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Topic: Printing title of song  (Read 8454 times) previous topic - next topic

Printing title of song

Can you print the title of a song on the top of the pages after the first page?

Re: Printing title of song

Reply #1
The NWC program won't do it.  A couple of workarounds:

1.  Figure out where the centre* of the top line of page two will be, and enter your title there as text.  While you're "there," if you're printing ensemble parts, add the instrument name at the same time.

2.  "Print" to a PDF file, and use your PDF program's editing features to add the title on the second and later pages.  This is easier than 1. if you have the software for it.

(*You can control this a little by using forced system breaks for the properites of the appropriate bar lines.)

Re: Printing title of song

Reply #2
Thank you. I used suggestion 1 and it worked very well.

Jacob Lenzner

Re: Printing title of song

Reply #3
My pleasure, Jacob

Re: Printing title of song

Reply #4
This is a simple thing that appears to be missing in the software. I hope that the developer have noted this glaring omission!


Re: Printing title of song

Reply #5
It would be nice to have headers and/or footers available. I wouldn't call it a "glaring omission." NWC has been under development for a couple of decades, it does what it does very well, and frankly, there are a number of things that seem much more important than making sure the composer's name is on every page of the score.

Re: Printing title of song

Reply #6
Who said anything about printing the composer's name on every page?  I usually prepare parts for 15 to 17 instrumnts; sometimes each part is 2 or 3 pages long, and sometimes I print the parts for several songs before sitting down to tape the pages together for each song & instrument. 

It would be nice to have the name of the song and of the instrument at the top of each page, as it usually is in commercially printed music.

I say "it would be nice," because there is a workaround, and because I think the top priority should be improving slurs.

Re: Printing title of song

Reply #7
The NWC program won't do it.  A couple of workarounds:

1.  Figure out where the centre* of the top line of page two will be, and enter your title there as text.  While you're "there," if you're printing ensemble parts, add the instrument name at the same time.

In your word processor there are functions to make headings. That can be used to incorporate anything you like and repeat it on every page. In NWC uncheck title information etc and copy the page with only the staffs on it and paste it to your word processor. It works for me in Word and Libre Office.

Re: Printing title of song

Reply #8
I agree that while having the song title appear on every page it does bring up the problem of instrument identification which is often necessary. for example '1st Violin pg2- 2nd violin pg 2- 3rd violin pg 2 Etc. which would require a text entry so adding the title is just another step

Re: Printing title of song

Reply #9
Brado, I think you've misquoted me.  Please take your words out of the quotation, since I didn't write the last paragraph that you quote.