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Topic: Rest Chords from midi files? (Read 2102 times) previous topic - next topic

Rest Chords from midi files?

Yesterday, to help celebrate our anniversary, I visited Let Me Call You Sweetheart to get a midi file from which to start.  On the Sheet Music tab, RestChords in the right hand piano part are used in the majority of the song but on the midi file these are nowhere to be found--just a quarter note starting most measures that cuts off on the 2nd beat.  I changed the first measure into the second measure in the following with a recorded keystroke macro working with a nwctxt version of the song.
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Is there a better way to fix this?

Related to this file, the first time through it is piano, second time forte.  In addition there are crescendos and decrescendos.  Would putting a p just before the open repeat with a f before the close repeat help with hairpins in place?
Since 1998

Re: Rest Chords from midi files?

Reply #1
Given they are restchords, perhaps a simple copy and paste process will suffice - you can adjust the pitch easily enough with the usual <Shift+Ctrl+Up/Down>
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.