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Topic: Chords (Read 4297 times) previous topic - next topic


Is it possible to include chords that a linked to the key, so that when we transpose the key the chords also transpose. I don't mind entering my own chords but would like them linked to the transpose tool.

Re: Chords

Reply #1
Hi David,
assuming you mean text entries to show the chords, the answers is both yes and no.

No, NWC won't do it for you natively or at the same time as you transpose a staff

Yes, there is a user tool [Transpose Chords (adp)] that is installed with the user tool starter kit that will transpose text chords for you.  Using it is an extra step to the staff transposition mechanism.

usage is:
Select Group --> .Starter Tools
Available Commands, highlight: Transpose Chords (adp)
then press <Enter>
default command = help, either press <enter> to see directions OR enter the required command string and then press <Enter>

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Chords

Reply #2
Dear Lawrie,

This doesn't seem to be working for me. I can't figure out the invocation.
I am using NWC 2.5.5

I tried invoking per my understanding of the help with
    php transpose_chords.php +9 E
    Unknown parameter "php". Use "help" for more details.

I tried
    transpose_chords.php +9 E
    Unknown parameter "transpose_chords.php". Use "help" for more details.

I tried
     +9 E
    Unknown parameter "+9". Use "help" for more details.

I tried
    php\php.exe scripts\adp_TransposeChords.php +9 E   
    Unknown parameter "php\php.exe". Use "help" for more details.  

I sure could use some help. :)

By the way. Does the HINT refer to the Target Key or the Beginning Key?

Thanks in advance.

Love and peace,

Love and peace,

Re: Chords

Reply #3
Hi Joe.

The command line when you create the tool is:
php\php.exe scripts\adp_TransposeChords.php <PROMPT:Enter your transpose options:=*>

It is a "Console Script" and the input type is "Clip Text"

Note that it is automatically installed as a ".Starter Tools" item.

Please note also that 2.5.5 is not the current release version of NWC - you should have 2.51a.  If you click on:
 |Help|Access Noteworthy
it will take you to the update.

The hint is the destination key.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Chords

Reply #4
Dear Lawrie,

MANY thanks for your kind, attentive response & ALL the IMPORTANT and USEFUL information.

I have:
-installed NWC v2.51a                        == "nwcupd_from_v2.5.5.exe".
-installed User Tools Starter for NWC v2.51a == "nwc2_UserToolStarter_v2_51.exe".

Here are my attempts at invoking your wonderfully useful tool. I remain BAFFLED.  :)

Try 1 Screenshot Sequence [With My Interpretation of "Enter Options"].[3 Screenshots]

<Image Link>
<Image Link>
<Image Link>

Try 2 Screenshot Sequence [With Verbatim Copy of Your Answer "command line" "Enter Options"].[2 Screenshots]

-N.B. Invocation looks the same as before.
<Image Link>
<Image Link>

Try 3 "command line" Screenshot.
<Image Link>

Thanks for the help in advance.

Love and peace,

Re: Chords

Reply #5
Hi Joe,
you're almost there - instead of using "+9 E" in the prompt line (see -02_Enter_Options_Screenshot_2015-03-03_08.03.43.png <Image Link> ) use "9 E" instead (no quotes of course!)

The tool doesn't need and doesn't recognise the "+" parameter so a transposition UP is just a number, a transposition DOWN is "-number"

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Chords

Reply #7
Dear Lawrie and  Flurmy,

YAHOO! it worked like magic.

Lawrie, thanks for sticking with me your tool worked great.

Flurmy, thanks for letting me know about yours as well.
Love and peace,

Re: Chords

Reply #8
Hi Joe,
great.  Glad you got it :)

Now, just a little FYI.  The tool isn't one of mine, the "adp" part of its name indicates it was written by a chap named Andrew Purdam, a fellow Aussie.  It was one of the first tools to be written when the user tool mechanism was first being tested.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.