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Topic: Positioning accidentals (Read 5197 times) previous topic - next topic

Positioning accidentals

When adding extra space to a note with an accidental, the accidental does not move with this manual adjustment. The same happens if extra space is added to an accidental.  How do you get the note and its accidental to move?  (This is horizontal movement)

Re: Positioning accidentals

Reply #1
Placing a spacer ("Ins" key) before a note will move both the note and its accidental in the same direction.  (It will also move everything else in front of the spacer, however, so some care is required.) The adjustments on the "Notes" tab of the "Properties" dialog are primarily there to adjust the note in relation to notes in the same chord but on different layers, so that the chord and its accidentals will line up properly.

Re: Positioning accidentals

Reply #2
Select a note/chord and then Cntl/E. One of the options is "Extra Accidental Spacing" in addition to "Extra Note Spacing".  This comes in handy when notes/chords on different staves are layered and the accidentals or notes are on top of each other.  If you download the first attachment from this thread, this page fixes the note collisions upstairs and accidental collusions downstairs.
Since 1998

Re: Positioning accidentals

Reply #3
If your intent is to tuck an accidental above/below a second interval, extra note/accidental space won't help.
Text can be used if you don't care if it highlights during playback. A layer is needed if you do:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)|WithNextStaff:Layer
|Text|Text:"d _"|Font:StaffSymbols|Pos:-3|Justify:Right|Placement:AtNextNote
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)|BoundaryTop:10|BoundaryBottom:10
Registered user since 1996

Re: Positioning accidentals

Reply #4
Placing a spacer ("Ins" key) before a note will move both the note and its accidental in the same direction.  (It will also move everything else in front of the spacer, however, so some care is required.) The adjustments on the "Notes" tab of the "Properties" dialog are primarily there to adjust the note in relation to notes in the same chord but on different layers, so that the chord and its accidentals will line up properly.

Thank you!  However I found that the spacer will only work at a bar line.  So I added an invisible bar line (excluded from count) before the note and then inserted a space. Since it allows increments of .25 I was able to position the note and accidental so that it lines up properly with the layered staff.

Thanks again for the tip. 


Re: Positioning accidentals

Reply #5
Select a note/chord and then Cntl/E. One of the options is "Extra Accidental Spacing" in addition to "Extra Note Spacing".  This comes in handy when notes/chords on different staves are layered and the accidentals or notes are on top of each other.  If you download the first attachment from this thread, this page fixes the note collisions upstairs and accidental collusions downstairs.
I have not encountered this particular problem thus far.  However if it should happen I will refer to this thread.  Reply #1 seemed to address my issue.   Thank you for your help.

Re: Positioning accidentals

Reply #6
If your intent is to tuck an accidental above/below a second interval, extra note/accidental space won't help.
Text can be used if you don't care if it highlights during playback. A layer is needed if you do:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)|WithNextStaff:Layer
|Text|Text:"d _"|Font:StaffSymbols|Pos:-3|Justify:Right|Placement:AtNextNote
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)|BoundaryTop:10|BoundaryBottom:10

Thank you, I have reviewed this and the sample you sent.  It is another option to achieve the desired result.

Re: Positioning accidentals

Reply #7
I found that the spacer will only work at a bar line. 
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If you tire of the search, an example of what you are trying to do might help someone guide you.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Positioning accidentals

Reply #8
The spacer should actually work anywhere. You may have to add several before you begin to see an effect.

Re: Positioning accidentals

Reply #9
This is my page to insert/modify spacers. Spacer.htm
Since 1998