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Topic: Easier Shape Note Entry? (Read 5646 times) previous topic - next topic

Easier Shape Note Entry?

I am glad that Noteworthy 2.5 supports shape notes, as I often need them for certain groups. But the approach seems rather klunky (assuming I am understanding it correctly), having to select a note-head for each note entered. I would like an automated or semi-automated means of specifying the shape based on the key and staff position. From looking at .ncwtxt files, it appears that the shape is indicated by a suffix (a-h) on the position parameter, so presumably it wouldn't be too difficult to post-process a normal "round-note" score and convert to shape notes based on key and staff position (not difficult for someone else, I mean!). Does anyone know of an easier approach to using shape notes within Noteworthy? I also use another notation program that has automated support for shape notes, but I prefer using Noteworthy when possible. Thanks.

Re: Easier Shape Note Entry?

Reply #1
I would like an automated or semi-automated means of specifying the shape based on the key and staff position. <snip> Does anyone know of an easier approach to using shape notes within Noteworthy?
Shape Notes (nwsw) is included in NoteWorthy Composer 2 User Tools for this purpose.
Quote from: nwsw_ShapeNotes.php
This script will will automatically convert all notes in the file, or selection,
to use shape notes. It relies on the proper tonic to be set for each key signature

Recommended command line options:
nwsw_ShapeNotes.php "/mode=<PROMPT:Mode:=|7-shape|4-shape>"

Recommended NWC Options:
   [X] File Text
   [X] Compress Input

Also Supports:
   [X] Clip Text

Optional command line arguments:
   Defines the existing note heads that should be ignored during shape assignment
Registered user since 1996

Re: Easier Shape Note Entry?

Reply #2
Great! Thank you!

Re: Easier Shape Note Entry?

Reply #3
Ctl+Z does NOT work on anything which has been created by the user tool for Shape Notes,

I would love to have a "Shape Notes_UNDO" user tool available, in case the Shape notes should've been applied to another staff or selection.

Re: Easier Shape Note Entry?

Reply #4
I would love to have a "Shape Notes_UNDO" user tool available, in case the Shape notes should've been applied to another staff or selection.
Like this?  Installation instructions are on lines 11-15 of the following:
Code: [Select · Download]
 unShape.js  by Warren Porter

                                  Un-shape Tool
 This tool will remove the shape attribute

 This tool can operate on ONLY a selected part of a staff, or, if nothing has been selected, the entire staff.

 To install:
 1) Save this file with the name unShape.js on your computer and remember its location.
 2) Start NWC and press Alt/F8.  Pick new
 3) After choosing a name and group, browse for this file and click "Open".
 4) Insert "wscript " at the beginning of the command.
 5) Clip text should be selected and check no options.

rc=0, errMsg="";

function doProcess(clip) {
var displ=0, upDispl=0;
var result = new Array();
var lines = clip.split("\r\n");
  for (i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {           // Main processing loop
  if (/Fake/.test(lines[i]))
    lines[i] = "#";
  else {
    result = lines[i].match(/(\|Note.*Pos:)([n#bvx]?)(-?\d+)([a-h])(\^?)(.*)$/) // 1. Note thru Pos 2. Accidental 3. Position 4. Shape 5. Ties 6. To end of line
if (result != null) {
  lines[i] = result[1] + result[2] + result[3] + result[5] + result[6] }
   } }    // End main loop
  return lines;

var myLines;

if (rc == 0)
It works on notes only--no chords, restchords, etc.
Since 1998


Re: Easier Shape Note Entry?

Reply #5
Perhaps a simple command line for global_mod?

Re: Easier Shape Note Entry?

Reply #6
Ctl+Z does NOT work on anything which has been created by the user tool for Shape Notes
If you follow the instructions in the comments of nwsw_ShapeNotes.php and set 'Input Type: Clip Text' and
unset 'Options: Returns File Text', the tool will operate on the selection. Its actions can be undone with the Undo Command.

The Undo Command cannot be used after any tool that uses 'Options: Returns File Text' if the tool modifies the song. That is why NWC will prompt to save the file before it applies the changes.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Easier Shape Note Entry?

Reply #7
Thanks to both Warren and Rick.