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Topic: How to - restore embedded NWC 1 notation in MS Word after installing NWC 2 (Read 16357 times) previous topic - next topic

How to - restore embedded NWC 1 notation in MS Word after installing NWC 2

If you have made MS Word documents with music from NWC 1-1.75 copied and pasted in, the notation will be rendered in the NWC15 font supplied with NWC 1. If you subsequently remove NWC 1 in order to install NWC 2 (which is a good idea, because otherwise some parts of the installation don't completely work), the NWC15 font is deleted. The result is that the music in your Word documents no longer renders properly, as Windows applies inappropriate font substitution rules.

The solution is to reinstall the NWC15 font using the nwcfontfix.exe utility available via the FAQ entitled "How to fix Font Error: NWC true-type font cannot be found".
Download and run this utility, and the Word documents are magically fixed!

Re: How to - restore embedded NWC 1 notation in MS Word after installing NWC 2

Reply #1
The nwcfontfix.exe utility is available <here>.
After running it, NWCV15.TTF should appear in your fonts folder. Works on WinXP Pro.
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