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Topic: Save as midi (Read 3686 times) previous topic - next topic

Save as midi

On the new noteworthy composer 2, how do you save as a midi, I can't do it from the normal save as box?

Re: Save as midi

Reply #1
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Save as midi

Reply #2

On the subject of saving as MIDI ... I recently (10 days ago) switched to the Mac. Unfortunately, although I had been wanting to make the change for a while, I was unable to plan for it due to an unexpected PC crash. While I will most likely be able to recover the files, it's unlikely I'll be able to open Noteworthy in order to save my files as MIDI.

If I can't do that, could someone on this board download my files, export them to MIDI and upload them back to me? For a fee, of course.

I've been using Noteworthy for a few years and it will be hard to have to get used to another program. I've downloaded Finale NotePad, but haven't tried to use it yet. Any suggestions for Mac notation software would be appreciated as well.



Re: Save as midi

Reply #3
I'll be happy to do it, no charge.  Probably not before Sunday though, since I expect to be quite busy until then.  Email them to me in a zip file if you wish, or if you post them to a website and send me the link, and I can retrieve them there.  The latter is more convenient.

My email is

Re: Save as midi

Reply #4
Yea, I would suggest not to use Finale, I find it way harder to compose, the only good things are that you can put a gliss or put text anywhere.

Re: Save as midi

Reply #5
It might be possible to use WINE to run NWC under Mac like under Linux...