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Topic: Can we look forward to these features? (Read 4549 times) previous topic - next topic

Can we look forward to these features?

Hi, I enjoy NWC due to simplicity, but some features are needed:
- using rythm record with chords in guitar parts,
- using drum notes,
- easy converting score to single parts,
- autocomputing and associating successive empty bars.

Will be able this features in NWC2 ever? Or migration to any burgeoning software...?


Re: Can we look forward to these features?

Reply #1
Drum notation (X notes and such) is available in NWC2.  However, making it sound right requires quite a bit of effort, though there are tools.
NWC2 also supports user tools, which are written by the general public and can be found on the scripto, although you need to install a starter kit first.  There is a user tool that has been written to create multibar rests available here.
About easily converting a score to single parts, that can be done in both NWC1 and NWC2 through File-Page Setup-Contents.
Guitar chords are not supported, although there are fonts that can be used to make them.

Re: Can we look forward to these features?

Reply #2
            Is it NCW is Note Worthy Composer.,? AM I right?

inventory control

Re: Can we look forward to these features?

Reply #3
Is it NCW is Note Worthy Composer.,? AM I right?

Yeah, it is, you just typed NWC wrong. And NoteWorthy is one word.