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Topic: How can I "jazzify"? (Read 6962 times) previous topic - next topic

How can I "jazzify"?

I'm a novice at using Noteworthy, and I just finished writing out an entire song using 8th notes instead of dotted 8ths and 16ths.  Now I find I need to changed them all to "jazz" for playback.  Is there a way to do that without having to re-enter the entire song?

Re: How can I "jazzify"?

Reply #1
Problem was solved some time ago without having to rewrite eighth notes.  There are a couple of ways to do it that involve a hidden tempo staff that changes the tempo on both halves of the beat.  I like K.A.T.'s way the best: (/forum/?topic=2335.0)  I put the forum topic number instead of the link because I cannot post links.

Re: How can I "jazzify"?

Reply #3
I must not have been clear.  Playing the jazzed notes would be great, but I need the sheet music to reflect the correct notation.  I was hoping for some kind of short cut that would find the double 8ths and change them to a dotted 8th and a 16th.

Re: How can I "jazzify"?

Reply #4
I was hoping for some kind of short cut that would find the double 8ths and change them to a dotted 8th and a 16th.
This may help: Re: How do I create a command to insert a specific set of notes?.
If you only want to change 8th notes/chords, put |Dur:8th in the By Expression box instead of an asterisk.
Registered user since 1996


Re: How can I "jazzify"?

Reply #5
If you are writing a jazz/swing chart, then the correct notation (by convention) is eighth note pairs instead of dotted eighths-sixteenths.  Dotted eighth-sixteenth pairs do not give the correct swing feel.  But if you are writing more a classical style piece and want the actual dotted eighth-sixteenth rhythm to sound, then Rick's answer is what you want.

Re: How can I "jazzify"?

Reply #6
I wrote a "quick and dirty" to change each pair of 8ths to a quarter-eighth triplet while leaving code to create an 8th,Dotted 16th in comments in the following.  It should be possible to come up with any ratio between 1st note and 2nd note in duration (60/40 or 70/30) in either way by doing some number crunching to determine what hidden tempo marking goes before each note in a set.

Copy the following into a text editor and save it with a name such as jazzfy.htm .  You will need to open it with your browser and keep NWC open at the same time since clipboard data is shared by both.
Code: [Select · Download]
<title>Jazzify Eighth Notes</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function calculate() {
  var i, OutText = "", measNum=0, txtSuffix, txtFirst;
  var lines = new Array(), result = new Array();
  lines = document.nwcform.OutputField.value.split("\n");
  for (i=1; i < lines.length; i++) {

      if ((lines[i].indexOf("|Dur:8th|") > 0) && (lines[i+1].indexOf("|Dur:8th|") > 0)) {
        lines[i] = lines[i].replace("|Dur:8th|","|Dur:4th,Triplet=First|")  //Initially these three lines are live code
        lines[i+1] = lines[i+1].replace("|Dur:8th|","|Dur:8th,Triplet=End|")
i++; }
        lines[i] = lines[i].replace("|Dur:8th|","|Dur:8th,Dotted|")  // These three lines are commented out
        lines[i+1] = lines[i+1].replace("|Dur:8th|","|Dur:16th|")    // but can be made live by moving the /*  and its bookend to the first set
i++; }

  for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
    OutText += lines[i];
if ((i + 1) < lines.length)
  OutText += "\n";
  document.nwcform.OutputField.value = OutText;  //Replaces original data with what was created in OutText;   //Output is pre-selected, just Cntl/C to put on clipboard
To use this procedure <b>Save your file first</b> then,
cut to the clipboard the eighth notes you want to jazzify and paste it in the textarea.  Click <b>Read</b>.
Cut from this webpage and paste back into your NWC song.<br><br>
Use Alt/tab to switch between your browser and NWC so you won't lose your cursor location in NWC.
<form name="nwcform" onSubmit="calculate();return false;">
  <table width="782" height="350">
      <td colspan="4" width="1000" height="24">
        <b><big>Jazzify Eighth Notes</big></b>

      <td height="27"  width="100"><input type="button" id="bClick2" value="Read" onclick="calculate()"></td>
    <td colspan=5 width="1044" height="200">
      <textarea name="OutputField" rows="32" cols="120"></textarea></td></tr>
Copy the above to your clipboard (it's pre-selected) and paste it into a song you have already open in <b>NoteWorthy Composer</b>.
Since 1998