This version will change whole rests, notes, and chords. It inserts ties on the objects it produces while only changing the duration of the original.
Replace the calculate function with the following:
function calculate() {
var i, j, OutText = "", tempstr, postab;
var lines = new Array(), result = new Array();
lines = document.nwcform.OutputField.value.split("\n");
for (i=0; i < lines.length; i++) {
lines[i] = lines[i].replace(/[\t\r\f\v]/g,""); //So will run in IE
if (lines[i].slice(0,15) == "|Rest|Dur:Whole") { //In case your browser puts extra characters at the end, slice ignores them.
OutText += "|Rest|Dur:4th\n|Rest|Dur:4th\n|Rest|Dur:4th\n|Rest|Dur:4th\n"; } //Ends with \n. This examples adds 4 lines.
else {
result = lines[i].match(/^\|(Note|Chord)\|Dur:Whole(\|Pos:)(.*)$/)
// result = lines[i].match(/^(\|Note\|Dur:)Whole(\|Pos:)(.*)$/)
if (result != null) {
postab = result[3];
postab = postab.replace(/,/g,"^,"); //Add a carat before each comma (if any--none for a note)
postab += "^"; // and at the end
postab = postab.replace(/\^\^/g,"^") //Replace two carots with just one
tempstr= "|" + result[1] + "|Dur:4th" + result[2] + postab + "\n";
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { //Adds 1st three occurances with ties on all note(s)
OutText += tempstr; }
OutText += "|" + result[1] + "|Dur:4th" + result[2] + result[3] + "\n"; } //Last note in set as is, only changing duration
else {
OutText += lines[i];
if ((i+1) < lines.length) //No need to add a newline character to last line
OutText += "\n"; }
document.nwcform.OutputField.value = OutText; //Replaces original data with what was created in OutText; //Output is pre-selected, just Cntl/C to put on clipboard
Addendum: This assumes nothing has been done to any object since importing from midi: no slurs, colors, visibility, or any other attribute changes.