which includes midi, CD and wave players, mixer, and recorder. It's dubious whether this would work with other soundcards. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #7 – 1999-05-04 04:00 AM To change the topic slightly, I wonder if there is any way to convert Midi into MP3. I think this would be more useful, and certainly more portable than a WAV file. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #8 – 1999-05-04 04:00 AM Convert mid to wav then wav to mp3 is the current state of the art according to the gurus of Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #9 – 1999-05-05 04:00 AM Now I've got back.The site is:- can download an evaluation copy and register for $40US.Barry Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #10 – 1999-05-05 04:00 AM (to reply 7 & :Then tell the gurus of that VQF is much better than MP3 (better quality, smaller files). Go and visit to get an encoder and a player (or ask me via e-mail, but versions I have are 1.6 / 1.7 Mb).For more details, check or serach for 'vqf yamaha' on a search tool as (my preferred one).HTH, Marsu Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #11 – 1999-05-05 04:00 AM I recently downloaded a program called AUDIO COMPOSITOR which I believe can create a wav file from a midi offline.Presumably this means without requiring playback.Unfortunately the download was corrupted and I haven't got back to try again. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #12 – 1999-10-26 04:00 AM i need to know where i can found some 'sound font' (*.sf2)to work with audio compositor,tagilberto Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #13 – 1999-11-09 05:00 AM All right: I have not read all those replies back there; but I'll tell you the Way I do it(it's very effective because I have a 486/66 and it worked perfectly when I had my old 386/18) first, you have to disconnect your microphone from the PC(so that you won't record any kind of noise), after that, you need to open two different applications:1)Windows media Player(any version that supports MIDI should do it)2)Windows Sound Recorder(ANY version should work)After that, You have to open your MIDI in the media player(duh)Then, you just record in the Sound recorder and, as fast as you can, you play the MIDI.The next step is to enjoy your sound.Easy, Is'nt it?PD: In case you find any errors in the grammar or spelling of my sentences, please forgive me(I live in a no-english-talking-country!!!Have Fun... Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #14 – 1999-11-11 05:00 AM Back in 94 or 95 on the net there once was a program called mid2wav, I had it archived for a while, I NO LONGER HAVE IT NOR DO I KNOW WHO MADE IT. But all you did was open a mid and it exported to a wav.You might want to look for it, but from the reply's listedhere looks like the program is no longer available. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #15 – 1999-11-11 05:00 AM Some poking around found several such programs. There's what appears to be a very nice shareware package called Audio Compositor, which will convert midi to sampled wav files (using any of several different sound font formats), or play them in real-time.'s also a free one, available from (among other places) the Slovak Anti-Virus Centre (?!), filename timi95v3.exe... except I haven't figured out how to work it yet. (Something about a missing timidity.cfg file...) For the adventurous, the URL is: Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #16 – 1999-12-04 05:00 AM I tried the method of using Sound Recorder and Media Player, and unfortunately it resulted in a big fat nothing. No sound was recorded into wave. I've seen a couple programs like Audio Compositor, too, and those all have the same problem: only a few "sound fonts." What we really need is a plug-in for WinAmp that converts midi to mp3 directly. This would be a major download popularity blitz for NullSoft.-Nick Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #17 – 1999-12-06 05:00 AM I also tried the media player/sound recorder option, but found the loss of volume and quality unacceptible. Found a solution at that might work. They suggest using a jumper cable to connect your output jack (speakers) to your line in, making sure the line in as selected as the recording source. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #18 – 1999-12-07 05:00 AM Try looking at They offer a program called WavMaker that is designed to convert midi files to wav files offline. I have not had the time to test it completely but I am looking for this capability. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #19 – 1999-12-09 05:00 AM Hey. I've been reading up on this topic as I have made some REALLY great fractal-generated midis and I want to put them on a CD to listen to them at work...only, that would have to obviously involve recording the midi sound into wav's, which I have undoubtedly been dubbed a curse to never be able to to that. The problem is simple...I cannot use anything that requires PRG files (all the shareware stuff), because I want to just record exactly what's on the midi, and not in slightly different instruments, ect. But anyways, I have tried and tried and tried for 3 days straight to get the media player/sound recorder deal to work, but to no avail. I am at my wits end...have had little sleep and just might uzi my workplace tomorrow. Ok, here's exactly what happens...With my voyetra audio station 2 midi player and sound recorder, the sound recorder records a loud annoying MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP sound whenever I record, whether or not the midi from the player is playing. Now, with the media player, it's different. No midi playing, no sound is recorded...but when the midi is playing on the media player, the sound recorder records a high-pitched ear-shattering MEEEEEEEEEEEEEP once again instead of the midi. I think this has something to do with midi channels or sound channels to and from my speakers or something to do with something along that line...but I have no clue as to what it might be. I have speakers that connect into the back of my 'puter (normal speakers). Is there something I have to change in control panels? If anyone knows how to help me and doesn't want to hear about a man's head exploding in the local newspaper, then please help!! I have this page bookmarked or you can EMail me anytime at Any insight is greatly appreciated!-RonPS - I have soundblaster v64 or something like that for my audio card, if that's any help. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #20 – 1999-12-09 05:00 AM I had a v64 and never could use it for recording. Maybe the cards have problems? Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #21 – 1999-12-10 05:00 AM Hey, good news! I called tech help and figured the problem...I have so many different programs for sound and music that I ended up having a whole bunch of drivers replace the original driver that came with my sound card...I downloaded the driver and my sound recorder now records through the microphone fine. At least I solved that problem.Now...recording a midi through a microphone yields very crappy music if you know what I mean. I have read other parts of this forum as well, and have learned of 2 other ways to record "the perfect wav". The first involves recording through the stereo itself, which I have no clue how to do. The second I read about is buying a two-head jack (from radio-shack or so), and hooking up the output music port directly to the input from the microphone port. I have read that it produces great wav's...if anyone can confirm that, please do so. -Ron (Is doing much better now) Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #22 – 1999-12-11 05:00 AM On my sound card I don't even have to bother with cables and such. I simply play the midi, and adjust the recording level in the mixer applet while recording the wav file (Master and Line sliders). Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #23 – 1999-12-11 05:00 AM Umm, after the entire point of the question I need to do the exact opposite: Convert a wav file into either a midi file or an mp3 file. Nothing has been done to this file before so don't start suggesting reversing the process for me. I need to do this cause I used a cd ripper which only rips things to wav format and now for a screensaver creater program I need them in midi format. Annoying eh?? please help me cause this is quite urgent. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #24 – 1999-12-11 05:00 AM wav to mp3 - no problem. Get an MP3 encoder ( is one place to start). wav to midi - not practical, or even possible (imo). See the several other threads on this subject. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #25 – 1999-12-12 05:00 AM thanks for the advice. I'm new to mp3 and i know little on the subject. I got an encoder called SCMPX from is actually little choice on mp3 for anything to do with mp3!!! You're better using a search engine like There is little choice there for the kind of music I listen to: Heavy stuff and grunge but not Nirvana. Proper grung like alice in chains and soundgarden. enough of that. I would still be interested to see if anyones found a way to convert wav to midi. Perhaps a little competition eh?You may have to covert wav to some other format before then converting that format to midi.anyway did you know this discussion has been going on for over a year now!!!!! Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #26 – 1999-12-12 05:00 AM To Rich dude, WHY?!? Wav to midi, you gotta be kiddin, midi to wav ova hea everyone, Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #27 – 1999-12-12 05:00 AM Ok...I got two cords, mono and stereo (one ring and two ring cords)...Recording midi to wav works, but only one side of the stereo info is recorded, using both cords. This is majorly annoying since half the insturments are tagged to only one side to create a nice surround-sound effect on stereo speakers. Therefore, I only record some of the insturmentals onto the wav. If anyone knows how to fix this, or any temporary or permanent solution, please post it here or EMail me at!-Ron Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #28 – 1999-12-13 05:00 AM I dont exactly get what you mean but I'll try and tell you an idea, It hasn't been tried so it may not work. Try first coverting your dodgy wav file to another commonly used format and see if that works in that format. It is also known but not that well that some recordings when put onto computer do not convert very well. Try it out but it may be that something is screwed on your computer! Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #29 – 1999-12-13 05:00 AM No, I mean that when the midi is recording to the wav, only the left speaker's output is recorded. Any sound that is supposed to come out of the right speaker only is not recorded. I've tried using both a mono cable and a stereo cable to record the midi properly, but the wav recorder is still recording only one "side" of the midi. It's like when you hook up a speaker from a stereo system (one of two, say the left speaker) to your portable CD-player, only one side of the stereo output is played. For example, let's say piano is playing on the left speaker and flute is playing on both sides, and a banjo is playing on the right...the recorder will only record the piano and the flute (the flute at half-volume, since it is shared with the other speaker), and it won't record the banjo part. Any way around this?-Ron Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #30 – 1999-12-25 05:00 AM To Fred: What are you complaining at? Wav2mid is no problem. Use a program which is called exactly by this name, distributed by works fine, at least for monophonic audio sound files. Only problem is that it is no shareware and it will expire after ten (10!) days. And no cracks to be found on the "standard cracking pages". (LOL, is there any help for this big problem???) Another one I downloaded but which I haven't tested extensively yet is a program WIDI23IN.EXE P. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #31 – 1999-12-25 05:00 AM Complaining? Who me? No complaints here, and the so-called "wave to midi" programs may even be of limited use as another tool in our musical toolkits. But there is no program at this time which will "convert" an arbitrary wave-file to an exact copy midi, any more than there's a program that will transcribe a recording of a symphony onto a piano roll. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #32 – 1999-12-26 05:00 AM Fred: Please try out the links I suggested. Of course these programs don't produce "an exact copy", but they are useful in transcribing, as I said, monophonic files. The latter one from Russia (I tested it last night) even manages to handle more complex waveforms, but I am unable to state explicitly how "exact" the resulting midi-file is.RegardsGavrilo Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #33 – 1999-12-26 05:00 AM Problem "Solvered" .... Send me the Midi file, with a list of the "preffered" instruments to be used and the output format.make it so............ Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #34 – 2000-01-07 05:00 AM Greetings earthling.......You must use WINGROOVE bye bye cu l8r little davy Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #35 – 2000-01-23 05:00 AM I too am looking for the quick mid to wav conversion (so I can enjoy my creations with Geiss / WinAmp. If someone knows an elegant solution (no patch cords please) how to force the audio through to the winamp player (at least the part which 2ndary audio is processed) it would be very much appreciated.Wav to midi can only work to transcribe DISTINCT pitches to musical leger but no more (unless voodoo magic is involved). Another note, it would also be more helpful if people would mention exactly what soundcard they have since some solutions seem to work for some but not others (ie. SoundRecorder and MediaPlayer = Mid to wav conversion -- but not for me). Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #36 – 2000-02-07 05:00 AM You can do this in a few steps:Download 2 files:1. http:// http:// use winzip or pkzip to unpack the files.(Dont have winzip? goto and downloadthe shareware version.)use the first file to convert your midi file to XMuse the second file to convert your XM file to wavYou now have a wav file Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #37 – 2000-02-15 05:00 AM To answer Ron's question, it may be as simple as checking the wav recorder's settings to see if it is in mono or stereo. Typically mono recording mode defaults to the left channel. You SHOULD be able to record in stereo as long as your recorder is set to stereo. If not, try licking the contacts on your plug. Sounds gross, but it helps to make a better connection.I have experienced my own difficulties in recording midi files into wavs. My old SB AWE32 did it without any problems. You can do it with an SB Live! card, but you have to manually set the record option to Midi. My current card is a Guillemot Maxi Sound Fortissimo, and all I can say is the Yamaha XG waveset blows EVERYTHING away! It is THE perfect wavetable, imho. However, there is no option to use midi as a recording source. That is my only gripe about the card. I don't know if it's a hardware issue, or a driver issue. I think that is the main problem trying to record midi to wav in most cases. It's also annoying that I have been unable to find any kind of software that can capture wav output from a sound card. THAT would solve the problem... Then again, may not be possible. Maybe a software playback emulator, set as the default wav out???The solution I used was to connect the output on one computer's sound card into the input on another. Great IF you have two comps... It worked, and sounds great, but I could only record about 30 seconds because I need a better program than Sound Recorder <cackle>.However, the output to input method MIGHT work on the same sound card, but BE CAREFUL that you don't feed back in any way, because you won't be able to hear it if it does unless you split the output into some headphones or something. Overloading a sound card is not my idea of fun. I recommend getting a 1/8" stereo Y adapter from radio shack for $3. That way you don't have to be constantly popping cables to see how the recording turns out. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #38 – 2000-02-15 05:00 AM Well here's a big <SQUAWK!!> of happiness! I just hooked up the way I said to - with the output split into my speakers, and to the line in. With system volume up all the way, midi volume up all the way, line in as the recording source, and line recording volume up all the way, it sounded IDENTICAL to the midi playback, INCLUDING the 3DWide effect! I am now totally content with my sound hardware! If you're like me, and like the midis from DOOM, or HERETIC, you need this sound card!!! It really does put the SB Live! X-Gamer to shame as far as midi is concerned. (I relegated mine to the backup computer...) Creative's GS set has the WORST percussion... Besides, the Fortissimo has four channels support, digital out/in optical port, A3D support, EAX support, DLS Direct music, and costs $50 as opposed to $100. Can't use soundfonts, but with the midi set, who needs to?Go to to get a trial based software synth of the XG waveset. You really need to hear it if you like midi. Be sure you have a P233 or faster though! 4.5 mb download, so be patient.Oh, as for my recording, I experienced NO feedback whatsoever. On note: BE SURE if you have a high end sound card that supports 4 speakers to set it to 2 speaker mode, and run your splitter out of the front channel, not the rear. Leave it hooked up that way. You can switch back to 4 speaker after you're done recording. Happy waving! Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #39 – 2000-02-15 05:00 AM One man's meat is another man's poison - so the saying goes.Fred Nachbaur and I have had this discussion over the relative merits of soundcards.We agreed in the end that it depends on your use.I have the SyXG50 soft synth as an alternative on my system and it cannot produce good brass and sax sounds, or at least anywhere near as good as the Chaos soundfont on my AWE32 and since my interest is big-band that's what I need.I agree that the guitar, bass, drum and effects are superior on the XG - but these are less important to me. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #40 – 2000-02-15 05:00 AM Thanks for the link. It plays piano WAY better on my system, which does not have a good sound card. The playback is a beat behind the highlighted notes, which I suppose is the price of software synth. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #41 – 2000-02-16 05:00 AM Blair - have you installed DirectX? This will greatly improve the latency problem in Yamaha SoftSynths. I'd recommend getting the latest version, DX7a, since it also includes DirectMusic. (And I too just love those Yami sounds. Mine are in firmware, but my wife runs SoftSynth also.) Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #42 – 2000-02-16 05:00 AM My system has Direct X (Win 98, 333MHz, 64MB RAM), but I am not sure what version.I wonder if there could be a staff property to set a delay so either playback time or note display could be adjusted? Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #43 – 2000-03-03 05:00 AM I had a mid2wav onlywho got a wav2mid that can be used in command lines? Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #44 – 2000-03-04 05:00 AM None that other stuff works well at all, the programs mess up the sound of the music and the recording as it plays works a little but the best thing to do, and you can do it with any audio, is to get this program: will record the sound out of most any playback program without messing it up, because it reads the input to the soundcard ( or something like that ). Anyway check it out Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #45 – 2000-03-04 05:00 AM I know the easiest way to do this, download Modplug Tracker which is freeware, it has an option to load midis and then when you load it you can save it as a wav or mp3, which is a good thing to me -> Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #46 – 2000-03-04 05:00 AM Do any of these magic midi-to-wav freeware solutions handle multiple midi devices (> 16 channels)? How do they generate their wav sounds? Are they programmable (i.e., do they support the equivalent of soundfonts) or do they have a fixed repertoire of sounds? Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #47 – 2000-03-04 05:00 AM Well Thanks for all the good ideas. Why the hell wasnt some programming dude made millions off this. Give us an easy way! Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #48 – 2000-03-04 05:00 AM Haven't had much luck with the magic freeware solutions, but there are at least two shareware programs that do work: Audio Compositor Awave . I personally think Audio Compositor is better for rendering midi to wave, since it supports several different soundfont formats (including the popular SF2). Awave on the other hand also includes wav editing facilities (but much more limited than CoolEdit. And s..l..o..w... at least the version I tried. I see there's a new version now.) Audio Compositor also allows real-time playing, using soundfonts and your wave device, but you'd better have a seriously fast computer for this to work properly. Quote Selected
Re: Convert MIDI into WAV? Reply #49 – 2000-03-05 05:00 AM crapyou can recommend other programs for waves but none that notate music?crap Quote Selected