Print Preview and editor differing from each other? 2007-12-22 02:13 pm Dear,I’ve write a song with many staffs.If I edit the song, al is going fine, but if I want to see a printpreview, there is missing a part of staffes?There is missing a couple of staffs, those staffs is visible in the editor, but notin the printer or print preview, I want to print the hole song, how can Ido that?In advance thanks Quote Selected
Re: Print Preview and editor differing from each other? Reply #1 – 2007-12-22 04:37 pm I confirm this is (and always has been) a concern to me. Using the default staff metrics, only the first 10 visible staffs will print, so you cannot print a full score. However, if you adjust the staff metrics or change the paper size and page layout, assuming your printer will accommodate bigger paper, you can get more staffs to show in print preview and to print. I sometimes think it would be nice if the bottom staffs would print on another page, but that wouldn't be of much use in a score, unless you used a lot of scotch tape.I'd like to be able to see the nonprinting staffs in the preview screen if for nothing else than being an aid to editing. Quote Selected