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Topic: installing user tool (Read 4524 times) previous topic - next topic

installing user tool

Recently I reinstalled Noteworthy Composer and I also tried to install the user tool to change the clef, such as described at

I think I did wrong something. First, I downloaded the script and saved it to the Scripts folder
Where do I have to place the line "php scripts kbsc..."?
Who can give me additional (step by step) instructions?

Re: installing user tool

Reply #1
Start NWC and open a file.  Enter Alt/F8 and choose New.  Assign it to a group, give it a name, then choose Browse.  Find the file you just downloaded (hopefully the name ends in .php) and click OK.  At this point the line should start with php\php.exe, a space, and the address of your new tool.  Adding the prompts comes next.  Going back to, note the "Usage" and copy to the end of the line the part that starts with

"/clef= ......... Octave Down|>" 

Paste that onto the end of the Command line (note the space before "/clef).  Click on OK and the script should be ready to roll.

Since 1998

Re: installing user tool

Reply #2
Thanks for your help.

You wrote that the line should start with php\php.exe. Where should Windows find the php executable? The command line is now:
Code: [Select · Download]
php\php.exe scripts\kbsc_clef_change.php "/clef= <PROMPT: Select Clef:=|help|Treble|Bass|Alto|Tenor|Percussion|>" "/octave=<PROMPT:Select Octave Shift:=|None|Octave Up|Octave Down|>" Scripts\kbsc_clef_change.php 
When I run the script, I see a window with 2 tabs (Prompt 1 and Prompt 2). When I answer 'Bass' onto Prompt 1 and 'Down' to Prompt 2 (my song contains 4 staffs and the cursor is at staff 3), the OK button results in 'Command process failed'.

Re: installing user tool

Reply #4
Step by step your help results!
Again my cursor is on the 3rd staff and I run the script. After 'OK' on the second prompt tab, the next screen results in:
Code: [Select · Download]
Note: [in C:\Program Files (x86)\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Scripts\kbsc_clef_change.php, at line 68]
--> Undefined index:  Bass

In the music sheet the bass clef is replaced by the text:
Code: [Select · Download]
|Text|Text:"\|Clef\|Type: Bass\|Oc ..."|Font:StaffBold|Pos:8|Wide:Y|Justify:Left|Placement:BestFit|Color:0|Visibility:Default

Re: installing user tool

Reply #5
It looks like the tool doesn't like your selection. Probably, it expects the first selected object to be a Clef and that some Notes/Chords/RestChords follow it in the selection.

Or possibly, it doesn't allow a Clef in the selection. I'd try various selections until it worked. As a last resort, I might read the documentation that came with the tool, or try the 'help' option :)
Registered user since 1996

Re: installing user tool

Reply #6
May be you can also have a look at my music sheet, you can download it from
I would like to change the 3rd staff and then layer it to the 4th. The 3rd staff should also start with a bass clef.

(Although I have a registered version of NWC, I lost my CD cover with registration, so I cannot register on this site as a forum member and also I am not able to place a URL.)

Re: installing user tool

Reply #7
May be you can also have a look at my music sheet
That helps. I would change the Treble Clef to a Bass Clef, select the entire staff and use Ctrl+Shift+Up 5 times to shift the notes into position.

With some further manipulation, I get the pdf attachment. A bit of "slur taming" should finish things off.
Registered user since 1996

Re: installing user tool

Reply #8
So, in my case I didn't need the user tool, but I only have to press 5 times the (entire) selected bar?
What is the difference between using the user tool and 'manually' change the bar?


Re: installing user tool

Reply #9
What is the difference between using the user tool and 'manually' change the bar?

You have to remember which way and how much to shift, and you must change clef manually too.
Operating manually, you must be sure you take care of clef changes along the score or it's a mess.

That's all, as far as I can tell.