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Topic: VSTSynthFont.dll (Read 3681 times) previous topic - next topic


I have been using this plugin for a while - recently AVG has decided it is infected with SHeur2.YFN but that trojan horse is not in the AVG catalogue.

Is it a false positive or a real infection?

Now that AVG has cleaned this file up I cannot download it from as it no longer exists there.

but i can attempt to download from

but AVG cleans it up and refuses to let me save it, arghh.

I would value some guidance maybe update Lawrie Pardy's Help file??
I'll understand all this $thing-> $somethingelse one day...

Re: VSTSynthFont.dll

Reply #1
G'day Bootlebarth,
I've responded to your PM, but for the others who may read this, I suspect AVG is giving you a false positive.  I downloaded from the tinyurl you posted and it scanned fine in my AV product.  I also located it on the synthfont site without any trouble - it is on the downloads page...

Perhaps a notification to Grisoft (AVG) is in order?
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.