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Topic: tie problems (the continuing sto-o-o-ry) (Read 4629 times) previous topic - next topic

tie problems (the continuing sto-o-o-ry)

In this measure:


the tie from the A# (second half of first beat to first half of second beat) ends at the G# notehead. It should extend to the A# notehead. The clip was created in NWC 2.1, but it shows the same results when pasted into the 2.5 beta.

This is clearly related to the general problem that NWC has with the shapes and endpoints of slurs and ties.

Re: tie problems (the continuing sto-o-o-ry)

Reply #1
Way back in the private beta test days of NWC2, Eric experimented with curved lines that had placeable start and end points, and had a third point or anchor to nudge the height and shape of the curve.

It never made it into the program, but it sure would be nice.  It would eliminate so many frustrations with slurs, ties, special endings, jazz notation, etc. 

Re: tie problems (the continuing sto-o-o-ry)

Reply #2
Yes please!
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: tie problems (the continuing sto-o-o-ry)

Reply #3
Alfred's Essential Dictionary of Music Notation gives this example:
and says:
  • For intervals of a 2nd, ties will be in opposite direction whenever possible.
  • Tie ends for intervals of a 2nd should be adjusted if possible.

Fortunately this is all rather trivial to fix with a layer.
Registered user since 1996

Re: tie problems (the continuing sto-o-o-ry)

Reply #5
I'd call it a case of using Alfred's to figure out how to get NWC right. (And they call me sarcastic)
Registered user since 1996

Re: tie problems (the continuing sto-o-o-ry)

Reply #6
Yeah, I should have added a ;-)