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Topic: Inserting a new measure in the middle of a composition (Read 3440 times) previous topic - next topic

Inserting a new measure in the middle of a composition

I am using NWC 2 and need to insert a measure into the chart so I can put in a 1st and 2nd ending. I have searched the help screens and the online forum all the way back to 2010 and can find no mention of this and no way to insert the measure. I have tried searching on "insert measure" "adding a measure" "inserting a bar" "adding a bar" and no help topic or forum question addresses this problem I am having.

Re: Inserting a new measure in the middle of a composition

Reply #1
Move the cursor to where you need the new measure.  Just create the notes, chords, and/or rests as needed.  For a bar line, hit the tab key or the asterisk on the numeric keyboard.

Since 1998

Re: Inserting a new measure in the middle of a composition

Reply #2
I am using NWC 2 and need to insert a measure into the chart so I can put in a 1st and 2nd ending. I have searched the help screens and the online forum all the way back to 2010 and can find no mention of this and no way to insert the measure. I have tried searching on "insert measure" "adding a measure" "inserting a bar" "adding a bar" and no help topic or forum question addresses this problem I am having.

That's because, in NWC, you don't add measures. You just add notes, and put in barlines at the proper intervals. You can insert notes (or rests or barlines or anything else) anywhere in the score; the material after them will move rightward to accommodate them. If you're in, say, 4/4, just add notes whose durations add up to four quarter notes (e.g., a dotted half and two 8ths), and then hit the TAB key to place a barline.

You do have to remember to add an equivalent measure in each staff; NWC won't add measures to the rest of the staves in the score automatically. I find the easiest way to keep track of whether or not I've added a measure in any given staff is to place the barlines first. Select the position in the score where you will be adding a measure and place a barline there in each staff; in the editor, it will show as two barlines close together with a narrow empty space between them. Then start at the top of the score, or in the most prominent voice, and add the notes of the empty measure. Continue down the score, filling out the added measure in each staff. Once you've got the first staff set with the proper number of beats, you'll be able to tell if you have the right number of beats in the added measures in the rest of the staves by checking to see if the barlines you've added line up.

Re: Inserting a new measure in the middle of a composition

Reply #3
Thanks guys, that solved one problem, but created another. The lyrics for the top and bottom staffs didn't move when I added the new measure. This put the lyrics from the old measure over the new measure and threw them off for the rest of the piece. I figured out how to add them back to the following measure, but couldn't delete them from above and below the new measure.

Re: Inserting a new measure in the middle of a composition

Reply #4
2 verses same ending:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)|BoundaryBottom:20
|Lyrics|Align:Standard Rules
|Lyric1|Text:"Verse one\r\n"
|Lyric2|Text:"Verse two\r\n"
2 verses, different endings:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)|BoundaryBottom:20
|Lyrics|Align:Standard Rules
|Lyric1|Text:"Verse one\r\n"
|Lyric2|Text:"Verse _ two\r\n"
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