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Topic: Moving Notes (Read 3285 times) previous topic - next topic

Moving Notes

I think I dowloaded Noteworthy a few years ago.
One of the functions I liked was that once you placed a could move it up or down the staff and you would hear the tone at each interval change...this way you could humm a song and use the movement/tone to get the note tone you could write the melody one note at a time
\I just downloaded the demo and once the note is can only delete it.
Is that just the Demo version....


Re: Moving Notes

Reply #1
First, select the note(s) by either moving the cursor through it or by doing a shift and -> or <- .  The note(s) and staff will be yellow against a black background.  Then, holding down both Shift and Cntl press the up or down arrow to move the note.  HTH

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Since 1998

Re: Moving Notes

Reply #2
Building on Warren's response:  You can select the note(s) to move by one of two methods.  You can left click (and hold) at one end of the note(s), and then drag to the other end.  Or you can left click (and release) at one end of the note(s), and then shift-cursor to the other end.  The colors you have for the normal and selected backgrounds (and notes) is customizable, and could be anything in your case.  When you move the note(s) up or down, you won't hear any playback though, even if moving a single note (I think).  If you buy the full version of NWC, and then get the latest Beta version (free), there is a mini piano keyboard on the screen, which can be used to enter (and hence hear) the notes that you "play" (click on).

Re: Moving Notes

Reply #3
Thanks fine.....
Appreciate you responding