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Topic: breaking measures in printing (Read 3821 times) previous topic - next topic

breaking measures in printing

When Noteworthy (v 2.1) formats music for printing it breaks staffs only at bar lines. I would like to get it to break staffs in the middle of a measure. Is there a way to get v. 2.1 to do this? in the A thread from 2007 it was suggested that one could insert a bar line where you wanted a break and then change its properties so that it doesn't show. Is there a way to set Noteworthy to do it automatically? Or is the only option to still do it manually with "invisible" bar lines? Thanks for any responses or help. PastorMark 13.

Re: breaking measures in printing

Reply #1
It's fairly simple to create one like that.  First create a bar line with the tab key, next highlight it and press Cntl/E.  When the Notation Properties windows appear, check Force System Break and Exclude from Bar Count.  On the Visibility tab, change "Show on printed page" to Never.

To see how it works, create one in the middle of the 5th measure of Moonlite in your samples folder on both staves.
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Since 1998

Re: breaking measures in printing

Reply #2
That was easy. Works great. Thank you, Warren!

Re: breaking measures in printing

Reply #3
By you moniker, I suspect that you may be doing hymns. I've tried to convince NoteWorthy that systems break mid-measure and therefore SysBreak should be its own little object rather than a property of a barline.

In hymns, lyrics cross barlines, but not in NoteWorthy land ... :(
Registered user since 1996