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Topic: Change note length in all staves at once? (Read 2286 times) previous topic - next topic

Change note length in all staves at once?

During composing new music, I frequently want to hear how my score would sound if I change some note lengths on a specific moment in the song (for instance modifying 2 eights into a dotted eight and a sixteenth).

For best evaluation I need to change these note lengths in all staves. Until now I always modify the notes in the different staves consequently. And undo everything when I don't like the new rhythm.

In the newer versions of NoteworthyComposer, when moving into another staff with pageup/pagedown, the selection is automatically on the same time frame. This is a really useful feature for this kind of purposes!!

But when enlarging the note lengths, the mechanism selects - of course - also the neighbour notes which are in the same new enlarged time frame.

Are there other / better / easier alternatives to change note lengths (or other modifications like adding staccato's, accents, ...) on a specific "position" in all staves at once?


Re: Change note length in all staves at once?

Reply #1
There is not a built-in way of automating this.

In theory, a file mode user tool could be constructed to do things like this, although it would not support Undo.


Re: Change note length in all staves at once?

Reply #2
Thank you.

I think I will try a work around with a tempo track (as explained in the previous postings about swing notes).
Faking length modifications with tempo variations seems perfectly possible.
"One" final modification in all staves isn't that hard.
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