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Topic: Including small note-heads in a NWC score (Read 9947 times) previous topic - next topic

Including small note-heads in a NWC score

As the title says: is it possible to do this? I want three "small" crotchets (organ introduction) prior to a chant. I've searched in the forum and the help files but cannot find anything.

Any help gratefully received



Re: Including small note-heads in a NWC score

Reply #1
You must insert each of them separately as text.
In the text dialog box select "Staff cue symbols".
N.B. Remember to check "Placement->Preseve width".

Re: Including small note-heads in a NWC score

Reply #2
While it's a long way from perfect, I usually do cues as diamond notheads and shorten any stems these days - I STILL want proper cues, but this works well enough for the moment.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Including small note-heads in a NWC score

Reply #3
While it's a long way from perfect, I usually do cues as diamond notheads and shorten any stems these days - I STILL want proper cues, but this works well enough for the moment.
This raises an interesting question (well, interesting to me at least): since I rarely (i.e. never) use diamond noteheads, I wonder if it would be possible to create my own copy of the Noteworthy font, substituting small cue noteheads for the diamond ones, and inserting diamond noteheads in my score, thus "tricking" NWC into rendering cue notes.

I don't currently have the font editing tools to let me try this, but I'd probably give it a shot if I thought this was feasible.


Re: Including small note-heads in a NWC score

Reply #4
Thank you for your responses.
I have tried doing the text cues, but in the output it just comes out as three blobs very close together (and no stems) :-(
I don't want to put diamond note heads in.

Hmmm. More thinking!


Re: Including small note-heads in a NWC score

Reply #5
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)
Registered user since 1996

Re: Including small note-heads in a NWC score

Reply #6
Nicely done, Rick.  Just today I used grace notes spaced with hidden rests, but your method is much better.

Re: Including small note-heads in a NWC score

Reply #7
Thanks Rick

I've played about with it and got the right notes in the right place!


Re: Including small note-heads in a NWC score

Reply #8
I know this is old now ....
But how do I use Ricks suggestion??

Re: Including small note-heads in a NWC score

Reply #9
Since that older thread was written, NWC has a new feature called user objects or plugins, which is a way to add new features to NWC for display and playback. One such plugin that was created is called CueHeads, which is a fairly easy way to add cue-sized notes to a score. You can read about it here.

Note: you don't need to install the object; if you have NWC 2.75 installed, it is already included.