Re: Lines and controllable slurs - a suggestion/request
Reply #9 –
G'day Rick,
Umm, what I had in mind was a relatively simple line... Not very unlike a staff line. Set a couple of points and "join the dots". This way no matter what happens in the staff, no matter how many bars are added or deleted, the line still "joins the dots". Not terribly unlike the way a slur or tie works now... Those lines are rendered from one horizontal position to another, they just happen to be anchored to notes rather than points. I'm certainly not suggesting a glyph...
Be nice to add "off curve" points to enable some curvature control - same code may be able to be applied to slurs to help overcome some of the limitations that have frustrated us there... Just as "end point" "handles" on slurs would allow for start and finish positioning.
Don't see any need for a MIDI event to be associated to it at all... Nor any kind of durational reality. E.G. Note stems and bar lines don't have duration.
For you to raise some of the points you have makes me feel I must have missed something, do you see some possibilities that have escaped me?
System breaks are still a challenge, but perhaps this "manual curve" can overcome the automation limitations we currently have...
Certainly it should wrap if the end point is on the next system, and I would expect signature avoidance... However, if this doesn't work in the first iteration then at a system break we simply make 2 lines - one before and one after the system break - messy, will need reworking on occasion, but better than nothing...
Ahh, now there's an idea - what if a system "wrap" resulted in virtual end points that could be adjusted. These endpoints would move along the curve if the point at which the system wrapped moved - hmm... Maybe getting too complex here... Still, the thought of a controllable curve for slurs really appeals to me...
As for the gliss example - while I personally use the wavy style, I've seen 'em with straight lines too.
That's what I rather see this fixing... By giving greater control...