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Topic: ! Error in lua documentation (nwcut.askbox) ! (Read 5887 times) previous topic - next topic

! Error in lua documentation (nwcut.askbox) !

I discovered an error in the lua documentation for nwwcut.askbox:

The return value seems to be 1 for Yes and 0 for No
The flags work as mentioned : 1 for Yes (default), and 2 for No
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: ! Error in lua documentation (nwcut.askbox) !

Reply #1
Confirmed. No returns zero
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Re: ! Error in lua documentation (nwcut.askbox) !

Reply #3
Thanks for the report. This has been updated with correct info.

I don't see any correction yet
nwcut.askbox(msg, msgtitle, flags)
nwcut question box.
Prompts the user with a standard message box. The user is given the opportunity to answer the question, or cancel the user tool.

msg : the message text to issue to the user
msgtitle : the title for the message box (optional)
#number flags : assigns the default action, 1 for Yes (default), and 2 for No
Return value

#number: the answer, 1 for Yes, and 2 for No
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: ! Error in lua documentation (nwcut.askbox) !

Reply #4
Are you looking at a cached copy?


Re: ! Error in lua documentation (nwcut.askbox) !

Reply #6
Indeed I was. After erasing the cashed copies I got
Return value
#number: the answer, 1 for Yes, and 0 for No

Thanks, I should erase my cache more often...
Always look on the bright side of life!