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Topic: question on staff sizes (Read 7008 times) previous topic - next topic

question on staff sizes

Yea, I am testing the new Noteworthy Composer 2, and I was wondering how you change it.  I can change it on ver. 1.75, but I can't on the new one, some one help!!

Re: question on staff sizes

Reply #1
File, Page Setup, Fonts, Staff Metrics->Change...

Re: question on staff sizes

Reply #2
Well, why did they make it so much harder to do??

Re: question on staff sizes

Reply #4
Yea, now that we  mention things that got worse, now, it doesn't automatically bar 8th note triplets, which annoys me

Re: question on staff sizes

Reply #5
it doesn't automatically bar 8th note triplets, which annoys me
It is something you will get used to. Either behaviour is wrong about half the time.
The official pronouncement is <here>.
This was changed in the Private Preview back in 2002 without any objection that I could find. The Private Preview was the forerunner of NWC2.
Registered user since 1996

Re: question on staff sizes

Reply #6
G'day Pirahnaplant,
firstly, let me welcome you to the forum and the world of NWC2 - a little frustration and lots and lots of satisfaction - all in one economical little package.

Yea, now that we  mention things that got worse, now, it doesn't automatically bar 8th note triplets, which annoys me

Actually, I find this behaiour preferable...

E.G.  What's the best/"right" way to beam this?  I bet I get more than one answer...
Code: [Select · Download]
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: question on staff sizes

Reply #7
According to Automatic Beam, it's:
Code: [Select · Download]
I, personally, don't like it that way.

You can, of course, use tools-automatic beam if you can't be bothered beaming it yourself.  I won't deny that it did annoy me when I switched from 1.75 to 2 (how could I when there's proof?!), but I've come to ignore it.

Re: question on staff sizes

Reply #8
You can count me among those who prefer to control the beaming ourselves. Beaming should ideally be done in a way that helps make the music clear to the performer, and an automatic loop can't take everything necessary to do that into account. It's not difficult if you remember to do it every few measures instead of waiting until you have the whole piece transcribed: highlight<cntrl><b> gets automatic after a while.

I also prefer the staff metrics where they have been moved to. Everything relating to font sizes is grouped in one spot, and there's a print preview button there as well so you can see what the impact of a change has been without committing to it all the way. As with everything new, there's a little learning curve, but I think once you get used to the changes from 1.7x you'll like most of them (if not all).



Re: question on staff sizes

Reply #9
I preffer the automatic beaming, because that is what you will want to do most of the time, and if you don't want it that way, you can just unbeam it manually.

Re: question on staff sizes

Reply #10
Lawrie gave us a good example of automatic beaming giving unpredictable and incorrect results.  So far as I can see, the bars are identical.  Why should the automatic beaming change from bar to bar? 

My results matched what Kahman got, a result that I think is incorrect in every bar except bar 3.

I also tried Lawrie's example again, changing the time signature to alla breve.  The beaming should have grouped the 8th notes in sets of four, to beam by the beat, but it continued to group the notes in pairs.  This is incorrect, but I'm not sure why.

When I tried automatic beaming in both time signatures, using this clip, it came out correctly in every bar except bar 11, where the triplet crossed the beats:

I don't think this actually follows the issue presented by Phrahnaplant, though.  He was originally asking about a group of 8ths automatically beaming when they are tripletized.  I think I prefer to add the beam manually than take away an automatic beam I might not like.  I don't really have a strong opinion about it, though. 

Re: question on staff sizes

Reply #11
Or, it could be an option in Tools-Options-Editor.

Re: question on staff sizes

Reply #12
My normal workflow is to enter several dozen notes against a staff filled with whole measure rests to get the barlines in the right place. To do this, I must tripletize the notes on the fly. It is fairly obvious to me where I need to depart from NWC's autobeam. I beam these, then run 'Automatic Beam'. The results have always been satisfactory to me. It would be helpful to be able to run all of NWC2's built in tools on a selection, but other than that, I can think of no change to it that would make it more useful.

Lawrie's example is very unlikely in properly entered music. While it is useful to explore contrived "what ifs", I don't think that they make a strong argument for a program change.

NWC2's tripletize is more logical than NWC's and correct just as often. One gets used to either method. It is just moving from one to the other that is disconcerting.
Registered user since 1996

Re: question on staff sizes

Reply #13
Amen, Rick.