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Topic: Swing eighth notes (Read 3577 times) previous topic - next topic

Swing eighth notes

Hello everyone!
I've been using the Multi-Point-Controller to achieve
"Swing" for eighth notes like this.


But after the installation of NWC V2.75, this doesn't
work properly.
Successive eighth notes' duration won't be
correct 2:1.
How can I fix it?

Re: Swing eighth notes

Reply #1
Hi Yoshikazu,
I haven't looked to your particular problem because I'm going to suggest an easier way to achieve a swing approximation:

An example in practice - swinging along at 180bpm for 168 bars:
Code: [Select · Download]
|Tempo|Base:Quarter Dotted|Tempo:180|Pos:7
|Tempo|Base:Eighth Dotted|Tempo:180|Pos:-8
|Tempo|Base:Quarter Dotted|Tempo:180|Pos:7
|Tempo|Base:Eighth Dotted|Tempo:180|Pos:-8
|Tempo|Base:Quarter Dotted|Tempo:180|Pos:7
|Tempo|Base:Eighth Dotted|Tempo:180|Pos:-8
|Tempo|Base:Quarter Dotted|Tempo:180|Pos:7
|Tempo|Base:Eighth Dotted|Tempo:180|Pos:-8
|Tempo|Base:Quarter Dotted|Tempo:180|Pos:7
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Swing eighth notes

Reply #2
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Registered user since 1996

Re: Swing eighth notes

Reply #3
I see the change, but why is it necessary?
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Swing eighth notes

Reply #4
I see the change, but why is it necessary?
I don't know. Arguably, it makes no sense to change the tempo to the tempo's current value, but more would need to be done to determine the current tempo than just looking at the prior offset within the MPC.

Pitch Bend is similar. In the following clip, the first MPC causes 2 events and the second MPC causes 3:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Quote from: Midi2Mtx
MFile 1 2 192
0 Meta Text "By <Name>"
0 Meta Copyright "Copyright \xc2\xa9 2015 <Name>"
0 Meta Copyright "All Rights Reserved"
0 Meta Text "Generated by NoteWorthy Composer"
0 Meta TrkEnd
0 Meta 0x21 00
0 Meta TrkName "Staff"
0 Par ch=1 c=7 v=127
0 Par ch=1 c=10 v=64
0 PrCh ch=1 p=73
0 Pb ch=1 v=16383
0 On ch=1 n=71 v=110
192 Pb ch=1 v=8192
768 Pb ch=1 v=16383
960 Pb ch=1 v=16352
960 Pb ch=1 v=8192
1488 On ch=1 n=71 v=0
1488 Meta TrkEnd
Registered user since 1996

Re: Swing eighth notes

Reply #5
Thanks a lot Lawrie and Rick!
Lawrie's way is great because it can be easily done
from overall tempo.
And yes, Rick's way did work even though I still don't
understand why!
I'm going to give amendments to older files by using
one of these methods.
Thanks again.