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Topic: importing the cropped wmf output image in a word processor (Read 4127 times) previous topic - next topic

importing the cropped wmf output image in a word processor


I have to paste the output wmf file produced by noteworthy (Preview/copy placeable metafile) in a wordprocessor (MS - Office, OpenOffice).
It works fine untill I have to crop the unusefull part of wmf sheet music: both wordprocessor do that but none is able to save the cropped image. 
I am looking for graphic tool that could do that job before importing in the cropped image in the word processor (I need this adjusted image file to incorporate it in several docs).
Usual graphic processor (gimp, irfanview, xnViex, SpeedoCrop...) do not that properly (preserving the initial quality), wmf is a vectorial format and with pixelisation quality is lowered....

=> How can i crop the wmf output of noteworthy before incorporating it in a word processor (qualilty preserved)?

Re: importing the cropped wmf output image in a word processor

Reply #1
     Have you tried cropping it with Draw, the graphics editor that comes with It is a vector graphics program and does export to wmf or you can just use the odt file it creates by default. You can also edit the image directly inside Writer by using the command edit/picture, then select the crop tab.

Hope this helps
Illigitimi Non Carborundum

Re: importing the cropped wmf output image in a word processor

Reply #2

You could also use the Microsoft "Snipping Tool" to select the portion of the screen you want, then save it as a JPG (for instance) file which you can insert into your document.


Re: importing the cropped wmf output image in a word processor

Reply #3
Than you Keith...

I have spend a lot of time trying to crop the wmf output with various graphic tools (Ms Office Picture Manager, gimp, xnview, irfanview, SeepDoCrop...) with always a poor result.
I have now the explanation : wmf is a vectorial image and the preceeding graphical tools need pixelisation to get the matricial form => this operation leads to very poor results.

Briefly, to incorporate the noteworthy output in a word processor it is easy to crop inside the word processor but il you want to save the cropped image you have to do that before with draw and then "export" the useful part in a vectorial format (wmf for instance).

question solved with your advice...
thank you!

Re: importing the cropped wmf output image in a word processor

Reply #4
You are very welcome. Glad I was able to help. Also the native .ODT format for draw is a vector format and can drag and drop or cut and paste into a Writer document very easily.

Illigitimi Non Carborundum