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Topic: Displaying fast running notes (Read 8371 times) previous topic - next topic

Displaying fast running notes

I have been attempting to transcribe an arrangement of Schubert's "Ave Maria" and have created a real monster.  In an attempt to keep the running notes from overflowing the line, in the muted/displayed staff I turned them into grace notes with hidden rests to fill out the measure.  Unfortunately I can't insert hidden rests after each note in beamed grace notes and keep the beam.  Without an option to force grace notes to take "real time", it's difficult to line up the running stuff with real notes in other staffs.

I'm open to suggestions or proofreading of this piece.  Also, are there items which should never be put on a muted staff because they could mess up playback?

Since 1998

Re: Displaying fast running notes

Reply #1
Ran into the same problem recently. I solved it by using regular notes and forcing a partial measure. Place a hidden barline where you need to break the running notes. (You will also need to use hidden time sigs.)

I can imagine another possibility using small notes as text objects, but it might be tricky to set up the beams, and you couldn't do it without having a hidden playback staff.

Re: Displaying fast running notes

Reply #2
As the music is so cramped for space,
there are some things I would do:
1. Set Left and Right margins to 1.0cm (instead of 2.54)
2. Set Top and bottom margins to 1.7cm (Instead of 2.54)

This gets the page count down to 10 (from 11)

That's all I have.

Re: Displaying fast running notes

Reply #3

Here's something you might like to play around with.  Just an idea.  I have only done it for measure 14 but it seems to work ok (somehow - I think !)

It will be a lot of work doing it for all of the running notes, but I think it may be possible. It looks OK in Viewer mode and in print preview.

Let me know if you think it's ok and if it's worth the trouble.


Whoops - wrong version attached before, this one, measure 14 actually fits on a page.
But I suspect, without looking at it, that Rick's script inserts the spacers so it would be an easier job.

Re: Displaying fast running notes

Reply #4
In an attempt to keep the running notes from overflowing the line, in the muted/displayed staff I turned them into grace notes with hidden rests to fill out the measure.
That will create a monster. If the staff is going to be hidden, why do it? If you want to stop "line overflows", pick a paper size, margins and staff metrics that are consistent with the music. NWC 2.5 has changed the piano (and other) templates. To see them, existing templates must be deleted and NWC 2.5.1 reinstalled.

This little User Tool might help:
Code: (php) [Select · Download]
// rg_Squash.php ver 0.90; insert Spacers
// Ref:
$skip = explode('|', 'Fake|Context|Spacer');
$add = explode('|', 'Bar|Note|Rest|Chord|RestChord|Clef|TimeSig|Key');
$clip = new NWC2Clip();
echo $clip->GetClipHeader(), PHP_EOL;
foreach ($clip->Items as $item) {
$o = new NWC2ClipItem($item);
if (in_array($o->GetObjType(), $skip)) continue;
echo $item;
if (!in_array($o->GetObjType(), $add)) continue;
if ($o->GetTaggedOpt('Visibility') == 'Never') continue;
echo '|Spacer|Width:0|Color:1', PHP_EOL;
echo $clip->GetClipFooter(), PHP_EOL;
Registered user since 1996


Re: Displaying fast running notes

Reply #5
...and don't forget "spacer" objects.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Displaying fast running notes

Reply #6
Sorry Rick, I didn't actually look at your user tool before...  Please consider my reply redundant.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.