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Topic: Lyrics and staff notes on top of each other (Read 3351 times) previous topic - next topic

Lyrics and staff notes on top of each other

I'm sorry if this question has already been answered, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Please point me to it or answer here:

I have a song, where the melody goes pretty low. This causes a problem when adding the lyrics, since they get meshed on top of each other giving me a messy looking sheet. Is there a way to add space between the lyric line and the staff line? Is there another way of getting past this problem?

Re: Lyrics and staff notes on top of each other

Reply #1
Increase the lower vertical size of the staff and your lyrics will move down.  You can do that from the lyric editor configuration tab or you can just adjust the staff size using F2 (staff properties) when the staff is active, on the Visual tab.

Re: Lyrics and staff notes on top of each other

Reply #2
Or adjust the lyric offset.

Re: Lyrics and staff notes on top of each other

Reply #3
Thanks Rick.  I owe Peter an apology - I didn't know it could be negative.  Learn something every day!

I removed my last message.

Re: Lyrics and staff notes on top of each other

Reply #4
Thanks guys! I actually tried both methods, depending on how many lines of lyrics you have, and if write the chord names over the staff... well, I guess it's just best to try out what works for you, or for that particular sheet you're working on. Thanks for your help again.